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Everything posted by molly153

  1. Thank you. A strongly worded letter is heading out tomorrow. I've also raised a complaint to the credit reference agencies. Ill update progress on here as I can see others are also experiencing the same
  2. Ok thank you I will do that. I'm furious that these people are able to just re age defaults and falsely add items to my credit file. It's abhorrent behaviour and very damaging!
  3. Hi. It was so long ago that the debt came off my file I'm not sure how I'd prove it? Could I SAR barclaycard? Is that likely to evidence that the account defaulted in 2001 originally? How do I complain to the ICO? Many thanks x
  4. I've just checked my credit file to discover that this company have added an old barclaycard debt to my credit file!! This debt defaulted in 2001 and came off my file in 2006 and now it's back on there with a default date of last January!!!! According to my credit file its not due to be removed until jan 2019!! Can they even do that? Is it legal?? Any help greatly appreciated
  5. Shall I scan a copy of the FOS questionnaire and upload it?
  6. Thank you for that. So what is the next step with Amex and the PPI? It wasn't an online application - it was a paper one (just to clarify) the box is ticked (with pen) but I don't remember ticking it - conjecture BUT the tick is different to the other ticks on the form (like the one for my title for example) which what makes me think it was ticked after I posted the application form off (but like I say - I can't prove this) What do I need to do? Refer it to the OBUSMAN? I have read on the forums that Cabot can be aggressive DCA. Should I completely ignore them and hope that they give up? or should I write to them (I feel this will only serve to confirm that they hold the right details for me!)
  7. Can anyone offer some advice/guidance..... I recently sent an SAR to American express and discovered that I had PPI on the account from 1998 to 2001 (when the account was ceased due to financial difficulites) It was a postal application form and the box for ppi was ticked (I don't recall ticking it but may have done) American express have declined my request for the return of ppi saying there is no evidence that it was missold as it was not a requirement of the credit card. I then received a letter from them and cabot (deed of assignment) to say that they have sold the debt to Cabot (balance is £1400) I was paying a third party debt collector for this debt up until a few years ago when payments stopped and no one chased me for it - it is off my credit file as it defaulted in 2002 Question 1 - are they right in what they say about the PPI or should I take this to the next stage? if so on what basis? Question 2 - Can Cabot have this debt put back on my credit file? Question 3 - should I make an offer of repayment to cabot or wait unitl the PPI refund option has been exhausted? ALSO - Another of my debts (creation financial services) has also been sold to cabot (deed of assignment received this week) I don't consider I owe them any money (balance is £1000) but the original debt was £751 and escalated with charges to £2,000 which i sucessfully challenged and got the PPI refunded to reduce balace to £1000 however over the last 10 years I have made repayments of £800 so I think the remaining balance is just charges that have been added. Just to note I have not acknowledged cabot - I have been ignoring the phone and not responded to letters until I get some advice hopefully from this site......
  8. Can any one advise on this? I've completed an income and expenditure sheet and there is literally no spare money to pay in to this and pay the essential bills. No home. We have moderate vehicles in tems of value (approx £1000 each) are dfd likely to bankrupt us? What purpose would it serve?
  9. My other half entered into an iva in 2007. He is self employed and we've struggled to make payments. Initially the repayments were 600 a month then two years in reduced to £351 a month but we've struggled with that. The iva has been extended and extended and is now due to finish in November however the payments are crippling us and after 72 months and £31000 repaid I'm wondering if there are any options available to us to end this rather than it be a 7 year iva. We rent and have no savings. We should have gone bankrupt 6 years ago but this is something we want to avoid now. Any advice gratefully received
  10. Hi sorry for delayed response, been away. No nothing from them, they are swines to deal with, when i was trying to cancel the ppi they said they had no record of my request and even when I was paying them via a dmp they still applied the ppi so surely its obvious I didn't want it. In the end I had to tell them that I would cease all payments if they didn't remove it and they gave me the address of the provider to write to which I did if i remember rightly. Now my debt is double its original size because of the ppi and i have been making payments on it for 5 years or more! Crazy and illegal I am sure!
  11. Quick advice needed, I wrote to the suppliers last week as their latest statement showed a discrepency in the amount owed compared to the solicitors letter sent in December, the final payment was due to be paid next week. I requested that they send me an up to date statement detailing the balance owed and explain the discrepency. They have written back to me today saying that the additional amount (that I couldn't account for) is £166.84 for the solicitors interest/charges!! Is this legal. Surely if they decide to get a solicitor to send a letter chasing us for payment without warning us that this will happen then the costs incurred are there own? And why would we owe the solicitors interest, our account isn't with them. There has been no interest mentioned before and no letter to say that interest will be added. I am of the opinion that we do not need to pay £166.84 for a letter from a solicitor when we weren't even asked to settle the account before their letter landed on our mat! Can anyone help with where I stand on this?
  12. great, i will get that done tomorrow and send it off. Be interesting to see if they comply
  13. Thanks guys Well I think that it was about 18 months ago I sent off the cca request. I have a feeling they cashed the cheque and never sent the info. I had a bit of a family situation and never got round to chasing it all up hence this letter has prompted me into action again. I will send a SAR tomorrow recorded delivery. When i tried to cancel the ppi I phoned and wrote to them several times, several of which were faxed, I don't have the copies anymore though I don't think. I will look through my paperwork
  14. Hi can anyone help with my enquiry? I want to challenge them on the insurance that they added to the account and I need to get in touch with them in the next few days before they start adding interest on to the account. Thanks in advance!
  15. Thanks for that. I did send a cca ages ago but not sure I ever got a response or not. Other things took over and i never had the chance to chase it up. Shall I send them a new request?
  16. we paid the first amount in December. They didn't take it to court but have been on the phone twice a week asking why we are no longer using them and offering us 'discounts' to go back. It would seem the owner just made a decision to pass all the overdue accounts to a solicitors before christmas, much to his detriment as all these people have now stopped using them. If they had just asked we would have paid it anyway and continued to use them, now they are worse off due to their own heavy handedness! thanks for the advice at the time. great help
  17. I have a DMP with the cccs which has been in place for years (its quite a high debt so going to take a while to pay off) I have had a letter today from creation (one of the creditors) saying that my temporary repayment arrangement has come to an end (temporary being the last 5 years) and that the interest is now going to be applied nad the min monthly payment needs to be met starting from my next statement! Before I had a DMP with the cccs I had one with a company that charged for it (in my ignorance) and the whole time this was in place (2 years) the ppi was added to the account despite me asking repeatedly for it to be removed (hardly need payment protection when the account is in arrears and I need help to pay it back) eventually they cancelled it but only after my account balance had doubled so instead of owing them £800 I owed them nearly £2k! I have read that these things can now be challenged, what is the best way to go about this, is there much chance I can have the ppi amounts removed? Thanks for your help in advance
  18. Thanks guys that is what I feared. It seems that unless you pay by cc there is no back up for us consumers what so ever, it doesn't seem right
  19. Advice needed please! I have booked a hotel for a private function later this year and I have just seen from their website that they have gone into administration. I am worried as I paid them a £250 depoist (by cheque) and now don't know if they are even going to be open. I gather they are trying to sell the hotel as a going concern but with the current economic situation I am sceptical. I still really want to go ahead with the function and I am considering whether or not I should look to secure another hotel before they get bookings and I am left without a location to hold this event. Does anyone know my rights as a consumer, would I be able to ask for my deposit back?
  20. Oh thats interesting thanks Baileyboy. I am not too familiar with how the banks operate as we are sole traders, never had an overdraft on the account, in fact the only credit we have had to do with the business is this blasted suppliers account which we have now kicked into touch. I never thought that the bank would call in the overdraft but that would make perfect sense! Oh well I guess we have to see if they accept what we are offering, i don't really see they have a choice. If it goes to court it will take them longer to get their money
  21. Yes we have done that now. I am estimating that we spend around 3 to 4k a month with them normally so hopefully that will hit them hard. i am also guessing that we are not the only customers they have decided to upset so hopefully if they do the same then they will learn that communication is better than immediate recovery, what irritates me the most now is that if they had said to us that we needed to make a large payment because the balance was high we would have done so straight away, theres never been any question that the money was owed and despite times being difficult my husband is still booked solid (clearly as we would not be spending as much as we are with them on a monthly basis!) I wonder if they are going under themselves. When my husband phoned to speak to the lady in the accounts she said she would have to speak to the bank and see what payment they would accept by christmas, there is no bank that runs the finance on this trade account it is jsut provided by the supplier so my thoughts were that they were in financial difficulty?
  22. Hi Posting this on behalf of my mum. She works part time for a company in our area. She has worked there for 15 years, she was full time up until about three years ago when she decided to go into a job share with another lady in her office. She was doing 3 days one week and 2 the next so basically 5 days a fortnight. The lady she was job sharing with left shortly afterwards and my mum was told she was able to remain part time. They took on someone else full time who basically took over from her role and she was covering other peoples holiday and filing on the days she was in. Over time it was agreed that her boss would just ring her when they needed cover so some weeks she would work full time and others she wouldn't go in at all. She didn't mind as it gave her quite a bit of flexibility. After a while she realised that she wasn't going to have done enough days to fulfill her quota (she was paid the same every month regardless if she had done full time/part time or nothing) as she was contracted to complete a certain amount of days over the year. She spoke to her line manager who said that she didn't need to worry as she wouldn't be expected to carry the days over to the following financial year. This has gone on for the last two years. They have now employed a new personnell manager who called her in last week to discuss her role. They have now told her that she owes them an additional 60 days and has to work 3 days per week between now and October next year to make up the lost days and to fulfill this years days! They have said that if she doesn't want to do that then she can be made redundant and they can offer her £3500. She doesn't want to take the redundancy but equally she doesn't see why she should have to repay those days when (A) she was told that she wouldn't have too (she has been available to work they just haven't requested her) and (B) it means working for the next 9 months or so without any holiday (they have already deducted this from the days she owes them. My opinion is that she had a verbal contract with them that she would not have to repay these days back and therefore should not be penalised for there failing to utilise her services, I mean if she hadn't taken her full quota of holiday for the last two years would she be able to claim it from them ? Not likely so surely the same applies to them. I think they don't really have a job for her anymore and this is a form of constructive dismissal. If she calls their bluff and says she will go back 3 days a week can they make her redundant regardless and can they make her work the additional days from the last few years?? Bit long winded but anyone with any thoughts would be welcome.
  23. I sent a letter today first class recorded delivery with our offer of repayment. Hopefully they will have the sense to accept our proposal. Presumably it would take at least a month to go to court anyway would it not?
  24. There are some amounts that are over 90 days outstanding. we do not dispute that this money is owed. I have sent them a letter today offering £1500 by Monday and a further £1500 by 22nd Jan and the balance by 22nd Feb which I feel is reasonable considering the sudden decision to call in the amount owed. I must add though that although there is around £1000 that is over 90 days overdue they have not once asked us to repay that amount as we pay them amounts every week, only last week they were offering to add new purchases on to the account and now they are taking us to court!! I wondered if they are experiencing difficulties adn are trying to pull as much money in as poss but my husband seems to think they are doing ok? i don't see what good taking us to court would do them really as we are offering to pay them in full within two months so what is it going to acheive other than us taking our future business elsewhere!
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