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Everything posted by cfm.international

  1. so for example, if i defaulted on a bank loan, had voted, lived somewhere, had a uk bank account, they would 1)blacklist the address, 2) ban me from any credit or anything for 6 years? what about if i paid it all off? would it still stay on file?? when i was abroad, i lived in about 6 different places- and they dont speak english at all, i was never in the phone book, voted or whatsover- and the uk credit agencys/banks have no jurisdiction in the country i was in..let alone come a knockin'....
  2. where are their cross reference files from? how do they cross referance, the banks, and storecards ?? who decides , what goes on your file? where is the data kept?? how do you get your file "cleaned up"? i lived abroad for 20 years-never worked or anything for that time in the uk, how can they suddenly create a file with my name on?? do they cross reference n.i.numbers?? cheers..
  3. yeah... i think i'll stay abroad for the next 20 or so years..i fancy somewhere nice and sunny...
  4. hi all, i need some advice how to get lowered/reduced /written off some nasty letters from moorcroft(argos card debt collectors) i feel definatly ripped off( i was pressurized into a argos store card) and after spending 56quid i now owe nearly 200, as the moorcroft robbers bang on 12 quid to just send me a letter. whats my best line of defense?? i live mostly abroad, and could i suppose go down the "deed poll" route, and forget them, how will this affect my credit rating?? can i sue them for abusive something or other??? cheers
  5. i cant find the start new thread tab... is summit wrong?? thanx
  6. hi , i m new to this forum, so please bear with me.. a question- i had an argos store card, but because of some small outstanding payments( btw, its for 45 quids worth of goods) i have had these moorcroft people sending me letters- like 12 quid just to send it etc, etc. the "fees" they, and interest argos have put on to my account stands at 156 quid.. basically i feel conned and harassed- 27 percent apr, 12 quid added on here and there willy nilly just to rip me off etc.. what can i do to get it to a reasonable level, get out of the contract( i was "pressure sold" the store card-) is there any way i can get it written off, or reduced, i would even prefer to return goods as new in original boxes, just to get them off my back. by the way, i live mostly abroad, where the letters come to etc. i have no real abode in the uk- should i just forget about them??? can i sue them for these rip off charges etc?????
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