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  1. Hi there all. Some advice will be very advantageous right about now. For the last couple of months I have been driving for a well known (and very recently festively defunct parcel delivery firm) through an agency. I am owed 2.5 days pay by the agency for hours worked 22-24 December 2014. This was due to be paid today (2.1.15) but it has not been. The agency stated that this is because the now defunct client are no longer processing the agency staffs clock cards and sending the details to the specific agencies and therefore because THEY haven't been paid by THEIR client they cannot honour my wages. The lady from the Agency also said that it's not likely they will EVER receive any monies at all from the ex parcel delivery firm for the entire time I was there. Where do I stand with this? My point of view is this. I sympathise that they haven't been paid but that is (I'm sorry to say) their issue with their client which they need to pursue. I wasn't employed by the parcel company I was employed by the agency and as my agency is still very much in business they should pay me for all worked carried out on their behalf. Their lack of payment from their client themselves is a private internal issue and is no affair of mine in no other way than my wishing them the best of British luck with it. Am I correct both morally and legally in my stance or is perfectly legitimate for an agency under such circumstances to withhold wages? If so what procedure do I need to gollow to receive monies owed and if there are such procedures am I looking to spend more on Admin and fees pursuing this than I will potentially get back. Please help. Thanks.
  2. Which is what I said!!! Would anybody be interested in joining forces and seeing what we can do to stop them trading? There seems to be enough of us on here who have suffered at their hands, and what they are doing is undoubtably illegal; harrassing people for debts they know can no longer be collected. Besides I'd like to see a bully like Simon Giles brought down a peg or two.
  3. Back in July, I received a letter from Tower Investigations through which I subsequently became aware of a nasty little company called Global Debt Recovery/ Aparrantly they wanted to speak to me on behalf of their clients, a company called FV-1 regarding an £800 debt from a Lloyds TSB account that was opened in 1998 and closed in 2000. The man I spoke to, a Mr Giles was quite a peice of work, argumentative, bolshy, shouted me down, made threats of legal action and police involvement, bailiffs etc etc blah blah blah. At first I was quite shocked by his attitude and I couldn't understand why he behaved the way he did. After all, I have spoken to countless companies over the years about outstanding monies or payment of bills etc and it has always been conducted in the most amicable way possible. However, Mr. Giles however was acrimonious from the first. In short, he tried to put the fear of God into me. Angered by his tone and literally fuming from the ears, that some nasty pasty had phoned me in my home threatening and over-shouting me, I contacted legal advice and they told me that due to the age of this debt it is now statute barred by law and Global Debt Recovery had no legal way of recouping this money at all, and therefore are acting illegally in trying to chase this debt at all. I was also told that the debt was even statute barred when it was purchased by FV-1 two years previously and that under the circumstances it should never have been sold on in the first place. My legal advisor told me that under the circumstances, the only way companies such as Global can collect this money is to prey on peoples ignorance of the law, and aggressively scare them into paying with threats of the actions and procedures, which in reality they could no longer do. In short BULLYING, which went a long way to explain Mr. Giles' attitude and behaviour. As I have a total abhorance to bullies and have no wish to engage in protracted arguements with them, I decided that this company was not worth even bothering about and have spent the last five months ignoring their letters and immediatley filing them under 'B' for bin the moment they arrived. Last week however, I was sent another letter which was followed up the date after by another snotty phone call. I told the fellow from Global that this debt was statute barred etc and he tried to argue the point. This time it was I who cut him short. I told him I knew of his company, their bully-boy tactics and their history of chasing statute barred debts, and I told him that the law was on my side and he couldn't do a thing about this debt. I told him that if Global Debt Recovery believed they were 100% in the right and that this debt could still be legally enforced then they were welcome to take me to court. I alo reiterated that I actually meant COURT, not some silly letter from their Mickey Mouse GM Law firm. I told him that any further corrospondance from GDR, GM Law or Tower investigations will be ignored and no further action regarding this debt will be taken by me until an actual sworn court summons arrived on my doormat. I backed up this arguement by immediatly phoning the Financial Ombudsman Service who took down the details of the case and promised to contact Global Debt Recovery to see what they were playing at. Less than a week later I received a final response from Global debt recovery telling me that they have informed their client that the debt is disputed as Statute barred and that they are now closing their file and will not be contacting me regarding this matter again. VICTORY IS MINE!!! I'm lucky in as much that I'm not easily intimidated, my concern however is that this compnay may try their nasty bullying on someone else, someone a little more timid or frail, and they are likley to be petrified by their actions and their talk. Is there someway we can all pull together and stop these people in their tracks. Stop them doing this to people, especially as they know they do not have the rigfht to do so??? I hope this happy ending is enough to encourage and offer hope to all those who are also suffering under the malpractices of this company. Don't despair and don't knuckle under and give in. The law is on your side and you have nothing to fear. Go for it.
  4. hello All, It's great I am joining this forum, with some good and encouraging news instead o gloom and doom. It fits in wth my positive personality.
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