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  1. Glad it has helped you. My case is now with a solicitor and has now got to the stage that we are asking the courts for case management as the claimant is bringing more and more into the claim and their claim is a bloody Joke to say the least but is also very dangerous due to the lies, including having fake witnesses and money that they have behind them to throw at a case based on bitterness and wanting revenge. Where this will end I dont know....good or bad I think it will depend on the judge and if he can see what this claim is really based on.
  2. Thank you PT. I am not going to get into a heated discussion on here with regard to whats been advise but i suggest that peeps do read back on what they have advised and not simply deny that they have not. DD you have advise me all along and for that I am gratefull to you and everyone but to say you have not advised me not to deny owing the money is wrong please read back all your posts including the defence you wrote me and other letters to send in. Debs you are correct i did like many people come here for advise because i am not entitled to legal aid because of equity in my property but i also like many others cant afford a solicitor so feeling very vunerable and in unknown territory I took the advise from others on here. It seems to me that People on here who have advised my to speak to a solicitor for proffessional advise on this case do now not like being told that maybe that their advise might be wrong or out of date because like you said YOU are not experts so in that case if some thing is brought to everyones attention that maybe advise given may be incorrect and might cost the person who is being advised a huge sum of money then it should be taken seriously and not accuse that person of lashing out because at the end of the day if they lose their case the people who have advised are not the ones who will bare the loss . I have brought this to everyones attention to help others in the future as the solicitor who has advised me is a very well respected in civil litigation
  3. Yes I have denied being paid 21,000 as i was advised all along...as with my defence it has been denied i had 23,000 but neither does it admit that i recieved 21,000 which is where i will as advised by a solicitor i will become unstuck as when you enter a defence it should be what you deny and what you admit so then i would only have been fighting part of the claim which is incorrect and might have had costs. Regards Indi
  4. What I am trying to point out here BD is not accusing anyone of anything but to make a point that people seeking advise on here or any other forum should be very aware of the advise that they are being given even if it is with real convicition. Is to take it at face value and not as i have done which has resulted in big errors with regards to my responces and defence that was sent to court which in turn will probably ... not for definate i might add lose me what chance i might have had of defended it without running into huge costs. Regards Indi
  5. No but there has been some bad advise given and the fact is by denying everything that is owed even though there is money owing the court will not award me costs because the claim will be part won by the claiment. My defence should have been that i did recieve 21,000 and there is 2,500 owing but deny the amount claimed and then if i had of won that part i denied imight have been awarded costs but as it stands now even if she can not produce evidence of 23,000 being paid in it will still show a balance owing to her which i will most probable get stung for her and my costs because the claim has been totally denied. and defended as such. Indi
  6. No BD But basically my defence and denial of owing any money what so ever was not the best move because I clearly have
  7. Been advised i should have made a part 36 offer because now I am unlikely to be awarded costs at all because of admitting that i owe part of the money. so I am going to get stung for my costs and hers if she part wins which is highly likely.
  8. I will check again. how to ask the court for her to comply? what order? should I not wait untill the disclosure of documents has happened as they should be in there?
  9. Thanks guys. Bd i hit your star lol. I have e mailed PT's work to see if he can contact me so if anyone see's him can you let him know just in case it misses him for some reason. I know i have a strong case but the person in question is nasty and has no sence of reason.
  10. The solicitors have put in the aq a sum of £5000 for now. Does anyone have PT contact or could anyone get him to contact me. as i have to have my documents in by the 14th of this month. really could do with knowing how to order her to produce the documents requested as i know they wont be in the documents she declares. I dont understand why the judge did not insist on this before making an order? Thank you for your responces
  11. I went onto the legal aid site and I am not eligable because i have equity in my property...
  12. Ok I can not pay 7-10k in costs...I need some feed back from dd on solicitors responce to my defence please and the Judges direction order which is what her solicitors asked for. Feeling a bit abandond here guys DD BD ??
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