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  1. I advise that you do not communicate with Peter, either through email or the board's messaging system. I think you are right, and appreciate the advice and support from people. The company are clearly not at all professional, and the fact that the office manager communicates in such an unprofessional manner reinforces the 'cowboy' status of the outfit. I appreciate that the site managers have had to intervene and understand that personal comments cannot be posted - however, the guy was trying to insinuate re. issues around me leaving an 11year old alone in the car for a couple of minutes - and I think he really does aggravate people intentionally in order to get a response. It does seem to be more than just a job for him, he obviously enjoys the dispute, carrying it on way beyond the limits of the office. Well, I've learnt a lesson. I won't pursue the company any further - it's pointless, but I did gain some satisfaction from writing a few letters of complaint, and I won't make the same mistake again.
  2. A bright 11 year old who travels independently to school and back? No, you're not going to intimidate me about that. If the officer genuinely did have concerns surely instead of taking photographs he should have waited for my return (only a couple of minutes) in order to ensure his safety????? The issue of taking the pictures is being avoided and attempting to be deflected. Just as UKCPS seem quite dogged in pursuing people for their money, since I unfortunately already paid up and don't seem to have much chance of getting my money back, I am equally determined to at least give them a hard time. I have already written to the BPA, the DVLA, the Huddersfield Examiner, and my MP. I hope that at least some of these people give UKCPS the hassle they deserve. Oh yes, I hadn't thought about Kirklees Council - I'll get onto that now.
  3. Peter (aka UKPS office manager) As already stated - I am no longer pursuing the disabled badge element - I naively appealed as a mother of a disabled child to your understanding in respect of his needs (and you have a copy of his badge so you know this to be the case). What I am most concerned about is the moral and ethical implications of a uniformed officer taking photographs of a private car containing a child. You have still to address this issue - whether the pictures are identifiable or not this is clearly bad practice.
  4. It wasn't CCTV but a man with a camera.
  5. I had not been aware that the disabled bays in private car parks were not legal - and the fact of it is that I do have a disabled child who has a Blue Badge - unfortunately this was with his father, and I was meeting both of them (and collecting the blue badge at the car park whilst I was shopping). I'm no longer disputing the disabled badge issue as it's not getting me anywhere (I've foolishly already payed the ticket), but I am concerned about the issue re. photographing the car whilst my child is in it. The photographs they sent me display part of his face (behind the driver head rest) and most of his torso - and how do I know there weren't more? The point though is surely that the pictures should never have been taken anyway whilst the child was in the car. I consider this to be malpractice on the part of the company - having read more of the related threads this now doesn't surprise me from this organisation.
  6. I wish I had found this site a couple of weeks ago. Mug that I am I actually paid my parking ticket issued by UKCPS, and then sent in an appeal (the ticket suggested that I could appeal but if I paid then at least this would stop charges building up whilst it was being considered - I know, I know .... having read some of the threads I was a fool. One of the things I was very unhappy with was that my 11 year old son was in the car whilst I had nipped into the shop. I know they wouldn't accept this instead of getting a ticket, but does anyone think that I could object to them having taken pictures of the vehicle whilst he was in there? I thought I could maybe complain about their taking photographs of minors (you can see him on the pictures although not too clearly). He was also quite scared and unsure about why their was some guy snapping shots of him - compensation material???? Or did I say goodbye to my £75 cheque when I foolishly sent it, and might as well forget about any appeal or complaint? Do they even have any form of complaints procedure? Any advice much appreciated
  7. Just finding my way around this site
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