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  1. Not true. The site I used 'confused.com' has the following text 'Any motor accidents or claims in the last 5 years? ' . No mention of 'regardless of fault'. It does have a little circle which if you click you get a pop up with some more info - but I would argue not clear as hardly the most engaging or enjoyable activity looking for insurance so I must have missed it :sigh: Anyway thats by the by, as answering it correctly reaches the same scenario of excess charges due to non-fault.
  2. Thanks for the link. So nothing can be done about this? How sad that such practice goes on with no rights for the 'innocent' consumer.
  3. Dear All Never been involved in an accident before.Last year car got hit by someone from behind.His insurance company dealt with everything. A courtesy car was provided and mine repaired. Renewal time came; Naturally went to comparison website confused.com . Got a cheaper quote.Provided no claims proof. Then got a letter week later advising regarding non-disclosed claim. I told them I wasnt aware I had to disclose such information as it was not my fault. They asked for total cost of claim (I have no idea!), phoned my previous insurer Admiral, they had no idea as they didnt deal with it (one of the customer agents even suggested that Admiral should not have mentioned the accident to my new insurer under data protection - Is this true? If yes what can I do about it?). Eventually my current insurer told me to make up a figure, rough estimate. Following which I got a letter threatning I owed an extra £50 and that I have to also in writing explain why I never disclosed in the first place. Can someone kindly please explain to me why my premiums go up even though it was absolutely no fault of my own? Will my premiums now continue to go up because of this incident for the next 5 years? How can I get the insurance company of the guy who crashed into me to pay this extra premium?Many thanks in advance.Iddy
  4. Renzokuken, thanks for your response. The machine is only 5 or so months old. I feel I have a case as I specifically told the agent on the phone that I needed my hard disk back. He said it would be ok. If he said it was not possible for it to be sent back I probably would have stopped the repair, paid for courier for laptop to be sent to me and then pulled out harddrive, backed it up and paid for courier to send it back to the workshop. But he didnt, he reassured me and now my data has been lost forever. It was total negligence on their part.
  5. Hi all I have just had the exact same thing happen to me i.e. lost all my data. It all started when the screen on my laptop suddenly went all fuzzy. Tech Guys took it in for repair. I called to chase after about a week and was told a new screen and hard disk was ordered. When hearing about the hard drive, I told the agent that I need my hard drive back and as the screen went without warning, I was not in a position to backup my data onto an external device before they came and took the laptop away. He said getting the drive sent back would not be a problem and he sent an email off requesting the old hard drive to be returned to the customer whilst I was on the phone with him. Yesterday to my horror, I came back from work in the evening to see the laptop with a new screen and a new clean hard drive, but no old hard disk. I phoned straight away and was told that I had to call back and speak to customer services the next day. I spoke to customer services today and they said it had been sent off to another company to be disposed of and there was no way I can get it back. I informed them that I spoke to someone who reassured me that I would get my hard drive back as he had sent an email to the engineers. They checked their records and acknowledged the conversation had took place and email sent but said they could only apologise. I told them that it wasnt acceptable as its caused me an awful lot of distress losing that data. I asked them to track it down but they said (probably just to get me off the phone) that they would double check by emailing the company but because they send this company thousands of hard disks a week, there is no way they would be able to track down my specific hard drive. I have not heard back since the call this morning. Surely there needs to be some redress for this? What can I do? Can anyone please advise?
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