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  1. Hi folks, first post here sobe gentle, good and kind. Had to make my first ever insurance claim on November the 7th, camper went on fire, engine bay, which looks melted to me. The assessor turned up on November the 19th spent a good 4 and a half minutes with the vehicle ( suit and tie, the works, didnt even dirty has hands) and said he would make his report. No word from the insurance company (KGM) so I called on tuesday the 9th of December, at least an hour on the phone waiting by the way. The chap on the phone advised that the report indicated 1040 cash in lieu, also told me that he had the report from the assessor on the 26th of November so I couldnt understand why no correspondence. I challenged this young chaps figures and he done some recalculation and came up with 1800 pounds. I asked for this to be confirmed in writing, indicated clearly i would not be accepting this offer and asked for a copy of the engineers report all of which he agreed he would forward. In his favour he did send confirmation of the offer, signed dated etc with a contact name. However no sign of report. I called again on Friday the 12th of december to ask for the report only to be spoken to in a quite rude manner and basically be questioned about why i was calling again. On Saturday the 13th of december recieved another letter, same dept, same ref number, same contact name but less than half the original 1800 amount in my first confirmation letter. Can someone advise here, any help appreciated. Can I send my vehicle for an independent assessment with a garage that specialises in this vehicle VW CAMPER. Do I have to use their garages if they go the repair route as it is a specialist vehicle (by the insurers own admission, parts are difficult to source Can i get a hire car rather am I entitled to a hire vehicle I am sure there are many other things i need to ask but will save them for later By the way insured fully comp Great site. some incredible info Thanks
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