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  1. My Oh is being checked by RM. He does have ABH but that was 21 years ago and he also has a Drunk and disordely which was 5/6 years ago will this affect him getting the job
  2. If you have been sacked for something and someone in the company has done something very similar but not been sacked (been given a final written warning) and the compnay says its a gross misconduct. Can you bring this up (the difference in penalty) in either a appeal and or a unfair dismissal with emploment tribunal and would this show the company is being punitive rather than corrective with the person who has been sacked.???????
  3. Well it happened my OH had a letter delivered by registered post with regards to his grievance which was a complete whitewash and then an hour later knock at the door letter hand delivered stating my OH has now been dismissed. With that took his van and come back 10 minutes later for his phone. Stress levels through the roof
  4. Employer has now sent a disciplinary letter vis a member of staff. Knocked the door and gave OH a big envelope in it is notice of a disciplinary meeting. So he has his grievance on wednesday and disciplinary on thursday....................
  5. Union rep is trying to play down the victimisation but i think that is a major part as noone throughout the country has to do what my OH has to do and to me that is blatant victimsation
  6. With regards to the union rep that is how my oh feels, he feels that there is conflict of interest for the union rep. My oh does feel out on his own in some ways. Oh had two months of 121's in Feb manager left the room came back with another member of staff and announced we are now having a formal meeting notes were taken but manager refused to give a copy of these to mu oh. my oh was not offered the chance to have anyone in eith him and had no notification of the formal meeting. Next week oh was put on a personal improvement plan. The company my oh is very big and well know and he does not have nor ever had Employee Handbook.
  7. I had a pin and screws removed from my leg and while on sick leave went to majorca for two weeks to recuperate employer was fine told them that i was going to recuperate and relax etc went back to work a week after i got back no probs
  8. My partner has worked for his company for 2 1/2 years and was tuped over finally signing the company he works for T&C's in december. As soon as he signed the t&C's he started to be bullied and vicitmised. The union rep has looked at a grievance my oh has issued and fully agrees that victimisation is in place but the company are trying to do him for a health and safety issue although it is my oh's word against his manager (same one that is bullying him) they are testing his equipment to try and prove other instances of health and safety but what i am asking is his union rep said although someone on his team has done what my oh is accussed of was given a written warning the union rep says the way the company are acting it looks like they will sack my oh. He has his grievance meeting in the next couple of weeks and at the moment is suspended for 7 working days. Also if its seen as gross misconduct but they have issued a written warning to another member of staff can they sack my oh who is accused of the same thing. My oh has had no verbal or written warnings just a letter to say an investigation is being conducted. Please advise not sure if i am going to get any sleep until his grievance meeting am so worried...........
  9. Help............... Have sent off SAR request to Lowells for Cap one debt that they are trying to issue the stat demand for but on checking what they have sent the reply card with my signature on realised ITS NOT MY SIGNATURE have never signed my name like that now what......... Also going to phone national Debt for some advice tomorrow but 21 days is up middle of next week so have to get a move on. Any advice please
  10. does the 18 days start from the date of the order or when i recieved it....If its from the date of the order then tomorrow is the 18th day and i need to get my butt in to action
  11. Also stat demand was delivered last week but date on it states 6th Feb so 18 days is up tomorrow. Also the court that this stat demand is stating to use for setting aside also handles bankruptcy is this the right court.............. If i dont get this set aside will they make me bankrupt cause if they did would that wipe all the debt i have with people like moorcroft etc. I dont own my own home (rented and in girlfriends name), bankruptcy will not affect my job and all the "stuff" we have including car is in her name so apart from my clothes there is not much that is mine here or anywhere. So should i just let them get on with it ADVICE PLEASE............
  12. Had a guy come to the door last night and he handed me an envelope, in the envelope was a letter from Hamptons Legal (acting for Lowell Portfolio Ltd, Debt is with Capital One) The letter is a statutory demand and stating that they will be presenting a bankruptcy petition. I requested the CCA and they sent terms and conditions (18 pages) and also a photocopy of a form that i filled in to apply for the card but it only shows Personal details, your home (address and telephone number) your employment (what you do) and financial info (cards i already have) and also add info (whether i want cash withdrawal, ppi etc and at the bottom it shows credit agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 and then two signatures one from someone at capial one and mine the card was taken out 09/01/2005 When i have looked at it states what court etc the court i have to attend if i want the demand set aside etc. OMG what do i do help please
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