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  1. Hi can anyone answer the following? How is "Partial Settlement" written on credit file, viewed by creditors? Would they treat it as a normal settled account, or is it actually detrimental to your credit score/file?
  2. Hi, I am in the process of trying to agree short settlements on my credit card and loans. I was wondering if anyone can help with the following? How will they appear on my credit files? Settled? Short Settled? Partially Settled? Settled after Default? Does anyone know all the codes they use on settled accounts?, as in are there anymore that i have not listed above. I wrote to all of my creditors with their offers, of about 25% of the balances on each. In the letter I asked for written confirmation of the following. Can anyone look at these and see if they would be acceptable by the creditors? On receipt of £XXXX, *Creditor Name*and all associated companies will accept this payment as full and final settlement of Account Number *********, and I will be released of any liability. *Creditor Name* and associated companies dealing with this account will take no further action regarding the Account Number *********. No further money will be owed to *Creditor Name* in respect of Account Number ********* and you will not pursue any longer for any amount. An entry will be made with all relevant credit reference agencies as account "satisfied" and “settled” in full for Account Number **********. The payment history on all credit reference agencies will show up as up to date and no missed payment. Many thanks for any help. JD2002 Credit Report Click link to open in new window.
  3. Hi, I am in the process of trying to agree short settlements on my credit card and loans. I was wondering if anyone can help with the following? How will they appear on my credit files? Settled? Short Settled? Partially Settled? Settled after Default? Does anyone know all the codes they use on settled accounts?, as in are there anymore that i have not listed above. I wrote to all of my creditors with their offers, of about 25% of the balances on each. In the letter I asked for written confirmation of the following. Can anyone look at these and see if they would be acceptable by the creditors? On receipt of £XXXX, *Creditor Name*and all associated companies will accept this payment as full and final settlement of Account Number *********, and I will be released of any liability. *Creditor Name* and associated companies dealing with this account will take no further action regarding the Account Number *********. No further money will be owed to *Creditor Name* in respect of Account Number ********* and you will not pursue any longer for any amount. An entry will be made with all relevant credit reference agencies as account "satisfied" and “settled” in full for Account Number **********. The payment history on all credit reference agencies will show up as up to date and no missed payment. Many thanks for any help. JD2002
  4. Hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me. I am in cosiderable debt with 8 creditors and my financial situation is very poor. I have been out of work for 6 months. I have been able to borrow some funds from my father to repay all my debts as short settlements. Halifax are saying they do not short settle accounts. Could someone clarify this and advise me on what I can do next?
  5. What about payment history, does that stay on file as currently some are showing as red and 4 months payments late.
  6. Clemma, I have already sent them account in dispute letter and had reponses from them. One says the debt is owed and not in dispute, one is asking for a copy of my signature and one is sending me a big document of terms and conditions on, with my details at the top of the page, with no signature!
  7. If they do accept my short settlements, how will they then update my credit file?
  8. Sam, I started my CCa request in Nov last year, so the ones that not replied have well expired. Proven ones are both loans, one credit card and the other credit card was online application so i assume that is proven. Leaves me with 4 cards still not complied. But i have been in contact regarding these for so long and my situation with them is getting worse. So i was hoping to just pay them all off and not have to worry about them anymore.
  9. would you say 20% is a good starting offer? Or will that be completely silly offer?
  10. Hi, thanks for your replies. I have CCA all of them previously, and had different responses from them all. Some not replied, some sent signed copies of my agreement, some still stalling, and one sent unsighed agreement. The situation I am in, is that I would like to just pay them all off, as I can not really offer much at all on a monthly payment agreement. Hence thats why I have asked my father to help. What percentage would you say to offer to start with? Also I am not paying anyone anything at the moment. Thanks for any help in advance.
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice as I am really struggling with my debts. I was working full time up until Feb 2009 when I was made redundant. I was able to pay all my payments for my debts until then. I have about 6 crdeit card and 2 loans with various different companies. I have not been able to pay anything to anyone since about February. I am getting constant calls and letter threatening legal action and am really stressed about this. I am only claiming job seekers allowance and this is barely enough for my essential spending. My creditors are at different stages and some have started passing debts to different collection companies. In total I owe about £45,000 to all creditors which incle all charges. I have approached family members to see if they can help me. My father has said he will look to pay everyone off, but not at that amount. So we would be looking at short setting all the accounts. Does anyone have any sugesstions as to how much I can realistically offer everyone and what amounts they are likely to accept? Does anyone have any template letters so I can send to them with my income and expenditure details and an offer of short settlement? Also how will this affect my credit file, would they show as defaulted or settled? Would I be able to ask them that if they accept my offers, they have to agree not to put any detrimental entries on my credit file? i.e. all accounts settled in full, no adverse or missed payments, account upto date? If anyone has any suggestions, please could you help. I am really worried about this and any help would be gratefully accepted. Many thanks in advance.
  12. Hi, I received a reply from Halifax regarding my account. The reply is pretty much the same as their original reply. What should i do next?
  13. Sorry, i may be sounding stupid but how do i contact OFT, FSO, ICO? How should I respond to Natwest?
  14. Hi, please can anyone help. I sent Natwest an Account in Dispute Letter and they have sent me back the following. Natwest pictures by JD2002 - Photobucket (it is the letter dater 22/04/09) Please can anyone help me on how to respond to them. I am really worried about this and don't know where to turn. Many thanks for any help.
  15. Please help, I have again received another letter from HSBC saying the same thing. They want my SIGNATURE! I have written to them again today, with the following response: Reference your (latest letter ref ) As a courtesy to you , I have to advise you that any further prevarication on your part will be reported immediately to the Information Commissioner’s Office and the OFT. You have failed on (insert no . ) occasions to comply with my CCA request. Any further refusal to comply with my request will not be tolerated . You have (insert no.) working days to produce the documents which I require , before this agreement is considered unenforceable . Furthermore , I consider that this account is now firmly ‘In Dispute’ until this matter is resolved . You should also be aware that I will pursue compliance through the Courts using CPR if necessary. Is this enough or should I send them something else? Thanks for any help.
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