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  1. Thanks guys... Al has been kind enough to help with my defence... I'm pretty nervous about it all now - I'm wondering about counterclaiming but I'm not sure how much for (travel and time should be paid really), though again Al has given me good advice on getting them to pay. I could do with support more than anything right now! pieboy
  2. How did you? You only have 3 posts and the one saying I should pay was sent after your "Told you so..."
  3. How did you? You only have 3 posts and the one saying I should pay was sent after your "Told you so..."
  4. Alexis is kindly helping me with my defence. If you think that smells of Ruddiger then ask Alexis about the documents I've sent him. Thanks pieboy
  5. yeah it's stamped and all that... Particulars of claim: "Payment of a parking charge notice together with administration costs associated with its recovery, The defendent?s (sic) vehicle xxxxxxx was parked without authority on private property at xxxx hospital, xxxx (city) on 20/11/2008. Parking charge notice no xxx was issued to this vehicle on 20/11/2008. We are seeking a payment of money for all the full amount of due fees. The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from 20/11/2008 to 21/7/2009 of £2.43 and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgement or earlier payment at a daily rate of £0.01." I'll scan the docs tomorrow. What do you think? pieboy
  6. Ok guys sorry for double posting but this is serious and I thought more people might look at it if it were a new thread... Basically I got a PCN from Minster Baywatch in August last year for allegedly parking without a ticket. I got advice not to pay and ignore the letters... Since my last post I'd forgotten all about teh ticket... today I got a letter from Northampton County Court claiming for £127.43 from the ticket. I only have a few days with which to submit a defence... anyone got any ideas? What shoudl my main points be? Currently I have: The claimant has refused to show proof that I was the driver of the vehicle on the said date. The alleged amount claimed is out of proportion with the real damages that would be sought for such an alleged offence. What else should I put and is it ok to word them like the above? Thanks pieboy
  7. Ok guys Since my last post I'd forgotten all about teh ticket... today I got a letter from Northampton County Court claiming for £127.43 from the ticket. I only have a few days with which to submit a defence... anyone got any ideas? What shoudl my main points be? Currently I have: The claimant has refused to show proof that I was the driver of the vehicle on the said date. The alleged amount claimed is out of proportion with the real damages that would be sought for such an alleged offence. What else should I put and is it ok to word them like the above? pieboy
  8. Just to update (you guys were so good to me it would be rude to not share the resolution)... I ignored all letters, as someone in this forum said, I got 2 from Minster Baywatch (ignored), 2 from Debt collectors (ignored) and 2 from Charles Grey/Michal Sobell (does this guy even exist???). The last letter was very threatening but I ignored it and have not heard anything since. That was March. It is now May. Make of that what you will... personally, I have been converted into believing PPCs have no authority or power. pieboy
  9. Hi Yesterday I received a parking ticket from Gateshead Council for allegedly parking without showing a valid permit or ticket! The thing is, I did have a one year permit on show in the windscreen in the the opposite corner from where the ticket was placed. Also, the sign said Mon-Fri permit parking only... this was a saturday! I'm clearly going to appeal... I'm wondering though whether there is a different procedure required when it's council vs PCN. Do I need to scan photos, etc. to send to the council or would a letter suffice? pieboy100
  10. "2 letters from Roxburghe, 2 letters from Graham Whites should just about do it :-)" "You've only got one letter to go. 2 from Roxburge and 2 from Graham White is the norm. Then they'll give up." Is this from experience or just a guess? I am getting nervous about it going to court - especially as one user on this forum said that Minster Baywatch are one of the companies that has gone to court. As an aside I thought that any claims under £500 didn't result in actual court appearance?
  11. Another update: I did write a letter based on the template int he sticky saying that they should provide evidence that I entered into a contract and that any further correspondance might result in action in accordance with the Protection from HArrassment (1997) (or whatever it's called - I did look it all up before I wrote the letter!) I've now had 2 letters from Roxburghe and 1 from Graham White. I'm waiting for the Graham White one to be sent up to me. I'm getting nervous now guys... and quite stressed. I'm actually considering paying since it's gotten this far. What's the likelihood of it going this far? Is this common? pieboy
  12. Hi here's an update. Because I'm living between 2 addresses, the letters are going to one address and then being forwarded. AS a result I'm receiving them about 7-10 days later. I today got one from Roxburghe debt collectors saying that £100 is now due and that in the absence of payment or any valid dispute they will pursue this matter - with or without my coopoeration and that it will be passed on to Solicitors, Graham White to review the case rfor potential legal action. Up to now I have just been ignoring the letters. Is this routine, and at what point do they usually stop? Should I write a cease and desist letter asking for evidence? pieboy
  13. Hi This is my first post bu I have read a lot of the other similar posts, though speicific advice would be useful. I was parked at a hospital in Newcastle without a pay and display ticket and received a "Parking Charge Notice" from Minster Baywatch (based in York(?)) for "A valid pay and display ticket was not clearly on display" adn "a valid permit was not clearly on display. As with all the other posters, it alos has notive that a £50 charge is now payable but £25 will be accepted in the first 14 days. It also has however that "Legal action will be taken against the registered keeper if unpaid. Further costs will be incurred" but more worryingly, "Alternatively on your return to this car park you vehicle may be subject to additional parking fines. Your vehicle may be immobilised or towed away to recover any outstanding debt." As I visit the hospital every month, I'm wondering, should I just pay the fine (I've gathered that there's no point appealing and that I should wait until they contact me before using one of the templates telling them to "take it up wiht the driver" - who - between this forum - MAY have been me) and do they have any legal right to provide additional fines and/or immobilise/tow away my car? pieboy
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