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Everything posted by 40bear

  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Just to let you know after 6 months of pure and utter determination and lots of support from CAG. Shabbey have offered to settle IN FULL including 8% interest. So Bedford Count County will not be blessed with my presence tomorrow (15/11/06). YIPPEEEEEEEE
  3. YIPPEE......At the 11th hour Shabbey have settled in FULL so I won't be at Bedford Court tomorrow.......cheque being paid into my very overdrawn Abbey account on Thursday. Go for it guys it is worth all the stress.
  4. OMG don't tell me TSB settled!!! You jammy,,,,, so I won't be seeing you in Bedford??? Congratulations.
  5. Less than a week to go and have made up two extra packs and about to prepare notes so I remember WHY I AM DOING THIS!!!! Is everyone else ready for 15th November at Bedford. Are any buddys/interested parties attending. Do we need some media coverage?
  6. Loads of payouts that I've read about. Just another one that has hit the media and reassured me that this is worth the time I'm dedicating to it!!!
  7. Printed off loads of info from the site so like you will prepare as a letter. Not much more we can do til we know where we stand with the case. Did you hear that Nat West paid out this week, it was on the news???
  8. Hi Rosemary, how you getting on with preparing notes for the case? Have you worked on your notes as to why SCC and not Fast track?
  9. Great to have company at Bedford!!!! I think we might have some other visitors as it seems it is a new thing to hear lots of cases together!!! Will the very small informal room be big enough. Have you started to get your case file together?? Really worried about that, I have read thru all the FAQ and been on the templates section and copied BUT it is daunting when you're legal knowledge is basic. Where abouts are you? I am in Ampthill.
  10. "District Judge Wilding has decided that a hearing is necessary before a final decision of allocation can be made.....court needs to identify whether case is suitable for fast track" Notice of Allocation or Listing Hearing so not sure what is expected!! 2pm on 15th November at Bedford County Court,29 Goldington Road, Bedford MK40 3NN close to Bedford Blues Rugby Club very easy to find and a car park opposite!!! ALL WELCOME to Durcan vs Abbey :lol:
  11. Ho,, ho it's off to court we go. Got a date for 15/11/06 at Bedford County Court at 2pm (anyone free to support????) Also attached was a letter stating briefly "that the court has identified a number of cases and considering allocation to track...will be listing cases involving the same lending institution at the same time so one rep can attend"!!!! Interesting.....also.... separate letter saying having have changed solicitor and Abbey will be acting in person.....anyone else know about this.....time to prepare case. Any guidance on my blurb to ensure a WIN!!:grin:
  12. Thanks, already told them and the "not very helpful Abbey person":D didn't seem to care! More interested in telling me that "I need to make arrangements to pay off the outstanding overdraft" - I don't think so!!!!!
  13. Hi I am at the same stage as you. Starting to get letters from Allen Betts stating their intention to start default and DCA against us. I phoned to say we are in dispute and SURPRISE they knew nothing and also state they have not received copies of our correspondence! The amount they owe us is pretty much the same as we owe them so inclined to hold out. Not sure whether to pay a token amount into the account?????
  14. Receiving correspondence from Allen Betts now stating their Abbey intend to register default information. I telephoned Debt Management to confirm we had written back twice and surprise they say they have no record of our correspondence (one of which was an email!!!) They also were totally unaware of the outstanding claim against them. Any advice???? :?
  15. Been silent for a while. Allocation Q deadline was 11th August and heard nothing from the Court. DLA have sent a reminder of their 50% offer which I ignored. Wot now? Should I start making noises again???
  16. Received AQ,completed and posted today. Deadline for return is 11th August. Wot do you reckon happens now.....another offer or court???
  17. No haven't sent AQ back - should I have done???? Will check through what next stage is......possibly they will offer me the full amount having read through the FAQs.....
  18. DLA have clearly recognised their offer was incorrectly calculated and are prepapred to offer the usual 50% of my claim. Emailing back to them to sau 100% or c u in court!
  19. Received 50% offer from DLA. My claim was £1470.08 in total. They have offered £629.94, plus interest £45.10, Court Fees £120 and quoted their final offer as £1424.00. HOWEVER!!!!! IS THIS A MISTAKE????? Although there are £295 additional charges since I filed my claim that I was going to ask for. If they have added up their 50% offer incorrectly are they still legally bound to give me the amount stated in their letter. Also in their defence No.7 they state "The claimant has failed to provide particulars of the dates and amounts debited to the account...." I did sent the spreadsheet to DLA and the Court so that's a load of B******. Appreciate your help.
  20. Thanks for that, had already decided NOT to pay up!! as have read through your blog and others in similar position. Have you seen article in Daily Mail today p45 'Bank charge refunds are put on ice by the courts'. Looks like any new claims could be squashed......get in there quick is my advice to others!!!
  21. Hi, received an acknowledgement from Abbey confirming they are defending claim. Also, posted off my breakdown of charges to their solicitors. Have closed Abbey account and they are requesting full payment of outstanding charges of £1600. Can I withold payment pending outcome of claim? We don't have the money to pay them anyway so can installments be negotiated?
  22. Thanks for quick response. Can I also inform DLA & court of the additional £295 of charges which came after I submitted my claim? I have included this amount recently on my spreadsheet but details came after my calculation to Abbey via Court. A moderator did suggest that I ask for this additional amount to be considered should I receive an offer.
  23. Received acknowledgement of claim from Piper Rudnick Gray Cary....usual blurb. Para 2 .."you have claimed the sum of.....,but provided not details as to how this sum has been calculated. You have also claimed a further.....by way of interest..." Para 3 "...you will need to produce evidence to the court of both amounts and this information should have been supplied by you when you filed your claim. We should be grateful if you would provide such details to us...." ???? Do I send them a copy of my Excel spreadsheet of charges. ???? Should I have submitted the spreadsheet with my claim. Thanks for your help.
  24. Thanks for that - there is so much knowledge on this website! Will wait to hear and do as you suggest.
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