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Everything posted by pandoradeus

  1. After a flurry of letters, CCI legal asked for a breakdown of my husbands income/outgoing which showed him as having nothing left in his account at the end of the month, we heard no more from CCI legal. TWO years later, we get a letter saying that their clients are getting very concerned that the bill hasn't been paid and please contact blah blah. Any ideas what to do now? Do we tell them to prove it or just ignore? thanks for reading
  2. were you paying the lombard account via a CCJ or did Arden get the CCJ?
  3. I haven't checked the older debt with CCA, buried my head a bit when the debts got out of control I will pass this on to GP but its odd that the company hasn't said where the debt has come from. As I said, I presume its Lombard purely due the amount, but not absolutely sure
  4. Wonder if anyone can help? I've been using a management company for years, Gregory Pennington, and they sort out my creditors etc, les me sleep at night although the debts take forever to go. Ive just received a rather aggresive letter from Arden Credit Management for a debt balance of £19, 732.45. I have no idea who they are, I suspect they have bought the loan from Lombard (purely because of the amount owed) who have been getting payment from GP. Not heard from Lombard to say they were passing the debt on. Can I tell them to sod off or do I have to keep paying? The debt is way over 6 year old but I understand that as I have been paying, the 6 years hasn't actually started? is that right? any comments gratefully recieved - even if it is to tell me that I was a daft mare to get a Lombard loan to start with!
  5. hi there, you can either join a nursing agency or join NHS professionals - not all hospitals have their own bank nurses, some go to NHSP, depends on where you live good luck!
  6. Miselle, sod omplaining to the practice manager, make a formal complaint to the NMC, the nurses & midwives governing body, part of her code of conduct is to The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives The people in your care must be able to trust you with their health and wellbeing. To justify that trust, you must make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity work with others to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of those in your care, their families and carers, and the wider community provide a high standard of practice and care at all times be open and honest, act with integrity and uphold the reputation of your profession Make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity. Treat people as individuals You must treat people as individuals and respect their dignity You must not discriminate in any way against those in your care You must treat people kindly and considerately You must act as an advocate for those in your care, helping them to access relevant health and social care, information and support ther is more but you get the idea and the NMC have to investigate complaints and if she is as appalling as she sounds, she shouldn't be in the job good luck
  7. Had a policy with warranty direct and missed a payment due to unforeseen circumstances - got a very snotty letter from them insisting we pay the full amount outstanding as due to the small print, we had made a claim on the policy and therefore liable for the full amount. The claim made, consisted of my husband phoning them and asking if the exhaust system on the car was covered by the policy as he had mislaid the booklet, this apparently constitutes a claim. It isn't covered under the policy we had. Phoned them and told them that they were ridiculous and we wouldn't be paying any more money to them Lo and behold, got a registered letter form them insisting we pay the outstanding amount left on the policy - phoned again, went through the whole claim/query reigmarole and were told that if we reinstated our DD and paid them £170, no more would be said. However, due to Christmas, didn't pay them £170, got a letter today from them sayin they have reinstated the DD and also, got a letter from a DCA demanding £399 on behalf of Warranty Direct Naturally have immediately cancelled DD I haven't contacted them DCA - not entirely sure what to do as it was an online aplication Help!
  8. Hi everyone - I'm so glad I've found this group - hopefully I can find some useful advice but if not - its an interesting and useful site to know about Here goes........ My husband worked as a community nurse and had a lease car. At the enbd of the lease contract he was going to renew it but the monthly charges had trebled, they can have the car back and use my own. Only to get presented with a bitll of over £3000 for underused business mileage. It appears that whilst he was working, the area he covered was reconfigured and made smaller, so from driving 30 miles a day, he did less than 7. He informed the lease dept by email (they have no record or that or any subsequent phone calls He was also off sick for 6 months towards the end of the lease period and thus did not use any business mileage and his manager refused to write off the debt (lets not go there) as 'no other nurses were affected', well they would have been as all the areas changed and all the lease prices would have gone up - its now gone to CCI Legal, who are asking for an income and expenditure form so they can work out a 'suitable' repayment rate for him. And in bold type are the gems, we may have to seek our clients authority to issue legal proceedings forthwith He's managed to hold them at bay for a year, due to contesting the amount but getting nowhere fast Any ideas?
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