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UnhappyBank Custommer

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  1. Not counting todays rate cut can anyone tell me how many % we are adrift from what we were PROMISED it should be? As to printing money, if i did that i would go to prison but hey its always Joe Public who suffer.... Anybody got a good photo copier?
  2. It is a fine product but when times get better we must remember how we have been treated. I joined when we were promised rate tracking!! as shown in the letter posted earlier... (Link here Untitled Document) Its a pitty we can't use this letter in some legal way, obviously the word PROMISE means nothing anymore. if there is any body out there who could advise it would be good to hear from you. We must all vote with our feet when we can find better products to suit us all....... DON'T FORGET V1 we will remember!
  3. Well we are now ONLY paying 1% more than we should be...oops that should be 2% after yesterday Bet you all can guess what the message is on the V1 phone is today, wonder how many different people we are going to get telling us the same message! :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
  4. Yes I think I is time for MP letters................ Also anybody got any links with the press (Watchdog etc)?? Bad Publicity always helps.
  5. "does not track or never has tracked the Bank of England Base Rate" Have I missed something over the last 10 years, but it always has tracked the Bank of England Base Rate. Something needs to be done.... As soon as the markets stabilise I am OFF!! This product is no longer viable and will die (maybe that’s what they want)
  6. Is there anything we can do to get V1 to pass on the rate cuts. As of today they are still dithering. RBS have passed on the rate cut why can't V1. We are all paying 2% higher than we should be, that amounts to about £266 per month in my case. I joined in the begining and was PROMISED rate changes would be passed on the next day, its all very well them saying that it was not in their terms and conditions, i think they need to look up the meaning or the word Promise! Con more like it.....
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