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Everything posted by animation1

  1. I work in sales for a large business and have just won 2 out of 3 grievances raised against my manager, my question is simply that I've been off work now for 5 months due to the stress and strain of it all and have been paid my basic wage. I am just wondering whether i could push for loss of earnings as in my commission loss? I don't want to sound mercenary (though i'm sure as i work in sales sympathy for my plight may be some what diminished anyway.. ) but as i have essentially proven that the reason i have been off was due to my managers behaviour can i now have the power to go asking for average commission? regards.
  2. OK an update on this. Out of my 3 grievances 2 were upheld. 1st one was regards a letter sent to me whilst off with stress suggesting my manager could stop my pay. UPHELD 2nd one regards manager not supporting me whilst i "whistle blew" about malpractice in the work place"... not upheld. 3rd Manager drawing grave stones and skull and cross bones next to names of 2 colleges on suspension from work.. UPHELD So they have said that i am offered to have mediation with my manager and see if we can still work together. Advice i want is having won 2 of my grievances against my manager in reality how can work be with me once i return, for example if i returned and went to mediation with manager if i really felt uneasy or awkward could i say i need to move teams and would they have to listen? Or should i say no to working under my manager at all... do i hold some cards is basically what i'm asking or do i have to just bend back into place like nothing happened? cheers.
  3. Yes i hear what your saying, for me i just want to go back to how it was 2 years ago when i was loving going into work and being ear marked for management, so for one i never want to be managed by this guy again so a team move and i want so answers and acceptance that the things i was speaking out about were for the good of the business, i was whistle blowing on bad behaviors on the sales floor that were cheating the business, basically i know now full well how things went wrong in the banking sector, greed works in dangerous ways and i dont think all sales people should think its a good trait, which sadly some sales floor promote this behavior. Meeting today with union rep and manager to raise grievance.
  4. Well i have been in contact with a legal bod on employment law and they are pretty outraged by the letter stating they can stop my salary, they said its a case for harassment, also as i'm off with stress due to being victimised by this manager and basically getting bullied out of the job they said to go guns blazing with grievance etc etc. So i am, thanks for all the support from here. As an aside i give you an indication of this managers style, the 2 colleges of mine who are suspended from work, my manager they other week was sat by the board with all our names on and their names with crosses against them, then i looked and saw he was drawing little pictures of grave stones with RIP on them next to their names!! I said something about it and he just laughed it off and made some jokes about it then rubbed them off..... Theres more and more stuff that is aimed at victimizing me personally but thats not a way a manager should conduct themselves during a tough time at work where friends are being suspended.
  5. OK thanks for the advice, so regards the holiday then if my Dr's note covers me from 25th onwards over my holiday then its classed as sickness, thats fine then as Dr's note covers it anyway. Having checked my phone i logged stress leave on 25th July, he tried to call my phone 2 times on 1/08/13, then we spoke on the 08/08/13 regards the letter. So in reality he tried to call me 2 times and didnt get through to me...... Also he sent the letter recorded post to be signed for on the 7/08/13, the letter said "unless you call me by 2pm on 08/08/13 you will have your pay stopped till further notice" Now that's not giving me much chance is it, less than 24 hours! I really really cant believe this.
  6. Thank you for your reply, yes i have been off since 25th July, during that time i have spoken to manager regards sick note and also i left message on his phone as he didn't answer it a few times, i feel its not like i was off for months and he could get in contact and a simple check of my holiday record would of told him that i was possibly away and not able to even get to a phone! letter was from manager only, no mention of HR. Anyway i am making making official complaint and as i say its a long old story and this is the tip of iceberg but theres more...
  7. Thanks for the reply, yes i am going down the grievance route, also feel this has put me under more stress yet again due to this manager basically spent a weekend both stressed, nervous and just anxious about everything, not great considering my Dr advised me to take the break and after the holiday go back to work, but now i feel im actually feeling worse! Points are : Manager knew i was off with stress a did speak to him logged it with the absence line as first point of call as company policy requested no calls from manager via that (an option they give you) yet he kept trying to call me?? then tells me he can do gross misconduct and stop my pay (of which i'd already worked for anyway!!) Its not like i was AWOL, and even worse...i was on official holiday anyway all booked...if someone is on holiday do they HAVE to answer calls from work?? christ...im stressed..
  8. OK here goes long story short, i work for a big big international company and i am off on work related stress due to my manager and other goings on which i 'whistle blew' about, basically bit of background it was due to people doing things they shouldnt and cheating (i work in sales) which was affecting me and my targets and thus my livelyhood, i blew the whistle and since then i have been ostrasied and picked on and single out by my manager, things came to ahead with 3 suspensions withing my team of 9 people, and i had issues with sleepless nights head aches and went to Dr's and got signed off with stress. So then have holiday officially booked during being off with stress, so Dr says to go on holiday and relax away from work, so i do and in mean time despite logging my stress with absence line (its automated so no need to tak to manager) i when prompted said NO to the question 2do you want your manager to contact you about this absence", despite that he tried to call me but i missed all calls as my phone was shoved away for holiday, anyway i return from holiday to be met with a letter from manager saying words to the effect "not answering phone calls from manager even whislt off sick can result in gross misconduct, if you dont call manager by 8th august we shall stop your salary payment for the month" Can this actually be allowed? help..... sorry for ramble and any bad grammer, please go easy on me, very worried about this...
  9. Ok i've recived same letter recently, i own money from student loan i took out. I've done the statute barred letter and now to be honest the sacre tactics of filing bad credit against me is working... i'm tempted to pay it off just to be rid of it. Its the only dept i have and i have left it as i find SLC a bunch of t055ers to be frank. So i'm going to pay it off.....at any point will they 'give up' on this? Also i was told by a mortgage advisor that the main thing they look down apon is the CCJ's other defaults they pretty much dont take into account.:-|
  10. While back i posted saying that Bauchanon clerk and wells sent me a letter asking for payment of £4000 as they had been asked by Student loans to collect, i then sent off letter from here regarding the fact i didn't recognise said loan due to it being statute barred as it over 6 years ago...other day i recieved letter from student loans company just simply saying that my account had defaulted since Jan 2009 and the fee was £16, 'please call for help or advise'...So now what should i do? they dont even mention the £4000 quid, or mention B C & Wells, or mention the letter i sent?? next move? are they trying to get me to call them? please help!!
  11. letter makes like its on behalf of SLC. Its quite a sharp and to the point letter (obvioulsy) and i know these chaps have no morals but jsut before Christmas is a bit rubbish. I am considering paying the full ammout somehow as its the only debt i have. 4K is alot to give to someone without definate proof they are even being asked by SLC to get it, i mean how do i know its not some con? I want to know really if its worth not paying it? the last thing i want is hassel and going to court etc etc... help.
  12. Hello i have a student loan i took out in 1998-1999, i deaulted on it when i went to Australia for a year back in 2002, now suddenly after being forgotten about i get letter from Bauchanon clark and wells demanding i pay 4k to them........ i called them and some person said can i pay anything and i said i'd do 100 quid a month, now i come on here this great site and read about asking for CCA'S, any advise re student loans? thanks in advance.
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