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worried of darlingon

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  1. Hello, if i anybody could help i would be most grateful. In approx 2007 my current partners ex wife claimed income support and was made to claim CSA from my partner, he was already at this time and has never stopped paying her direct weekly. Due to us moving alot, the CSA lost contact with us and nothing else was heard. until in about 2010 when a lady visited our house from criminal investgations at the CSA. Now my boyfriend has kept every reciept from the payments he has made into her account, but he didnt give them to the CSA for fear that she would get in trouble because she had claimed benefits for spells during the time the CSA were requesting payment so he didnt tell them and foolishly hoped it would go away. He has always and will always pay for his children but he quite rightly didnt want to pay twice. So it got to the point where he was interviewed under caution and he had to show the reciepts proving he had paid, so that was fine, his ex wife spoke to them and told them that she was happy for the money to be classed as payment for that period and then accept direct payments thereafter. BUT the CSA are still pursuing us for payments that shouldve been taken before the money reached her due to the fact that she was claiming benefits for some of the time. so the CSA are now calling me and my partner up to 30 times a day asking for payment of nearly £1000 by card!!! i dont see this as fair as this isnt going to his kids but to the secretary of state and hes already paid what he shouldve paid anyway. could anybody advise me on where to go from here. if anything i think it should be his ex wifes debt.
  2. my reply has vanished...... im not on income support, just tax credits, and as far as im aware attacments cant be made to tax credits ive sent this email to them To Whom This May Concern, I write with regards to my council tax account, for the years 2007-2011. As you are no doubt aware my accounts are seriously in arrears. This matter has gone on for to long and needs to be addressed. You have written to me on several occasions regading my accounts throughout the course of the debt being accruied, and on my part, you have received no response. This is due to a number of factors, the easiest way to explain without going into more detail is that i simply havent had any money to pay. I am also significantly in arrears with my rent, and have narrowly avoided eviction several times throughout the course of this debt. I am aware that the debt was previously in the hands of equita bailiffs. I tried to make arrangments with them on several occasions, i attempted to inform them of my finacial difficulties and informed them of the amounts i could pay at that time. Of all the times i attempted to pay them, they would accept nothing but full payment. I have no savings, no income other than tax credits and no access to credit facilities, so for me, this was not and is not possible. The only offer i can make to the council is £5 per week. I have again claimed housing benefit and am currently awaiting notification of full housing and council tax benefit so the council tax for this year would be paid. I will in the near future when i secure employment be in a position to pay more, and when i commence work, i will provide you with the details to enable you to get an attachment to my earnings. Kind Regards
  3. i claim tax credits, but not income support, i know they do have liability orders against me but i dont know how many. i have just emailed them this To Whom This May Concern, I write with regards to my council tax account, for the years 2007-2011. As you are no doubt aware my accounts are seriously in arrears. This matter has gone on for to long and needs to be addressed. You have written to me on several occasions regading my accounts throughout the course of the debt being accruied, and on my part, you have received no response. This is due to a number of factors, the easiest way to explain without going into more detail is that i simply havent had any money to pay. I am also significantly in arrears with my rent, and have narrowly avoided eviction several times throughout the course of this debt. I am aware that the debt was previously in the hands of equita bailiffs. I tried to make arrangments with them on several occasions, i attempted to inform them of my finacial difficulties and informed them of the amounts i could pay at that time. Of all the times i attempted to pay them, they would accept nothing but full payment. I have no savings, no income other than tax credits and no access to credit facilities, so for me, this was not and is not possible. The only offer i can make to the council is £5 per week. I have again claimed housing benefit and am currently awaiting notification of full housing and council tax benefit so the council tax for this year would be paid. I will in the near future when i secure employment be in a position to pay more, and when i commence work, i will provide you with the details to enable you to get an attachment to my earnings. Kind Regards im hoping that someone in a good mood will read it and be nice.
  4. hi, i owe a fortune in council tax, over 3 years. i have had hell with my rent and have nearly been evicted twice and tbh i havent worried about the council tax. terrible i know, but i havent avoided payment, i simply havent been able to pay, the same as i was unable to pay my rent. i was entitiled to housing benefit due to my income, but i wasnt paid it as i couldnt prove certain aspects. basically i need help trying to sort it from my quick search online it appears i could go to prison for 3 months due to this.... im petrified. im totally in the wrong and i know that, but if im honest im still in no position to pay it off other than in very small amounts. i currently recieve full housing and ct benefit.
  5. hello, i am a secure council tenant and have lived in my property nearly 4 years. i have many issues regarding my property eg, drafty single glazed windows, ancient broken kitchen and many more that the council choose to ignore. on friday i leant (and i mean barely leant, with my leg, putting barely any weight) on the draining board or my sink unit, and the whole thing totally collapsed causing a major leak. as it was late at night, to be considerate to the people working the night shift, i thought it was safe enough to leave till the morning, the sink had stopped leaking etc, so the following day i called the council out of hours repairs to fix the leak. when the man came he was shocked that the entire unit had collapsed and on closer inspection found that it had not been installed properly, there was no support or wood underneath that should have been there. he said im lucky i wasnt sat on it as it would have caused me serious damage! he fixed the leak and also dismantled and removed the unit (although it is still in my property) and said that someone would come today and put in a new one. when nobody came i contacted the council and after 3 hours of holdings and promised callbacks, i was advised that as the damage was caused by me leaning on it, i would have to pay to get a new one installed!!! my argument is that if it had been installed correctly it wouldnt have broken in the first place, and also that i on several occasions have sat on other units and nothing like this has happened. the issue is purely and simply due to shoddy workmanship on the councils part. i then asked for a call back from the manager that made the decision (a woman i am already having serious issues with) who very rudely informed me that it was her decision to charge me and although she had done no investigation before making the decision she basically doesnt care and would be charging anyway. i have now made the decsion not to let the council install a new sink until they are willing to do it free of charge as it was due to their error. could anyone give me any advice as to how to aproach this and how long it will take? thanks
  6. its just not nice worrying that there watching me! im probs just paranoid but its not a nice feeling.
  7. she stupidly flicked through all of the pages she had, i saw an exquifax credit report (possible mine) his car insurance and his fb profile.
  8. i know, normally i wouldnt either! i was just so shocked that she asked, and she demanded more than asked tbh! but shes not the most reasonable of people, very rude infact!!
  9. I've just called her again to offer her further information, she was very rude (as usual) and said that she doesn't want any info and if she needs anything she will ask. I'm definatly going to make a complaint about her now as her attitude is discusting!!
  10. She said that the visit was due to a report that man lived with me. So do u not think I'm being investigated for fraud?I may sleep tonight now!!!
  11. his car is reg at my address and also his car insurance, but i have given reasons for these things to her, i pay my rent, and all bills are in my name and paid by me, he has no bank accounts at my address, they are all at his home address and i have given her statements of these. he doesnt live here, plain and simple, but by the sounds of some of the threads on here, if they want to proove you guilty and theres no evidence, they make it up! they havent stopped my h/b or c.t/b and i havent had an i.u.c, im just petrified! i hate things like this!! ive not slept for days its awful i believe shes a fraud officer for the council, does this give her the right to perform surveilance?
  12. But if they have enough evidence either way surely anything I have could only strengthen my case and therefore if her desison in not in my favour surely she should accept my information. Do you know at what point in an investigation surveilance is carried out? As I am slightly paranoid that I am being watched and I don't like the thought. Yes I did give her permission to search my house but only as she said is there a man here, I said no, to which she replied well u won't mind me checking then will you! Her attitude really is terrible and she treat me terribly. I think I will make a compliant.
  13. I've read loads, but there wasn't anything the same as my situation and people seem to only write for advice then not inform the forum of what's happened, so there's no end result shown. Anyone that can be of help please do.
  14. And it obv is, like you though I thought that the 3 day rule exsisted and seeing as my b/f pays nothing into my house and doesn't stay more than 3 days a week I wouldve thought that was ok. It now appears to not be the case.
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