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  1. Council have just called, apparently the toe rags have levied.......the car (which we no longer have) although no details were left with us. She said regardless whether we make payments to council it's out of her hands and in the bailiffs!
  2. Shall I e-mail Rossendales and tell them that I am no longer dealing with them and to arrange payment of fees? Can't record phonecall, and to be honest I never want to see or hear the man again.
  3. Yes he's certified, checked this morning, not levied anything to my knowledge, never received any inventory, just umpteen threatening letters.
  4. I have no breakdown, I was nebbing at his clip board....he say's he's done me a favour by not adding more charges since July 2011. The original amount was for £582.13, for our old house that was repossessed in Feb 2009. I have paid £290.00, yet the balance is still £432.13, so I've incurred £140.00 in charges.
  5. Thank you for that, does the fact we previously defaulted on a payment have any bearing on this levy business? If not, I can't blooming wait to get on the blower to him, awful man.
  6. Hi received a visit from the lovely man from Rossendale's this morning, he's wanting the remaining amount of £433 by Tuesday, told him no way, could probably stretch to £200, but that is all, so again, he said that if it isn't paid in full by that day he would be back to remove goods. He has never had a foot in the door. After reading on here, I am going to pay Council direct (did ask them previously to take the debt back but said no surprise surprise). My dilemma is the bailiff's charges, he charged at one time £110 for coming in a van, they're about £200 or more, do I have to speak to the god awful man to arrange payment of this? Oh and does "levied goods" mean if they've done an itenary? Because he hasn't, never got past the doorstep. Many thanks.
  7. Hi another Rossendale victim here. Please can somebody help. Had him here again this morning (never let him in) he say's I've got until Tuesday to pay £433. Told him no way could I do that, so got usual waffle, take goods etc. Anyway after reading many threads on here I am going to take the route of paying council direct, one question regarding paying the bailiff fees....... how do I go about that? They're over £200! Charged me £110 for coming in a van!! Many thanks.
  8. Please just sit down and think it's only money, I still have my health and my husband and we can start again..... We are due to be re-possessed in January (no chance in hell of saving house) I have a one year old daughter and this is the last thing I wanted, and a couple of weeks ago I really thought this is it, I'm cracking up, but I sat down, took a few deep breaths and I realised I have many years in front of me, I have good health etc and we are all together (which is the main thing), it's bricks and mortar. Sounds simplistic, but you have to be, if you sit and ponder you'll go insane. Please don't make yourself ill over it.
  9. Give Shelter a call, they really are brilliant and will help you all they can. Shelter England - The housing and homelessness charity Good luck.
  10. I don't BELIEVE this ha ha ha ha ha! Postman's just been and I've just received an apology and a cheque for £1288.72!!:D Best ring the Revenue woman back..... Thanks
  11. Thanks Trilby. Just come off the phone to Revenue & Customs, because the 6 month deadline is up (last paid SMP in May and also made redundant in May) that they cannot take on this, she has said that she will contact the employer and say they have to pay, but can do nothing other than that, hopefully the phone call from them maybe enough. I'm so angry as I was mis-informed in May and have only now just realised that I was entitled to this money.
  12. Brilliant news about the job! :D See, something always crops up.
  13. Hi Vikki, do you have a One Stop Centre nearby? They tend to be quite helpful in these situations and may be able to do something about your fuel costs etc and you may even be entitled to extra benefits. Just wish I had the answers for you as it makes me so sad that you feel so bad and are struggling so much, just shouldn't be happening and I'm sure that pointed in the right direction you'll be helped. Please try and keep you chin up though x
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