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  1. If you tick the box on the electoral roll they cant sell your details, they are readily available, plus the electoral can be bought, some online people finder services have the electoral included. I'm confused as to what extra power they would get from having access to it. They must have to use private detectives to find you today must cost a bit.
  2. Hi, The first posting I was on my 5th cuppa JAVA so the post in reflection looks a bit manic. It is all true the consultant in question was the CCCS and should have read Consultation. As above the 2nd posting I work within H&S and will have a good Q&A about this. Well lets hope the government get stuck in to the banks they bought and get some real good shake up with respect to banks and collecting money. It does seem that Banks cant distinguish between those who cant pay and those who just flat refuse to pay.
  3. Hi everybody, less coffee this time posting. Well I work in Health & Safety, I get to design the companies lit etc. So I will have a look into this. Who would take this case on a brief or the OFT or the HSE? Just like with any law you win or lose a case on how the law is interpreted in court. Again its all down to interpretation some laws are very clear and others have an ambiguity which would need a precedent set in court. I do believe from research I've done that if a company acts unfairly? when it knows of your situation, in this case say you have told the bank "I'm under continued financial strain and I'm finding these credit card/loans hard to pay off can you help and can I do this?" (I would offer a token payment it is always better to pay something rather than nothing, you will be asked to fill in a form declaring earnings and where it all goes. and then get on a DMP). And they then phone or send you a default notice they have acted unfairly. Each default notice is worth compensation of £1000. I will have to delve into that one as well. If this is misleading do tell me its research done form another forum. I do believe they have a duty of care to their customers after all they shouldn't want to drive you mad or physically I'll because they WANT a payment from you? should they have that right? NO! I hate to say this but I'm at the end of my tether with trying to come to some amicable solution, so much so that I'm going to contest the validity of my original CCAs. Either that or a full & final settlement. Just want shot of these banks, they are my own bad friends. Hopefully Ive made some sense.
  4. Ive seen the harrasement by telephone letter but wanted to send them a clear guidance on my health and im under a consultant at the moment too. It appears that Ive the solution, sue the crdit cards & banks and be ruthless (polite is also a good thing) when you do it about UNFAIR bank charges. I did and won sued SIX in one go. They seem to tread more lightly after that. I then proceeded to have payment problems just like you, they havent harrased me at all not once. They have asked for payment but once I say Im going on a DMP they just ask for the CASE NUMBER and off they go with their tails between their legs. FYI Ive not paid a credit card bill (apart from a token £1) since JUNE 2008 its now DEC 2008 and the first payment for my DMP went out, happy days. Seems unfair but when has a bank ever treat its customers fairly.
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