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  1. Thanks for that, after advice from this forum I did set up standing order online with my bank so AIC havent got my details. I sent cca to Nat west in december they sent me very bad photo copy of application form and separate pieces of paper with conditions on which could have been typed at any time no signature on them, it was from 1998 so im pretty sure its not enforceable. Is it worth cca ing rma as well? Ithink I might just ring Nat West up and ask them why they have handed it over to someone else when i ve already set a payment plan up.
  2. Having just battled with AIC for 6 months and got them to settle for a reasonable monthly offer, they even sent me a standing order form, i have now received a letter from RMA part of NCO group of companies asking for full payment of debt, I presume nat west have passed this on to another DCA has anybody had Any dealings with them? Iwill be cancelling my standing order with AIC (1st payment was due to go out next week).Shouldnt Nat west inform me if they pass this on to another DCA? Any advice would be gratefully received.
  3. nat west have confirmed that they have not sold this debt to aic i have sar them and cca dont know if cca is enforcable need to work out how to post it so someone can check it out. The SAR they sent only went back 6 years when the card was took out in 1998 so cant check how much ilegal charges they may have took out. I have set up standing order on line with my bank and wrote to AIC and told them this so they havent got any of my details it doesnt start yet so can cancel it if i need to. Sar and cca were sent to nat west
  4. After 6 months of battling with these bullies have just received a standing order form with the amount which I have offered to pay them monthly. Is it safe to start this SO with them, I am relieved that they have actually agreed a realistic offer and that they will stop threatening me but because of the way they operate I am worried about giving them any bank details (standing order will be paid out of my wifes account). I also intend to claim back unlawful charges on this account but Nat West have only sent me 6 years of statements when the credit card was taken in 1998. Any advise would be most appreciated, I am really eager to start paying a monthly amount to reduce this debt.
  5. just a word of warning when triton told me they would hand it over to the legal team they passed my account onto Allied International Creidt who are complete bully boys. I had been trying to pay Triton an amount I could afford but they wouldnt accept it. Now after 6 months of dealing with AIC (thank god for brilliant advice off this web site) they have just sent me a standing order form with the amount which I have been trying to pay for over a year!!! Stand up to them they will eventually realise you can only pay what you can afford, and at the end of the day the only thing they are interested in is their commission. Good Luck
  6. Would n't mind that happening to the horrible man i spoke to at AIC i wonder if they have any feelings at all for people who are in genuine difficulty. If it wasnt for this site i dont know what i would have done the things i was contemplating are too scary to think about. So thankyou to everyone who has taken the time to reply.
  7. Allied international chasing us for nat west credit card debt, have offered monthly payments they are not interested. Nat west have not sold debt, I have received cca and sar from nat west, not sure if cca is enforceable it was 1998 and just application form with signature but they have also sent other generic forms with t and c's. Dont really know what to look for in SAR. We are just about to put the house on the market we want to come back to England, do not speak to AIC on the phone anymore because of usual threats last correspondance from them saying they were going to pass it on to their legal representives in Ireland. In meantime have just received SAR from nat west. Does anybody know what AIC are likely to do now? Please help cant sleep
  8. i am in same boat with aic have just done a sar request but in the meantime have received a letter saying they are about to pass my account over to their legal reps in ireland which is where i live now. what is cccs? please
  9. have now scanned my documents do i post them by attaching to a reply? cant find any icon which says photobucket
  10. hi thanks for your replies as far as i can make out the only thing with my husbands signature on is the application form cannot see any of what you asked on it but it is really a very bad photo copy. Their is a separate peice of paper with these things on it but it has not got my husbands signature or name on it. I really need you to look at it all i am still trying to sort my scanner out in between going to work. Really need to think about the letter i have got to write to them.
  11. sorry having trouble with my scanner might need to use someone elses computer to post this
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