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Everything posted by nieve

  1. do you know guys.. i really thought the courts were going to rule in our favour. i could cry, again. the banks are bullying gits who have no respect for anyone.. and got us into all this mess in the first place!!! then when they come to us to be bailed out!! we do!! has it changed the way they deal with us??? no!! it scares me to carry on... but really angers me if i stop. how long have i to think.,.. not long i take it??
  2. well guys... today had a letter from dg solicitors. quoting the test case and finishing up saying... that the only grounds i put forward have been dismissed and given that there are no other viable grounds of challange under the UTCRs(as the OFT has recoginished). The claim must fail and therefore invite the court to dismiss the claim. is this the end for me??????
  3. got mine yesterday too.. merry xmas.
  4. wow! like i said.. i cried yesterday... but today, new hope. thanks guys. following you all the way.
  5. well guys i could cry!! but reading... all is not lost eh. wot to do now....????
  6. Hi guys.. would just like to say. still keeping an eye on this site, and your doing a great job. it gives people hope.. and am passing on the site details to a freind of mine also in need of some good advice,.
  7. hi ya... not new to the forum.. (thread on the hsbc site) but new to this site. Problem with Kays catalogue a shop direct group. Now with Phoenix recoveries - Byan Carter solicitors On the 4th December 08 i wrote asking for signed copy of cca agreement No response received. On 12 February 09 i sent the template letter .. Account in Dispute. response.. March.. account on hold. 20th May.. letter from solicitors.. enclosing UNSIGNED credit agreement. 26th May.. I sent letter. Stateing that the documention sent was unsigned and still deny liability to the said debt, untill signed documentation sent.. the account is still in dispute and any legal action taken would be both unlawful and vexatious. Today received in post ccj claim. Could i please have some help in filing a defence. or do i try and get the claim struck out. if so some help please. There records show the account was opened 0n 30/01/1996. thanking you
  8. wow... i enjoyed that well a wee note for need sleep... i too would go straight to court.. forget the hardship.. they do not listen,, have a read of my thread and many others likewise. goin to court protects YOUR interests. thats what your after. The HSBC flouted all fsa guidelines with my account.. They just do not care. Taking it to court is a wee bit scary at first.. but eh if i can do it, so can you, and you will get alot of help from here. and mabe the sleep your after!!
  9. WOW.. did u see dispatches on channel 4 tonite. all about marlin ? mortimer clarke solicitors ? Heres me, sending letters to both Marlin and Mortimer.. only for them to end up on the desk next to each other, being oppend by Mark of Marlin aka Paul at Mortimer!! what a mug!! ... well no longer Just makes you even more mad. now instead of crying i will laugh back at them!! Like their song 'when the going gets tough the tough get going'.. well they got that one right. lets keep up the good fight.
  10. thats the one pete, just a wee bit complicated, but eh thats the hsbc for you. i'll call the court. i'll let u know. thanks guys
  11. hi guys... i have a question. remember hsbc passed my account on to marlin.. even though it was in dispute long before. Well according to the nat debt help line it is marlin i owe the money to. they still have this ccj hanging over me since december, but have not gone for judgement, im defending on the bank charges claim, and they have not replied to my letters as to their intentions. my claim is stayed at court with the hsbc for the bank account charges. can i make an offer to marlin and still take hsbc to court for charges???? and is it right that the ccj can just 'sit there' against me just waiting for them to ask for judgement 6 months down the line?? thaks guys
  12. well hi guys. heard from the court.. the claims been stayed pending the outcome. does that mean i still have to send them paperwork.. like statements etc?? or do i now just wait for the outcome??
  13. well guys.. all done n posted when i send my paperwork. do i just send it to hsbc solicitors or do i need to send it to the court as well??
  14. thanks laterlaus those 2 links were great. real easy to follow
  15. guys.. do i really need all of the pages!! good god its gonna cost as much in ink.. i hate the hsbc.. i hate the hsbc!!
  16. hi guys... only me. filed my claim and hsbc have filed their defence. i now have to put my allocation questionaire in by 8 may.. any help ???
  17. thanks guys.. did have the right template on favorites and yes have served the paper to the right address. speak soon. xxx
  18. hi guys.. its me...... update fsa say they cant really help because its at the court stage, and they do not get involved then. but they did say hsbc have broken no laws in passing the account to third party ie marlin. even though its against the guide lines. they said try trading standards, so i did, they were helpfull too but said the same, and said try national debt helpline ref cc claims. they say. yes i do owe the debt to marlin, with me defending with the charges as the reason.. it would be like me taking them to court like the oft at the mo. i know you pete and johnny might relish it, but i dont,.. unless i have a good court buddy!! so guys, all says its hsbc i take to court, which i need to to protect my six year time limit, so which hsbc address do i put on the claim form, i think i have a link saved for the wording on the claim form but if you have it handy!! thanks guys Ps have not heard from marlin yet....
  19. yeah that one!! havent been able to get on the phone yet, babes have been home from nursery with the snow.. you cant get talking with littleones around. Will do tues. hi ya tracey, borrow my thread anytime honey, but do start your own, then none of your info can get lost. and you can get the best advice.
  20. thanks pete.. your nearly right... remember this is the one in joint names... the ex and me, hubby got the judgement by default, i put in a defence, nameing disputing bank charges. no judgement has been made on me.. have written to the court asking for judgement on me to be struck out, enclosing all copies of correspondance to hsbc and marlin. havent had a reply from the court. havent had a reply from marlin. hsbc say 'no'
  21. hi tracey.. like i say hsbc are a law of their own, i too was with cccs but was only paying token payments. they passed my account to marlin and now im in court!! ive had no luck with them. i would just go ahead an d take them to court for the charges,.. seems thats the only way forward.
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