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Everything posted by akwallhead

  1. Hi! I've been issued with a court date of 11 October and I have to file any documents on which I wish to rely 14 days in advance (27 September). I have a number of documents which I am considering including in my bundle but any advice would be greatly received. Aer there any documents I should definitely include? Thanks! Amy
  2. Hi! I've been issued with a court date of 11 October and I have to file any documents on which I wish to rely 14 days in advance (27 September). I have a number of documents which I am considering including in my bundle but any advice would be greatly received. Aer there any documents I should definitely include? Thanks! Amy
  3. Thanks for the reassurance - much appreciated! Will keep you posted on any developments. By the way, did you see on the BBC website that the OFT are now looking into overdraft charges. They ruled in April that any credit card charge over £12 is excessive and are now expected to do the same with overdraft charges. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/5323468.stm Be interesting to see what happens! Thanks again! Amy
  4. I've issued my claim against Barclays for just over £500 including costs and interest. I've lodged my AQ and now I've got a court date - AHHHH!! I know that there's only ever been one case of this sort that's made it to court but I'm nervous all the same. I've got plenty of experience of courts (I'm a paralegal, not a criminal!!) but I'm nervous all the same. I've read threads that have said about Barclays settling before the court date. Please could anyone tell me how soon they tend to settle - my court date is in less than three weeks. Any advice / words of comfort would be greatly appreciated Amy
  5. It sounds like you've got a Barclays Additions account. They tried to sell me one. If you cancel the account within three months they will refund any monthly fees you have paid. Hope this helps!
  6. Hi There! Firstly, I'd like to say good on you for taking it this far! I'm tettering on the edge of issuing court proceedings but haven't quite taken the plunge yet. From my experience (I used to issue small claims in the County Court) it sounds like a fairly standard defence. The defence wasn't drafted in response to your particular claim but is a precedent in which the relevant details are completed. Also the legalistic language is merely designed to throw you off course and scare you from continuing with the claim. It's a typical David and Goliath situation but don't be put off. I now work in a solicitors and see it all the time. Most companies don't want to end up in court so they pull out all the stops to avoid getting there. With regards the Allocation Questionnaire, I'm 99% certain that if you win (either by judgment or default) that you will be refunded this cost. Was the defence statement sent to you by Barclays or the court? If it was sent to you by Barclays then leave it a few days and you should receive a copy from the court. If you received it from the court, then contact the court directly (either in person or on the phone), quote the case number and request the defence be sent again. They have to comply. Hope this helps! Good luck
  7. That's brilliant - thank you! You are a very wise Bookworm! Guess what I'll be doing this weekend ....!
  8. Hi! I've been trying to claim back my bank charges from Barclays, which they refuse to do (can you believe that Barclays Bank disagree with the basic principles of English Contract law!!!). Anyway, I have sent several letters and received very unhelpful letters back and had one conversation with a very unhelpful egit in their "Customer Relations" Department (a joke in itseldf, I feel!). I'm getting quite annoyed as each letter I've sent has been replied to by a different person and as such feel that I don't know who I'm dealing with. The upshot of all this is that I've threatened to sue them and they've said go ahead. I understand all the legal stuff I'm training to be a solicitor and have worked in the court issuing claims such as these. The thing that is holding me back, however, is that I'm bothered that the judge my rule costs against me. This could run to thousands which I blatently haven't got (else I wouldn't have incurred bank charges in the first place!). Has anyone had any experience of proceedings with a bank or any advice to offer. Any words of wisdom willbe gratefully received. Thanks! Amy
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