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Everything posted by mozzer67

  1. You folks are brill. Thanks so much for your help and advice, I'm actually going to cut and paste some of your responses into my letter to DL because I don't feel confident enough to "knock up" a letter to a law firm. I'll let you know how I get on, fingers crossed these frightmongers will leave me alone Thanks again everyone! Mark
  2. Thanks people for your replies and help, I will first send them a letter making them provide concrete evidence (looking back I'm not sure I did download the film, I may but I'm definately not sure) if they come back with this then I guess I'm gonna have to get some legal advice. I would be able to provide proof to pay minimum a month because I really am on a low wage and my expenditure leaves very little for living, I am also in rented accommodation so there's no chance these robbers can take my flat off me Once again thanks for your help, if any new readers are reading this and have had a run in, especially if you have got as far as court, let me/us know how you got on. Thanks, Mark
  3. Hi, I have received one of these letters yesterday and am worried sick of it due to the 500 plus they are asking from me, thing is I actually did download the film they are accusing me of downloading. Can anyone please give any advice regarding this or shall I just try and pay up? I've had one of the worse nights sleep over this, I've been always told that anyone who downloaded copyright infringement would be given a 3 strikes scenario to stop doing so. They say I have 21 days to settle but the weird thing is there isn't even a phone number to call to try and arrange a settlement or payment scheme, on my low salary there is no way I can afford to pay out over 500 in one lump. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Mark
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