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  1. The one I have most recently received says: "It is a legal requirement to send notice of an intention to make a Civil Claim before that claim is issued. This letter fulfils that requirement and has been sent to you at the last address we hold for you." This is your final chance to prevent Litigation being commenced against you: if you ignore this warning the proceedings may commence and Judgement will be sought. The cost relating to such Litigation will be added to the claimed, together with interest at the statutory rate of 8%. If Judgement is obtained and an order for repayment in full is granted but remains unpaid, the enforcement of that Judgement against you may be sought by any or all of the following procedures: - Warrant of Execution by Bailiff or Sheriff against goods or assets owned by you either soley or with another(s). - Application for an Attachment of Earnings upon your employer. - Attendance in Court to be Orally Examined as to your means and assets. - Application for a charge upon Property, Insurance Policies, and Pension Funds etc. which may be owned solely or with others. Cheques or Postal Orders should be made payable to our above named client with your reference ****** and PCN ******** printed on the reverse and sent to the above address. Yours Sincerely, Merlyn Smith"
  2. That's the one! Just received my second ControlAccount letter saying its my "final chance to prevent Litigation being commenced" against me. /me files and ignores.
  3. Thanks DDWales! I will do that! Although it sounds like a different styled letter to yours though!
  4. Hi guys, I have just received my second letter, the first one being from ECP and this second one being from Controlaccount. Now I know i am meant to ignore the ECP letters, but should I ignore the controlaccount one or send one back saying its in dispute? Thanks!
  5. Hi guys, thanks for a good long read in this thread! I managed to find this place by searching in google. 3 days ago I was issued a parking ticket from ECP for £50 (or £70 if not paid within 14 days) for overstaying in a car park which I genuinely didn't know had a limit! After having got the ticket I looked around and there were signs saying about a limit, but they were a little vague but noticable. Anyway thanks to this thread I am not going to pay the charge and I know exactly what to expect! I think I will choose to ignore the letters completely rather than sending them replies. I will keep you posted guys! Thanks Alan
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