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  1. Postggj, sorry this is late but i have taken my time to look for policy doc to no avail.i know i have it but i just dnt know where i last saved it.i just moved house u see and i have looked at all possible venues.are u suggesting this is my downfall??am still look out for it though
  2. Hi Postggj, sorry if i have overlooked your question previously.i should have the whole documentation somewhere in my loft but in the meantime attached is a copy of a note that was included in my refusal letter.please have a look at this as i fish the main document out.i will be as quick as i can.jinx!!,, in the loft alone??any advise plss:rolleyes: thnx..
  3. well am yet to see the glorious light at the end of the tunnel.but now what i need most is that huge hug..
  4. hi postggj, statement of means?? no i had nothing of such sort.All i remember is they were more into my income.I actually didnt want the protection but i was advised my loan will be easily considered if i had the protection with it an i could cancel it when i wanted to.when i asked for it to be cancelled it was requiring a different amount than what i thought it did be so i asked them to leave it as it is. my health was not a question not that i recall at all.
  5. HI Guys, well as you said Andie it has been refused.The reason for the refusal was to do with pre-existing medical condition which returned during my first 12 months of contract.They claim my Doctor says I last visited 12 days before my policy started.Here is a copy of the letter with missing dates for you know purposes.I have already been called by a another department of welcome claiming my file has been passed on to the since my claim has been refused,I guess its their legal side.Though i have a refusal letter they have advised me to still call Direct Group to ask why my claim has been refused.They acting like they are on my side now.where do i really go from here???
  6. Well unfortunately i do..my medi report highlights 07-08.and its stress related as i have suffered a great deal of racial discrimination from my previous employer.it all started abt two years ago when i had a transfer to a different location and i have work with this employer for 10years. i will have the delivery recoreded and i will get back to u thnx guys
  7. they also suggested i maintain payments to the finance company..welcome
  8. postggj N adie 03, well there was a consent with the heading ACCESS TO MEDICAL REPORTS ACT 1988 for for me to sign with two options. 1.i wish to see the report b4 it is sent off n may delay my claim 2.i dont want to see the report what i dont get is why they have sent me a medi form as well as this consent FORM.the medi form which i have had to pay for at my GP is filled in now and details from 06-2007 to date.i must have had the loan somewhere last 2008..now when i realised my work reference was gonna delay i called them to advise of it and was told not to worry buy to get it in asap.i have worked for the employer 8years but lost my contract last month.i just had my benefit claim passed. so wat is the consent form am required to sign for??? since my medi form reads from 06 2007.will this be a mess thnx gud ppl
  9. hi postggj, do u know or heard about them before?? well all i want to know is if its worth sendin them these documents.am i legally obliged to do so and whether they will actually pay da claim.
  10. well on top of the letter is "DIRECT GROUP" below the letter is this address wecome protection claims doncaster DN4 5NU TEL:08444124141 FAX:08444124157 the no i called for this form was 01302380343 as i hate calling 084 etc etc. the doctors form cost me £12.50 at my gp even though i am on benefit. i need to provide them with a medi report, work history,sign a medical consent form and last sign my declaration.
  11. thnx everyone,, sorry for the delay had to do a scholl run. am gonna ans all questions asap
  12. employers form??? a form to be filled in by my employer as well as a doctors form for a medical history. are u sayin they have no right to such information? to break my story down i had a loan with welcome finance with protection.when i was due last month i called and said i was out of work so i had to make a claim.they gave me this no to call which i did n was sent these forms to be filled before they can process my claim.welcome still wants me to keep my payments but i really cant afford to n wonder y they requesting dat.and like i said i have looked this so called company up to no avail. any advise thnx
  13. HI everyone, i madea PPI claim against welcome about a month ago.i was refered to another company bt name WELCOME PROTECTION CLAIMS.My forms are ready now but my employer's form.Even though this is not ready yet am desperate to get what i have over to them by fax.I have tried looking them up in the yelloe pages but they arent there and thier fax is an 0844 no.also tried to find an alternate no for this to no avail.Is this company real? please advise thank you..
  14. ...thnx martin.will call them first thg tomorrow.
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