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Everything posted by ray_uk

  1. Hi Many thanks for your reply. As I said I was looking for a computer online and saw the computer I wanted. The computer was out of stock, and did not know when its available. On the website, I saw the business account and had a browse. On here they had my computer for sale and £75 cheaper than retail. Before I could purchase it, I needed an account. So I joined up and just made up a business name and was accepted. I could now purchase the machine and paid by credit card. I contacted my credit card supplier, and asked for chargeback. This is still progressing but I don't hold much hope to get refunded. To me ive been cheated out of over a Grand. I had to take out a bank load of £1000.00 with interest. to buy another computer urgent. Is it possible if you could make me a letter to send to currys as I'm hopeless doing this. Again thanks for the brilliant replies. Ray
  2. I purchased the computer on the 12th May 2017. It was delivered 16th May. Because of the fault with no signal on the monitor, a moron emailed me and ased me to write down the errors on boot up. This must be a sales person jerk. How can I read boot up if I haven't got a signal. It was on the 17th May I tried contacting with support email that was sent 4 times. Eventually I got a reply back. I opened up a complaints which ended today. I now got 20 day before I can contact the chief. I needed a computer urgent for my sons exams and had to take out a bank loan of £1000 with interest and purchased a new computer. Now they wan to send somebody from Fujitsu to replace the graphic card. How do they know its the graphic card, it could be any fault. Just got a guts full now. I did not know business accounts are different. surly they must refund me now. Thanks
  3. Hi last month I was looking to purchase a new computer. I went to the CurrysPCworld website and found a machine that was suitable. Trouble was they were out of stock. Still browsing their website, I discovered they had my machine on their business website, but I had to join as a business retailer. I used my brother Business name. I joined up. I then ordered the computer and paid £1.119.58. A few days later, I received the computer, and carefully installed it after reading the manual. As I switched it on, I get an error message saying no signal on the monitor. I tried everything possible to get it to work. I even put another working monitor on it with same message. I even purchased a new DVI lead from Amazon thing it may well be a faulty lead. This was waste of money and got same message. I then contacted Currys PCworld support emails 4 times and all said message was was invalid. I found another email, and this was delivered. I then got a reply saying sorry, but need to check my leads and to pause on reboot and tell them errors on the screen. How can I read the details without a display Doughnuts. This went on for a few days, and then I get a message saying I need to get in touch with the Manufacturer FUJITSU. I told them I could not contact them as I'm totally deaf. I then told them to sort it out, and gave them 7 days to respond. No contact, so I asked them for a full refund and they can pick it up. We exchanged emails and it was obvious they will not be refunding me. I then got a message to say an engineer from PCworld will be coming to change the video card. I've refused this, and rejected the offer and just want a refund. I need a computer urgent and had to get a bank load to buy another. PC world say its a manufacturer and not there's Please can anybody give me some advice bearing in mind its a business Account Purchase Thanks Ray
  4. Hi On the 25 March 2011, I purchased a washing machine from Currys in Cardiff. After paying by card, the salesman ask me if I wanted extended warranty in case of breakdown. I refused the offer, as I live on my own and does all my washing every 1 to 2 weeks. He was telling me all sorts of rubbish. I again no and went home. This week Jan 2017 I had some problems with my bank account. My Daughter helped me look through all my direct debits for me. We noticed a transaction for currys, and yes it was a warranty for a fridge freezer I purchased from currys. Going through further, we noticed another transaction from currys £6.45 I contacted currys and they told me its for my washing machine. I told them I did not make any agreement. I told them that the salesman done this without my permission and said that would be fraud. After several emails I told them I was taking legal advice an gave them 7 days to reply. I have passed their reply below. How can I prove that I didn't make this agreement when I didn't enter into a warranty. Please can you advise me. Thanks Ray Guy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There Message below .Dear Mr xxxx, Thank you for your email dated 13th January 2017. Please accept my apologies for the delay in our response. I have noted your complaint regarding this agreement being set up fraudulently, to set up the agreement, you have to sign a mandate authorising payments to be debited from your account. As our stores only retain records up to six months we are unable to provide the proof necessary to substantiate your claim. Any proof regarding this allegation would need to be provided by yourself, upon receiving this we will consider your claim and get back to you once a decision has been made. At the time of purchase, you would have been provided with a copy of the Terms and Conditions that advised you exactly which items were protected and how to cancel. You were also given a copy of the purchase receipt, which would have mentioned the agreement. The monitoring of payments being taken from a card or bank account is the customer's responsibility. Your card statements should indicate who a payment is being made to and if there are any doubts or unrecognised payments the card provider should be contacted to check the details. We would expect any questions regarding payments to be raised promptly.
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