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  1. 2004 the default was placed. I'd have to dig it all up again, although I couldn't find many bank charges if I remember rightly. That did strike me as odd though. However, if the debt has been wiped clean, then isn't that almost as if HSBC have admitted that they were wrong in the first place? They haven't pursued me and it's for almost £900!
  2. Do you know how I can get rid of the default?
  3. I have received my first statement from HSBC in almost 3 years. They defaulted me back in 2004 and things have stayed that way ever since. I became curious a few months back and wondered if most of the debt I owed had been made up of charges, so I wrote to them and requested records. Anyway, blah, blah, after months of back and forth sending this letter, that letter, they finally sent me records of all my transactions but after closer inspection, I couldn't find many charges which I found strange. I left it like that, thinking I had woken a sleeping giant and quietly left town! Anyway, (skip to the end) at the back end of April I received a statement and all it contains are an 'accounts summary' which reads something like this: Opening Balance 877.97 Debits 0.00 Credits 877.97 New Balance 0.00 Your Credit Limit 0.00 There's also a 'transaction details': Received by us Transaction date Details Amount 17 Apr 07 13 Apr 07 MANUAL FINAL CHARGEOFF 877.97CR Now, initially, I interpreted this statement as if all charges and money owed had been dropped and that maybe they were just sick and tired of another consumeractiongroup wannabe booking a court dance before learning how to walk, therefore they just saved the hassle and wrote it off. Though, having checked one of those 'check your credit for FREE , just pay £1.77 to see it now' sites today, I noticed that the default and amount is still showing. Can anyone show me the light? Cheers, Andy
  4. Here's an angle for you. There are legal and financial experts that prowl this forum, therefore I wonder if anyone can clear this up. Without going into my details as you can probably find them in my other posts, but basically, I am fighting 3 defaults that have scarred my record for roughly 3 1/2 years. Now in this time, my financial credability has suffered to the point whereby my own bank whom I've graced for the past 6 years, refuse to give me even a measley £10 overdraught! Therefore you needn't ask whether I could qualify for a mortgage which I wouldn't be paying through the teeth for. My point is this, if it turns out that my 3 default claims are succesful and the balances are cleared and defaults are removed then, in these past 3 1/2 years in which I estimate to have paid £21k in rent - which would otherwise be now, equity in my favour had I taken out a mortgage(not to mention the amount I've lost out to in house rise prices), isn't there some kind of damages to be had? There must be an angle, I'm sure if we were in America (I'm glad we're not btw) we would be suing the pants off these guys and standing a damn good chance of winning. Not only can an estimate be had for financial loss, there must be another angle for the fact that these damn defaults have cost me job oportunities too which, even quite recently, I was told that until my defaults were gone, I wouldn't stand a chance of getting offered the job they were so keen to offer me until my defaults had come to light! Any thoughts will be appreciated.
  5. Wow! That is one hell of a story. Which only makes me want to kick myself very hard for not including the default removal in the claim. I really don't know what to do now, I'm not anywhere near as prepared as jonni and don't think I ever could be. In my case, the default removal was/is paramount, I wouldn't have given a monkeys were I ordered to pay the amount owed in order to have the default removed (impossible I know), the point is, I want it gone. What on earth am I gonna do now?
  6. Thanks file wizzard, my first problem is that because they are not responding to my letters I don't have much information about my account such as account number etc. The S.7 though, is that the follow up for S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) or is it more versatile than that? Also, the court action mentioned in the S.7, can that be done via the moneyclaim route?
  7. possibly, I guess I am gonna have to request statements. Anything will be a bonus as the account was settled, I'll let you know if it does.
  8. Yeah, I was hoping at least. I just cannot understand why there would be absolutely no charges on my credit card statements when I was constantly over my limit.
  9. My mistake really, I ommited the default details from my moneyclaim case and therefore despite C1 refunding me with the charges and interest etc. there has been no mention of removing the default. Is there any literate wizards out there who can help me put together a 'polite' request to remove the default now that the debt has been removed as there doesn't appear to be any template letters which would do the trick?
  10. I have been concentrating solely on a former HSBC credit card which was been defaulted against me back in 2003. At the same time, I held a bank account with them which I had to pay £800 to clear the overdraght to close the account. Now, I have not had any joy so far with the credit card, in fact it appears that despite the fact that I had 21 late payments, they never seemed to charge me which has left me with the sole hope that CapQuest who have recently bought the debt don't have the deed of assignment. It has just dawned on me though, that my old bank account which I settled back in '03 may be riddled in charges (I hope anyway) so I will send an SAR to find out. Would anyone know from experience, if HSBC have or still charge the bank account for the charges from the credit card?
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