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  1. Hi, I still haven't heard anything from either the mortgage company or Eversheds? The 2 letters were signed for on 24th April and I have received confirmation that they have confirmed to DWP that they have received the SMI form to be completed. I'm starting to get really concerned. Any advice would be great.
  2. Hi Ell-enn. I have just sent the letters off by recorded delivery. I wasn't able to send them out yesterday as I was still waiting on the letter from the Dr's. I have sent the letter, the Dr's letter, booking forms for both Neurosurgery and the Neurologists and the letter from DWP confirming my husband is on ESA and in the higher rate support group. I have also spoken to the rehabilitation department at the hospital where they provide my husbands physiotherapy and they will do a report for me as well. I don't know what else to do? I've double checked the letter from Eversheds and it states that they are applying for an eviction date to be set and the court will notify us direct of both the time and date of the eviction. Is there anyway I can get it halted before this stage? The only option they have given in the letter is full clearance of the arrears, which I am completely unable to do. Just as a side point, they are charging £54 as 'An Arrears Monitoring Fee' each month, but this does not seem to be added to the arrears, but the amount of the total mortgage. Thanks
  3. Hi Ell-enn, Thank you for taking the time to look over the letter and for your constructive ammendments. It's difficult to write letters like that, without sounding like you are either begging or waffling on, which is really what you want to do, so they understand what you are going through. I've made the changes and printed it out (in triplicate), but I'm just waiting on the letter from the Dr's. As soon as I have this, I'll post it out Recorded Delivery. I'll keep you updated with everything. Do I need to phone them, ask them to phone me - or just do everything in writing so it's documented? Thanks yet again!!
  4. Hi Ell-enn, I have just PM'd you a copy of the letter. Can you let me know your thoughts when you are able? Thank you.
  5. I'll have to dig out the mortgage statement to check, but I'll come back to you. thank you
  6. Do I send it to Eversheds, the mortgage company or both?
  7. Thanks Ell-enn. The lender is Mortgages 1 plc. I'll get together what I have and speak to DWP about where things are now. I only sent it to them last Wednesday, as it was the day after the 13 week 'can't claim' date. I've got stuff from his consultant that might help, but I'll speak to his Dr tomorrow about a letter, as I won't see the consultants until next month and they are notoriously slow at getting info out. If I do the letter tomorrow, can I forward it to you privately to check it? I'll have to do it about lunchtime as I don't want to agro ate work as they have been so good. Also, no one apart from me knows. The letter from them only arrived from then in Saturdays post. Part of me wonders whether DWP have already contacted them, which is why they are starting this again. I'll get it done asap
  8. Hi Ell-enn. Thanks for coming back to me. Yes, we thought we were doing so well getting it cleared an getting back on our feet and this happens last year. They haven't given us a date for eviction, just informed us that they are going for it again. I've been struggling to get everything paid and sometimes had to juggle. When I was only getting SSP because of him being in hospital and everything else happening, money was beyond tight. On the initial bleed he was airlifted to the bigger hospital in the next county, so it was a 3 hour round trip each day. Thank you for all of your responses. I feel very alone and I can't offer them anymore than we are already paying. It's a real struggle and we don't know how much of the Support In Mortgage payments will be?
  9. Hi, I really need so,e help and don't know where to turn. We have been sent a notice of eviction letter from Eversheds, over missed arrears payments, from a suspended eviction order in 2008. Sorry about too much info, but here is the story. The original court order was for a suspended eviction and we had to pay £100 on top of the mortgage amount, which we did. There were a couple of times we missed payments, but I negotiated with the lender to stop going back to court and increased the arrears payment to £250 a month. The arrears were close to £10k at time of judgement, but the last statement is £6600. This is because they charge us £85 a month as a mortgage arrears fee. My husband had a brain hemorrhage last year (June) and they found an additional aneurysm which they managed to coil in late September, but they could not touch the 1st one, due to its fragility. My husband lost his job due to the amount of time he was off work, which we are fighting for unfair dismissal. He was awarded ESA (contributions based), but we have now had this moved to income-based ESA and back dated, so that we now are able to claim Support In Mortgage (?) allowance. Ours is an interest only mortgage. This was sent off last week to DWP. I've had to take time off work, especially last year, as the affects of the bleed are similar to a stroke. The mortgage company did send an assesor / councilor to see if there was anything they could do to help and I explained the situation to him, it was him that let me know about the various schemes to help. I have a mortgage statement that shows the payments made and missed. I also admit that they were not alway made on time, but they were in the month they were supposed to be. The council have just helped make alterations to the house, so that it is easier for my husbands care and I can't lose my home. I've been doing everything I can and my work has now stabilised. My work have been brilliant, they have set me up at home with all I need, so that I can work from home when I need to, so now my money will go back to normal. Please help, I can't speak to my husband as he can't cope mentally. I have 2 young children and I have really reached the end of my tether, I don't know how much more I can take...
  10. :-)Hi Andy, Just to let you know, I have completed the N244 and attached a I&E form. I will take these to the court tomorrow. many thanks for your help. If I have any more problems, I'll be straight back on here asking for your help no doubt!
  11. Just checked the notice. Its to pay £1559.98 plus £177 costs forthwith. It was dated 12th September. I also have another letter that says it has been transferred to Bradford County Court for enforcement, dated from Northampton CC on 15th September. How do I fill the N245 in, is it quite straightforward? Thanks very much for the help!
  12. Hi, Sorry for the late reply, I was visiting my husband in hospital. The judgement has already been made, I dont know if it is a 'forthwith' one or not, would it be on the document? The original request to enter a defence / notification of proceedings (not sure what it was called) was sent back to Northampton by my neighbour, as it was delivered to her address. It came in the post on Monday if it helps? If my husband owes the money, then we'll have to pay it, but I can't pay in 1 lump sum, because of our current situation (mentioned in the 1st post). I would like the opportunity to pay by installments, if possible? I would have dealt with this at the time, had I recieved it, now I seem to be playing catch-up. After reading so many horror stories about the tactics of bailiffs, I dont want to be in that position as I have more stress than I can handle at the moment.
  13. Thank you, I don't klnow what to do, or how to go about asking for it to be set aside. Any help would be grateful!
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