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Everything posted by ambershadow

  1. Yes me too But can't for the life of me find the thread I thought it was 6 months???????? But after 2 yea''rs I should think they need anothe one
  2. I bet the fine wasn't that muchwas it? You need to check out the fee's here as that's alot of money for one parking ticket
  3. They can't take his car But they will try you need to sort this asap Please write a repayment plan and send to the council direct with a payment if you can and you must stick to this agreement, If you call the police they will probably assist the Bailiff if you read the threads here that's normally what happens as they know nothing about civil law
  4. If you don't let them in there;s nothing they can do to you so don't worrie... Pay the council direct online if you have too till you sort out what you do and don't owe. the council can tell you how much you owe them and then I would pay them direct I am not sure MAybe Hallowitch can answer whether there is a time limit on wpo's
  5. He can issue civil proceedings to the person he brought it from and if it was me friend or no friend I would do this, He couoldn't be much of a mate to do this to your friend?
  6. Hallowitch this was 2 years ago they went into the property has the time for this lapsed now? Sorry I don't know the answer So if they don't give them access there's nothing they can do?
  7. If you have paid that much off the rest is charges.... You need to ask them if they can supply you with a screen shot of your account so you can see what you have been charged
  8. Oh you have your hands full there then with JBW jesus I have never come across such nasty and ignorant people who do not abide by the law stated b y the councils
  9. They can't take whats not yours and that includes the car's I would contact tomtubby on here as she is the bailiff expert and will help you it's her business so she knows what to do
  10. Don't get me wrong here it's nice for people that have been on the other side to post but You aswell as all bailiffs no that some people can't pay not won't can't and they have to pay what they can afford at the time which is not what the bailiffs want is it? be truthful now They stitch you up left right and center untill your levied up to your eyeballs and can afford no more... then call you and say you need to pay more when they darn well know you can't so come and take your stuff or give you more aggro .Now I realise that some people don't pay and if they don;t pay then they all have to pay the penalties..... Now most of us all know here that you DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY BUSINESS with a bailiff and that's Law not fact, All you need to do is pay the council direct and in the end they will see you are paying off the debt and carry on taking you money to finish paying... So really and truly it's only the people that don't know about this forum or their rights that suffer , But they soon find it and get to know their rights then the bailiff suffer's not them
  11. But this is only my opinion and experience I am not a expert please remember that, I can only tell yu how I went about doing this with mine after the bailiffs tryed desperatley to take me for a ride But aftr finding this forum and the lovely poeple here They didn't get away with it
  12. That's fine I would also add your repayment plan to that and tell them you will be paying them in future not the bailiffs.. I can't see that 250 will be refused and if they say we can't take it then pay online and keep receipts... Love to be a fly on the wall when they come to take car and you tell them its hired lol that' would make my day Hope you get on ok
  13. You have no obligation at all to pay the bailiffs why peolple do I jsut don't know probably because they know no different, But it's NOT AGAINST THE LAW NOT TO PAY THEM but you must pay your council tax and I am and have been in your position and still paying back 4.000 of arear's to the council. But whaT I did is send a payment plan I could afford to the council and copied to the bailiff.......... I now pay the council direct and no bailiff fee's either... For one they have to except payment and if you do a plan that you stick too they have no complaints do they? and if they did go back to court the court can say hang on they have been paying,.........It's when you don't pay that thingsget out of hand Also the levy is invalid as you have to sign it and the car is not your's LOL Do they never learn They can't take whats not yours or levey on it .... Don't let them in and don't sign nothing either let them stew this time
  14. Your right !!! And if they did know the laws then we wouldn't get treated like they treat us would we? No bailiffs work to how they should well not the ones repoted against on this forum
  15. Thanks for posting your offer of help BUT Not all bailiffs listen to what you have to say or want to............. They clamp vehicles before asking for payment and in my case I didn't know I had the debt untill they knocked on my door impersonating a delivery driver with a parcel...............then when I answered the door stuck there feet inside my door so I couldn't close it then pushed and threatend me to pay up or else So I think you should also understand that not everyone wants to listen to a post from a bailiff No offence meant to yourself
  16. Oh poor you I do hope you get on ok we had the same and stil l paying the arear's off and it's killing us, But they did come round to our way of thinking in the end we just paid what we could and if they took us back to court at least we were paying something over the top and hopefully the judge would see that too......... trouble is now days people off to pay what they can't afford then lose the lot as they have agreed to pay the higher amount Good Luck
  17. I have the same problem But my charges are now in excess of 6.000 I am not sure whether we can claim these back like the bank charges
  18. All bailiffs make false statements because they think that poeple don't know their rights or find this forum. But when they do they have a change of heart all of a sudden Pay online to the council and then email or write in with a copy of your payment slip they won't refuse the money And bailiffs know that it's not against the law NOT TO PAY them but you must pay the council tax so do it online Good luck
  19. I wouldn't pay any bailiffs now not after finding this site... I pay direct to the council and they take the money and now have taken the debt back as I haven't faulted in payment but that's because I sent a payment plan in to them and also the bailiffs and told then I would pay the council direct... There is no law in this land that says you have to pay the bailiffs and they know that very well But if you don't know then they can over charge you and theaten you and such like which is what they have done to many people on this board... Most of us have been there so know very well what they are like I hope you get sorted
  20. Tell her also not to open the door to them ignore them completley and keep all windows and door's locked. what these peole play on is you don't know your rights or you don't find this forum
  21. You don;t have to pay the bailiifs and they know darn well you don't you are oblidged to pay your council tax but to the council not the bailiffs If they have never been into your home then they can't just break in so I would do a payment plan send to the council with payment and keep paying the council direct..
  22. They can't charge you all that for visits Happy contrails has posted what they can charge you.... they are commiting fraud with their charges
  23. No they can't take your car on finance, and I would look into paying that sort of money too it's not right they have defrauded you with their fee's
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