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  1. Hi Ell I hope you're well. I've had a letter today from my mortgage company's solicitors accepting my proposal, thankfully! The say though that the arrangement will be bound by the terms of a suspended order for possession and it is necessary for the matter to proceed to court. They recommend that I arrange representation in person or in writing. Is it possible that I can write and avoid actually appearing in court? (please say yes!) Thanks Nick
  2. Hi Ell Just a quick question. I got a pack of information from my mortgage companies solicitors on Saturday, am I right in thinking this is just for my information? I noticed though that they haven't included all the payments I have made in the amount of arrears they say I owe, although in the statement they sent me in the first letter about the application for possession they are shown? Should I do anything or just take the statement with me? Thanks Nick
  3. Will do, they're going recorded tomorrow! Thanks so much and I may be in touch nearer the date for some reassurance! Thanks Nick
  4. Oh, and Ell-enn has helped me loads, thank god! No actually, thank Ell-enn!
  5. Thanks for that and I know you're right, It's just the thought and possibility that you're going in there and could come out without a home. I'm also dreading bumping into someone I know. I know the stigma's not as bad nowadays but I've got this far without telling anyone (except the brilliant people on here) and as you'll know the worrying is just constanly at the back of your mind, last thing at night, first thing in the morning sort of thing and to go through all this on my own only to bump into someone on the day would gut me! Sorry to go on and thanks so much for trying to reduce my terror!
  6. Hi Ell-enn If you have a spare minute would you mind casing you eye over my Q27, do I need to go into more detail? Thanks Nick letter.doc
  7. Hey, glad to hear everything went ok. I go a week on Monday and to be honest after reading about your experience this morning I'm even more terrified, is it as bad as it sounds?
  8. Hi Ell-enn I've worked my budget, allowing for my priority debts and smaller amounts for other debts my monthly offer towards my mortgage arrears is £85.00. My total arrears are £5,458. I'll also be making a monthly payment off this on Wedneday when I get paid, could I include this on form N11M and backdate it as it were. I've only got Q27 left! Thanks again, Nick
  9. Hi Ell-enn I'm just working through N11M form and my main stubmling block is how to document my other debts, your budet form allows you to put outstanding debts and a proposed monthly payment. All my other debts are currently outstanding and in arrears and I'm going to sort these out once I've sorted my mortgage arrears. In the meantime I have built in payment offers into the budget form you gave me but am unsure where to include these on N11M. Two have ccjs one of which is Yorkshire Water, I haven't arranged a payment for these. Do I include these with my proposed repayment offer under question 21 and the other debts under 23? And finally, Yorkshire Water won't let me set up another direct debit until I've arranged something with the court so what should I put for water rates on the forms? Thanks so much. Nick
  10. Thanks very much for that. I'll have to let you have my offer figure when I get home from work as my paperwork's at home. Just so I'm clear is the letter and budget sheet going to the mortgage company or their solicitor or both. And do I send these together with form N11M to the court as well? Thanks again Nick
  11. Hi Ell-enn I know you're really busy but I was hoping to get my forms off tomorrow or Friday. Would be it possible for you to give me an idea about the letter and Q27. Thanks so much. Nick
  12. That would be great thanks, I'm posting them this week. Ell-enn, is it possible to avoid court at this stage, is it worth me calling Mortgage Express and putting my offer to them, I'm still receiving letters asking me to call their arrears team? If not do I send the forms to both the court and the solicitors? Thanks again Nick
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