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  1. I've complained to the CSA about Cabot today using their PDF form as required. I also wrote to Noddle and Experian credit agencies and mentioned previous reference numbers they issued last time around. Experian said the information supplier has the responsibility to ensure it's accuracy not them. Slopping shoulders if you ask me, they are collectively responsible. I also wrote to Cabot themselves. I basically used a blanket email addressing them all and have suggested 7 days to resolve it.
  2. Thanks for the reply BB, just to clarify it's Cabot who sent the recent letter not the original solicitor but as this is how it started last time, I've no doubt that Cabot will instruct them again if I don't do something beforehand! Mark
  3. Incredible though this may seem, having got rid of this they are AGAIN chasing me for it by letter and phone!!!! Unbelievable! (in a Victor Meldrew voice!) I complained in mid 2014 to creditexpert about the fact this appeared on my record via them and that they had done nothing to check it's accuracy (they defend themselves by saying the onus of accuracy lies with the company supplying them with the data! ie cabot! ) anyway following this as they did follow it up, I eventually got a letter from Cabot apologising for cabots error in incorrectly linking the address to mine with the debt and that all credit data would be removed. So what on earth are they doing this again for! It's yet again affected my credit rating! I have complained to the Financial Ombudsman about the clear incompetence of Cabot - Id like compensating for the inconvenience they cause! Mark
  4. I've forwarded BACK the email Experian sent me previously in 2011 on the matter with a covering letter asking if any notes they added remain and also requesting that they remove these two defaulted accounts that I can see associated with me which I do not acknowledge and are totally unproven to date despite contacting one of them in 2011 with Experians direction/assistance who also contacted them. I shall draught a letter along the lines of what's been suggested in this post to the Solicitor pursuing the matter and post that recorded delivery. It does really seem that your credit record can be tarnished without any sound proof being required and it's all then on your shoulders to deal with, quite wrong. Thanks for your help.
  5. Noodle send a message saying they should get back to me within 24 hours, however I know someone must have read it because I had a more personal reply from someone using the same email address about signing up within the last hour. Don't these credit reference lot contact the companies for you if you dispute something they hold on your file? I think they are obliged to contact the other agencies too aren't they? I probably still need to draft something to the MC solicitors and probably think about what to do on the other one as well really as no doubt they will chase it at some point and its affecting my ratings. The other sum was about £250
  6. Thank you Bankfodder for your advice and useful tips for inclusion, I had just thought it improper of them to proceed without proving delivery occurred and wouldn't dream of saying I didn't receive the letters, I've kept them all I think. The other one is with hoist portfolio Holding 2 Ltd, never heard of them or from them either come to think of it, it defaults from Jan 2011 6 months after the listed account start date which is the same time as the cabot one, not sure why it wasn't noticed previously in 2012 when I dealt with Experian over the original one which I'm sure had been registered by the catalogue company and not Cabot at the time. What a mess you can find without realising it's there.
  7. It's in Cabots name so it would seem, I just used noddle and have also discovered there is another fraudulent link from the same address with a different company from 4 years ago with another outstanding amount which appears to have been updated this month and so my credit rating is being impacted upon.
  8. Also no I didn't report the identity theft to the police or elsewhere I don't think I expected it to go any further.
  9. Than you for prompt replies, The Solicitors are Mortimer Clarke and included a personal details form to complete for my income and expenditure, like I'm going to do that. Plus a direct debit consent form and how to pay! There was a small section on Independent Advice Orgs like national debtline and CAB. They are suggesting I respond within 14 days of the letter but they don't send these recorded so can't see how do they confirm anyone ever receives them. I had originally thought to write again by email to the original catalogue company, forwarding the original email correspondence, will rethink on this then. Thanks,
  10. I've got a letter from a solicitor re instruction from their client (cabot) to start proceedings against me because I failed to agree a reasonable payment arrangement. I've ignored their 'clients' recent letters as 3 years ago I had cause to check with Experian etc and found someone had used my name at an address unknown to me for credit with a catalogue company. I contacted Experian who put a note of dispute on my file and advised it was likely identity fraud related and contacted cabot and the catalogue company and other credit agencies. The catalogue company refused to remove it and requested I contact them which I did. I have email copy proof. The catalogue company wanted address proof of residency at the time by way of a document like a bank statement, council tax, utility bill etc in return for removing the issue from the credit agencies which I said I was reluctant to provide personal documentation given this was already a case of identity fraud! I gave them my address and said they could write to me and provided an email address at the time (a .ltd one which only a ltd co can own) and my phone number and the ltd company name and suggested they check at companies house records for contact directors addresses. These show the information they seek as it also shows any changes of address of which I have never made. Didn't hear anything then in last 6 months or probably more I got the occasional letter from cabot and I think another company at one point and now this. If someone could please suggest the best way to proceed, it's worrying and makes me a bit cross too. I don't think the catalogue even had my address until I provided it and it would seem to me that my information is being passed around without my consent. I was surprised Experian couldn't remove the claim either but only add a note. I also don't know which of these three to deal with and again am concerned about responding to anyone really as it seems to just give them all something else to build on! I like to say I'll start charging them if I've to deal with it any further! Really appreciate a knowledgeable persons input on this. Thanks Mrs Robinson
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