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  1. Hi Im sure this has probably been covered in the forums before and if i'd search i'd find my answer but just looking for a quick response, so thanks in advance for your help guys. Basically i bought a phone from the Nokia Online Shop in Nov 2010. The phone is a touchscreen model so basically when this goes wrong the phone is unusable. The phone has had a fault where the touchscreen has stopped working so not registering when you touch it. I sent it back and had it repaired and resent to me in working order, a few months later the phone developed the same fault so sent it back again. They repaired it and sent it back to me working. Now a couple of months later the phone has developed the same fault and i'm not prepared to just have it repaired/replaced again and i am wanting a full refund. I have contacted Nokia about this and asked them for a refund as i'm fed up of it going wrong every few months and then to have it repaired. They replied saying as it is past the 14 day cooling off period they will not refund me and no other alternative option was given. Please can anyone give me any advice on this and whether i am able to get a refund from them and a response i can give to them. Many Thanks
  2. Well LL got my letter and has seen sense or the errors of their ways and decided to pay me back in full but now they wont pay me until i supply a forwarding address which i dont want to do, ive sent them my bank details to deposit in there but they say they need an address in case of any bills, but all final bills have been paid with proof, they havent told us of any bills after all these weeks and nothing is outstanding and i feel the LL is just delaying things. If i sent the LBA and they have agreed to pay me back in full but take it past the 7 day deadline and delay things better whats the best action to take can i still enforce court action. Thanks
  3. Thanks Kentish So i've sent the letter now if the LL doesn't budge within 7 days whats the next steps i should take. Apologies again if these are obvious questions but like i stated before im a proper newbie in this sort of situation. Thanks
  4. Thanks again Kentish As i've moved out can the LL still protect the deposit once i send him the letter? Thanks
  5. Sorry i haven't replied lately haven't had access to the net. Thanks for the letter Kentish Another quick question is if this does go to court if i win, would I still have to pay court/solicitor fees or is it the losing party. Apologies if this is a stupid question, i've never been through anything like this -don't know how it works. Thanks
  6. Thanks SteveM, Is there some sort of standard format letters that i should be using to send to the LL, not sure on the wording i should use
  7. Hi, hope someone can help me out. I moved into my London flat in Jan on a AST this year through a LA, after the contract expired after 6 months this was changed into a rolling monthly contract. Moved out 3 months later, I was told my deposit £800 was sent straight to my LL. After I asked for my deposit back the LL said he would send it to the LA, a week after moving I went to the LA and they said the LL hasn't sent it. So after another week I emailed the LL who replied a week later saying that he will send me a cheque for the deposit minus £100 cleaning bill. When I moved in I completed an inventory stating that there were a few problems like food stains on the couch, mould in the bathroom, marks on the wall, plus a few things that were broken and basically cleanliness was below par, none of which was sorted by the LL but i never chased as i wasnt that fussed. When I moved out I cleaned the flat as best i could and left it in a better condition then when i moved in. No checkout inventory was completed on the days prior to moving out by LA or LL and I was not contacted by either of them so I went and dropped the keys of to the LA by 12 noon as stated in the contract. So 2 weeks after I had moved and gave the keys back the LL is trying to stick me with a cleaning bill which I contested because as far as i know i left the flat in a good state, no check out/inventory was completed and anyone could have been in the place after I moved out, the LL hasnt e-mailed me back since i said i will not accept anything other then full deposit. Also the deposit wasn't protected and i have written to all 3 schemes and they have replied stating that my deposit has never been protected with them for the period i was at the property. So 4 weeks have passed now and nothing, have i got a case in court for the deposit x3. What should i do next? all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. **UPDATE** After yesterday, with my LA's unfortunate illness, he made a miraculous recovery and him & his wife paid us a visit today and returned nov's rent minus council tax *Half a Result*. Yet they are still refusing to release the deposit from the DPS until we have actually moved out and done a check on the flat. After grilling them regarding their role in administering the flat as they are not working for the LL or the mortgage co they continued to avoid the question of who they are actually acting on behalf of. It seems they have made up in their own minds that until bailiffs take ownership they own/are liable for the flat which i think legally they are not. They keep stating that their "legal advises" allow them to do this. Even though it looks like im going to have to wait until i move for them to release the deposit is there any course/grounds of action i can start against them? what can i expect? Is there anything else i can do? Anyone with legal viewpoints on this? Thanks in advance
  9. Hi Steve Yes they will return nov rent minus council tax but also oct's rent which was witheld from the LL, will not be returned to us as they state they have given this to the mortgage co. In regards to liability, i would think the LA have no right to withold any monies as it isnt their responsibilty anymore. I know to release deposits from the DPS it could take up to 10 days and if im having a dispute with the LA it could take longer. As i have already paid a holding fee for a new place this will expire on friday. Im afraid i could end up missing the deadline because of this hold up and lose out. I feel they are now actually making excuses as they were due to give me nov rent back yesterday but half an hour before they were supposed to come they rang me and told me one of them had become ill, and that they will call me within the week to rearrange. Its becoming increasingly frustrating. I dont know whether anyone else can shed a more legal light on my situation and help. Thanks
  10. Hi Steve We havn't had any corrospondence from the courts but the actual Judge did advise us to stop paying rent from the decision date 3/11. As the LA are not working for the LL anymore and their working agreement has been terminated and they are not working on behalf of the mortgage co. The LA have told us that our contracts are now void. I would now assume that the LA has nothing to do with any kind of adminstration of the flat. As far as the mortgage co are concerned we are basically now "squatting" in the flat until we move 1st Dec. What right do the LA have to withold our deposit/rent in the DPS and then state this can only be returned on the day we leave and after they have done a check on the flat if they are not legally working on behalf of anyone Thanks in advance
  11. Hi All This is my first post so really appreciate all the help. This is my situation at the mo. I share a flat with 3 other people we all pay rent/council tax individually to one Letting Agent. The LA has been passing our rent on to the landlord but for financial reasons not known the LL has not been paying the mortgage. After going into arrears the case finally went to court along with another flat hes not been paying the mortgage on. He told the court he wasn't bothered and they repossessed (Mortgage Company)the property on 3/11/08. The Judge advised that we should cancel our direct debit for the rent which i did for decembers due rent. It came to light that as this had gone on the LA had witheld oct's rent and the LL had actual sacked the LA sometime from late oct/ early nov. The LA have seeked "legal advises" and stated that they will not return oct's rent and have passed it on to the mortgage co but they will return nov's rent minus council tax. I have now found a new place to move in on 1st dec which i have paid a holding fee for and have a week to pay the bond to enable me to move in. The deposit is held in the DPS scheme but the LA says they will not release it until the day i move out and they have done a check on the flat. My queries are what right does the LA have to keep rent for oct and nov and pay council tax on our behalf and also not releasing the bond from DPS until the day of leave and also doing a check on the flat. The LA is not working on behalf of the LL anymore or the mortgage company and since repossession has taken place their contract with me has been void. As far as i am concerned they have nothing to do with the flat legally. Their reason for their actions is that they've sought "legal advises" and everything they are doing is above board. Sorry about the long post, just wanted to give as much info as poss. Thanks in advance (Sorry if i've posted twice didn't know if 1st one went through)
  12. Just want to say Hi and what a great forum really usefull
  13. Hi All This is my first post so really appreciate all the help. This is my situation at the mo. I share a flat with 3 other people we all pay rent/council tax individually to one Letting Agent. The LA has been passing our rent on to the landlord but for financial reasons not known the LL has not been paying the mortgage. After going into arrears the case finally went to court along with another flat hes not been paying the mortgage on. He told the court he wasn't bothered and they repossessed (Mortgage Company)the property on 3/11/08. The Judge advised that we should cancel our direct debit for the rent which i did for decembers due rent. It came to light that as this had gone on the LA had witheld oct's rent and the LL had actual sacked the LA sometime from late oct/ early nov. The LA have seeked "legal advises" and stated that they will not return oct's rent and have passed it on to the mortgage co but they will return nov's rent minus council tax. I have now found a new place to move in on 1st dec which i have paid a holding fee for and have a week to pay the bond to enable me to move in. The deposit is held in the DPS scheme but the LA says they will not release it until the day i move out and they have done a check on the flat. My queries are what right does the LA have to keep rent for oct and nov and pay council tax on our behalf and also not releasing the bond from DPS until the day of leave and also doing a check on the flat. The LA is not working on behalf of the LL anymore or the mortgage company and since repossession has taken place their contract with me has been void. As far as i am concerned they have nothing to do with the flat legally. Their reason for their actions is that they've sought "legal advises" and everything they are doing is above board. Sorry about the long post, just wanted to give as much info as poss. Thanks in advance
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