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Everything posted by damorr

  1. No probs, if you read back i accepted the £300, my posts since were after i got asked if i was happy with the outcome, to which i answered "no". If it wasnt Christmas time i would have fought harder. As of renzouken, I think his whole tone was very harsh right from his first post, so sometime you reap what you sow. I accept that he is a good poster but that doesnt mean you cant be offensive or appear arrogant. Any way MERRY XMAS renzouken and everyone else.
  2. I take the good advice not from dim witted salesmen with small man syndrome. I have accepted the £300, all i was saying is i feel well and truly shafted. I dont give anyone a bad name, I was mis sold a TV by a jumped up little jerk of a salesman, who told me lies. So tell me where was i wrong in all this ? Chris did the discription state it was anything else, I suggest you read the post from the start again. Such a friendly place this isnt it. I say again you can certainly spot the salesmen on here cant you.
  3. You can certainly tell who the store salesmen are on this forum
  4. Renzo I was Ripped off. I was sold a hdtv 1080i which breaches the regs on at least 3 counts. It was a known issue, but they chose to keep it quiet, I dont think you understand i bought that TV with the sole intention that i could get sky hd when i was ready without having to re buy. Oh i get to keep the TV as well, so what ? what the hell am i going to do with it, where am i going to put it ? I now have to re-buy, it is not about the money , in fact i am going to buy a pioneer 5090 Kuro. I just dont like getting ripped off , maybe you do
  5. My TV was 47 in not 32, I dont know where you got that from. How can i get better than the best which i thought i was buying, so i didnt have to buy again. They ripped me off good and simple, they broke the rules not me. I got sky installed so i could watch HD on 47 in HD tv. Why did i pay the extra for sky HD ? because i was told my tv would accept all forms of HD when they sold it to me. I repeat my TV cost me £1000 and was 47 in. What you are saying is it is alright to rip people off. My motto is 100% integrity in everything you do, dont charge for something you dont provide, or else give a full refund. How does £300 possibly help me, I thought my TV would last me 8 years not 3, or else i would of paid £300 at the time.
  6. I used my vouchers for a present, but hear my story. I bought an hd tv so i could be future proof, 3 years later i decide i want sky hd , i i subscribe , then i waste my money as sky hd is no good on my tv , for sky hd to work on a 47 in tv i hvae to pay £700 min , I get £ 300 back is that good , no , i still have to find another £400 for it to work . What if i dont have another £400 ?
  7. I would of noticed in a week if i tried to get a hdmi lead to go in it. Maybe i am not most people. The regulations are there for a reason.
  8. It was A £1000 tv i bought with the intention of being future proof so i didnt have to buy again when new technology came out. If i have to spend another £1000 I might as well have bought a £1700 TV in the first place. No matter how people put it i feel conned, if you buy a car and it was sold as a 3.0 ltre v6, then after 3 years when you lifted the bonnet it only had a 1.6 pinto engine you would feel well and truly shafted, no matter how long you had owned it
  9. No I am not happy. I would fight for all my money back but dont really know where i stand legally, even though they have sent me vouchers, I havent accepted anything. What would you do ? I thought i bought an HD TV but in reality it doesnt do what it says on the tin, i still feel ripped off.
  10. Yes it has been done I got £300 in vouchers through the door this morning
  11. Hi The make is a Samsung sp43w6hLx. HDready 1080i Do Panasonic have the better screens, some of them look really naff
  12. I want to spend about £1000 on at least a 42 in, i will research the best picture etc, and now i know more about HD it should stand me in good stead.
  13. I have just got off the phone, and i have been offered £300 towards a new TV. Is that a fair offer
  14. Ok maybe not miss-sold, but "not as described", I think that is nit picking, i cant see much difference. Also I dont beleive for 1 minute the manufacturers didnt know in the september about the regs when they were wrote 9 months previous. I think it was a case of shhhh, lets just get rid of these pre marked 1080i sets then just act on the comebacks.
  15. pps It was £1000 of my money, I have a right to be upset !!!!!!!!!!! Now go away and annoy someone else !!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I find you rather offensive too. Its OK when you want the sales figures and wait for us poor unfortunates to come in who dont have a clue.
  17. Maybe the detail wasnt clear. I bought a TV with the sole intention that it would receive HD and would not go out of date quickly, i paid about £1000 for the TV buying the best i could afford, the salesman convinced me that because it was 1080 i and not 720p it was the best i could buy. My TV is an HDTV ready 1080i, so it says on the front of my TV, But in order to have that particular 1080i logo, it should satisfy the follwing. it must have at least an HDMI or an AV1 socket, mine has neither. Also it must be capable of handling 50hz and 60hz mine is only 50hz Also it should produce a picture at 1920x1080 interlaced at 50 & 60hz, mine is only capable of 1280x720@ 50 hz I went in currys to explain , but they just smiled politely and looked at me like i was an alien, hence my letter above. I would still call it mis-sold as they should know their own products, if not they shouldnt be selling them.
  18. They sympathised but said i would have to write to head office which i did. I was mis-sold, if i was selling something then it is my job to know what i am on about. I bought a TV to display an HD picture which it in fact cannot, therefor not fit for purpose and therefor mis-sold. Under section 14.3 which state clearly the goods should be fit for the purpose made known to the seller and in which they were sold and Section 13 also states that goods must correspond to the description. They agreed on the phone today, when they called me back to say, there was a few known issues with that particular TV.
  19. Right ok, Firstly I removed the subject line to post here, obviously secondly , I was mis sold , i got told off the salesman it was future proof and he seamed to take delight in showing off his sales skills Thirdly , yes i spoke to the store, they didnt want to know. And Your closing statement. I just recieved a phone call, where they tried to blind me with science, but i blinded them, and now they are going to phone me with an offer tommorrow when they get clearance off someone who had just left the building. I will let you know the outcome tommorrow.
  20. Hi all I think i was mis sold an hdtv, just sent this email to currys, what do you think of my chances Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing in regards to a television I purchased from you approximately 3 years ago. I recently discovered there is a major fault with the television, that has been there since purchase. I discovered my tv cannot get a signal through a HD sky box, I recently purcahsed, and an XBOX 360 , it would not display the picture in HD display mode using the HD cable supplied. I then discover that the television is not compatible with the XBOX 360 in HD mode and we were miss-sold the product under the Sales of Goods Act 1979 (Amended). Under section 14.3 which state clearly the goods should be fit for the purpose made known to the seller and in which they were sold and Section 13 also states that goods must correspond to the description. The television clearly states it is HD ready and 1080dpi. “HD-Ready” and is defined as being able for use with HD components 'out of the box', whereas HD-Compatible is defined as able for use with certain HD components in which case I would understand if it would not work. An HD ready TV must have HDMI or DVI connectivity in order to accept a digital signal from the HD receiving equipment, as well as an analogue Component (YpbPr) connection. It must also be able to handle the 720 or 1080 line formats. However the television will not work in 60 Hz 720dpi or 1080dpi and therefore we are unable to play on the XBOX in HD mode. I have also been told it would now play a PS3 or blueray player which I was about to purchase. This product clearly does not meet the standards under EICTA Regulations and its HD logo in which it was sold as HDTV must accept 50hz/60hz@720p/1080i to meet these regulations. At the time of purchase I was informed it was compatible with future HD products inline with forthcoming technology and the Governments Digital transmissions etc. I believe your company has been aware of this problem for some time having read about numerous complaints regards the said problem on the internet and also having spoke to Samsung, they informed me they made retailers aware of the problem and hence stopped supplying the product. They advised me to get in touch with you to replace the product. I therefore look forward to a speedy and satisfactory resolution to this problem. However if this matter is not resolved quickly and amicably between ourselves then I feel I will have no alternative than to contact Trading Standards and Watchdog Consumer Action.
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