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  1. right i will go down once i have collected kids from school and refuse to leave till something has beed sorted, i will let you know the out come Linzi
  2. well i have bought a phone with a smashed screen from them to be told by an arrogant pip squeek that it is not his problem and nothing they can do bout it i only took it out the box and put sin sim and battery next time i will buy off ebay atleast you can claim back through ebay!!!!!!!!!!
  3. My husband bought me a new phone as my very old phone which i had for 4 years was giving up on me, so as a treat and a chrismas prezie we went to town and bought an lg cookie on sat we took it home put it in the wardrobe with other prezies, monday afternoon my trusted old nokia died, so my husband said i would have to have my new one, i took it out of the bax inserted the sim and battery placed on the protective screen turned it on by the button and the under screen was all cracked with a big blob. I took it back to be told it was presure damage and nothing can be done so i have now got a phone which i can't use and £120 out of pocket i would expect this if i'd av bought it off ebay!!! I phone customer care to be told screen damage is my problem, all phones are checked b4 they leave factory, but it wasn't checked in front of me at the shop so anything could have happened between factory and store but they won't have it. And their was no security seal on the box like with other phones i have purchased in the past. they can see it has not been used or dropped in anyway. Can anyone please advise as to what i can do cause i need a phone and i'm also lost without it. Just glad I never bought it for one of my kids christmas presents!!!!
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