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Everything posted by nosnibor

  1. Hi CCM Yep. it is a right result but that’s only the first one, No way am I daft enough to think they will all go like that. I will post CCA’s if and when they start to come back, I’m sure we will be speaking again.
  2. I there a record for the quickest result for a new CAG’er. Discovered CAG Monday Sent CCA to Hillesden Tuesday Today Friday I receive this Balance on this was over £15k. God I love this site, I am pretty up against it at present, out of work etc. but I will be making a donation even if I have to sell some organs lol. Now how do I go about challenging the default (never give up)
  3. Sorry if I’m been a bit thick but I want to send off some CCA requests and have never used a postal order before Do I fill in the name of the DCA where it says pay or do I leave blank?
  4. Hi Have just sent CCA to Hillesden re Citi account, very encouraged by what I read hear, can I just ask when you guys opened the accounts mine was July 2003?
  5. Very interested in credit card mug’s info re crap one not generally having enforceable cca’s for anything over 4 years old post 2 Any other rough guides like this re other card/credit providers
  6. Hi roors I’m new as well, please take this the way it’s meant and don’t think I’m been patronising but sit your partner down and tell them. First you will feel loads better and second it’s better than them finding out by accident, trust me I speak from bitter experience. Then CCA all the cards and come back for advice, I’m not knowledgeable enough give it but there as loads of top people on CAG who are
  7. Hi I’m new to this site just learning and more than happy to be corrected if this suggestion is wrong, but it seems to me lenders and DCA’s have little fear of trading standards. How about a complaint to the OFT as they are the ones who licence these people do they not have more teeth?
  8. Thanks for l the advice I’m learning all the time. Think I have to accept this agreement is sound. I was just looking for a way to hit back. For me like many folks times are hard at the moment and I have suffered some horrendous charges just for paying a few days late. I tried to reclaim and was told no way, I have since learned from another thread this was B******T. I will now send SAR and at least go for a refund of charges, and who knows I may get lucky, just because I can find my copy of the agreement don’t mean they can find theirs
  9. All on 3 seperate sheets with signatures on page 2 Have read the link it makes no reference to "terms and conditions" can they be seperate from the actual agreement
  10. New and doing lots of reading on the site to try and learn as much as possible so I don’t have to be a nuisance, but I can't seem to find an answer to this one. with regard to terms and conditions I keep seeing the phrase “contained within the 4 corners of the agreement” what exactly does this mean?
  11. You state that you cancelled your direct debit prior to your insurers debiting your account and incurring charges. You may feel quite rightly that the insurance company are to blame but, I would advise you to take the route of least resistance. If you cancelled this direct debit, no one has a right to reinstate it without your authority. I would pursue your bank under the direct debit guarantee for a full refund of any premiums paid and any charges incurred.
  12. Thanks for the reply Ida I have checked the original agreement there are no cancellation rights contained in it, however, many years ago I worked in the finance industry (I have since repented for my sins) I seem to recall that agreements signed “on trade premises” which this was do not have any cancellation rights perhaps someone could comment. I will also study the link you have sent Many thanks nosnibor x
  13. I’m new to all this so I was hoping someone more knowledgeable would take a look at this credit agreement. From researching the site I had got the impression that in order to be enforceable a CCA should contain the terms and conditions within the main body of the signed agreement and not on a separate sheet as here. I would have to concede that the separate sheet is referred to several times within the agreement Any advice please
  14. Sorry to be a nuisance but followed the instructions for (photobucket) everything looked fine till I posted then the links disappeared and were replaced by boxes saying “image moved or deleted” Help
  15. Please would someone cast an eye over this GE credit agreement? The agreement itself contains several references to the attached terms and conditions, however, it has been suggested to me that as these are on a completely separate sheet and not contained within the body of the agreement it may be unenforceable. Can anyone advise?
  16. New to all this is there an idiots guide to uploading documents?
  17. Many thanks my friend, I posted that this afternoon
  18. Hi everyone I’m new to the site, don’t want to sound like a creep but to find so many clearly knowledgeable people willing to give there time and effort to help total strangers restores a bloke’s faith in human nature. I am a walking financial disaster so you will be hearing a lot from me in the coming months. I think it best to take one step at a time so can anyone offer advice on this situation. (dates are approximate as this is all a long time ago. In 1997 I took out a £10k personal loan with Abbey, in around 1999 I fell on hard times and had to negotiate reduced payments. I kept to this arrangement when out of the blue they issued a default and placed me with Wescot who subsequently passed me on to a company called Scotcall. My financial situation deteriorated further and I was forced to cease payments altogether at that point I thought the matter would end up in court, but to my surprise I heard nothing (let sleeping dogs lie I thought) then in September 2008 I received a letter from Wescot demanding payment. I genuinely cannot recall when I ceased payments but thought it may be early 2002 so I wrote back to Wescot claiming the debt to be stat barred. I have now received a letter claiming I was making payments to Scotcall in June 2005 (truth is I don’t know they could be right). Question is how do I proceed. Should I persist with the stat barred route and demand proof that I was in contact with Scotcall in 2005. If so how best to do this Or Given the agreement is over 10 years old, has been passed through the hands of 2 DCA’s and even if there dates are accurate they have attempted no contact in over 3 years should I go the CA route and hope they can’t produce the agreement Or Is there another way
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