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Everything posted by texel

  1. Further to my last message about beneficial recd. a letter saying they would pay me the £ 250.00 So you will see it pays to stick to your guns. By the way regards to my fight with BOS finally decided after talking to two lawyers that I have ended up filing a summary clause because the lawyers did not fill me with confidence about their handling h situation. So have filed but not heard anything yet. To those who think of splitting their suits to avoid the max £ 750. If you split then you have to wait until the first case is finished before you start the second or the judge will probably put them both together and you will be stuck!!! I would do as I did file £ 1500.00 sumary clause and later a small claim. The sumary clause is not bad the only thing different as far as I can remember is that you have to get a lawyer or sheriff officer to deliver the summons ( which I think is best as it only cost me £ 15.50 nd you know what lawyers can charge even though you will get it back when you win I do not like to be out of any excess funds)Best of luck let me kinow if I can help;.
  2. I hope this is what you want going from my credit card charges as follows; 2004 arrears charge £ 20.00 ( that was 17/3/04- 9/5/04 charge up to £ 25.000) over limit 9/5/04 £ 25.00. 2005 arrears and over limit £ 25.00 It has been that ever since
  3. I had a simillar situation Citi Financial wrote and told me they did not aggree with OFT's findings and therefore would not refund a ny charges so I wrote back and said not too waste time I would just go ahead and file a claim which I did. Beneficial (HFC) sent the same kind of letter so I said the same. Yesterday I received a letter offering me a goodwill gesture of £ 120.00 I was wanting £ 234.00 so I sent them a letter saying because hey took so long I had already filed a claim but would settle for £2 50.00 if they paid by return if not then it would cost more because I( would charge the whole cost of bringing the claim to trial. So don't let them get away with anything!!!!
  4. Hi Joanne Best of luck any help I can give just let me know
  5. I also had good luck with Coop credit cards started on 17 Oct with the usual letter giving them 14 days etc. received a letter from them giving me the hog wash about how sorry they were about me not being happy with them and theywould look into my situation etc. and they would be in touch within 7 days that was written on 23rd. Oct so I dropped them a note reminding them that they had until the 31st Oct. to fish or cut bait!!! Received a letter dated 6th Nov. thankin g me for my ledtter of 17th. Oct " they can understand the fustration about the charges" etc. they would get back to me within the next 6 weeks. Of course I had gone down to the local court and filed a claim friday 10th. Nov. Sat (yesterday received a letter thanking me for my letters of 17th. & 26th Oct, and again apologising for the delay in repl;ing " after reveiwing your account, I can confirm the charge of £780.00 has been refunded to your account number ----" So Mon. I have to phone the court and stop the case going further!!! The only thing that bothers me the claim covers three accounts and the refund was put into one so I want them to divide it up and put in in monthly so that I have a break from monthly payment. Any I am sure glad it worked and spurred me on to do two more today Best of luck
  6. I don't seem to say things correctly In my previous letter I said £ 15.00 instead of £ 1500.00 and I was in the court filing yesterday!!! Sorry!
  7. I have a similar problem as you because I am after BOS for £ 1680.00 Was told I could go for summery cause and drop the amount over £ 15.00 NO WAY I will not letthe B------s of with a penny for all the trouble they have caused. Anyway as I intent to win The bank will, pay the lawyers fees and him doing it will help. Incidently when I was in the court doing a couple of small claims one for COOP credit card would you beleive this morning I received a letter saying they apologised for the delay and had credited my account with he whole lot Namely £ 780.00 Best of luck let me know if I can help.
  8. Hi Hamster, Welcome; Hope you have good luck clobbering the bank! I have started on BOS for the same thing. Living in Scotland I had to go the long way by getting a lawyer as I am going after £ 1600.00 ++ butI am not worried. I know I will win in the long term. Anyway best of luck to yourself if there is any way I can help just letme know.
  9. Lookinforinfo. Wescot have not taken me to court just threatened to do so. I will charge Mint with theircharges because it is their fault. I told them in several letters before hearing from Wescot. That I was not paying them any more until I received the missing statemen ts Iam not worried about court action in this case. Thanks again. jmb.
  10. lookinforinfo. Sure appreciate all your help. To answer your questions. Yes I do live in Bonnie Scotland just 1 1/2 miles from Gleneagles on a small farm. Actually I am not in dispute with Mint on the amount owed just the penalty charges and Wescot's £ 350.00 charges. Will get a RD letter off to Mint straight away. I have been working out charges etc on a couple of other situations. Thanks again for all your help. jmb.
  11. Lookinforinfo. In reply to your recent email I received from Wescot dateof issue 19/7/06 a Final notice Unless I pay Amount claimed £ 8,899.37 Legal expenses £ 350.00 Total £ 9249.37 within 7 days Claim Form/ Summons may be lodged with Hull County Court or the local Sheriff Court for residents in Scotland. Of course I did nothing. It might have been then that I told them I was not paying a penny until I received the missing statements. Now that I have received the statements I wanted to know if I should pay them £ 100.00 per month? Thanks JMB.
  12. lookinforinfor. Thanks again for your email. I thought I had sent a reply to your previous email, but I guess it just vanished like other of my computer letters etc!!! I have read reread and reread the FAQs All I wanted from RBS was the missing statements for my mint credit card as I had all the previous statements showing all the charges etc. I do not and never had for many years a bank account with RBS just credit cards. I am already going after BOS for the charges on my business account Just about ready to file court action same with credit cards at the COOP bank then a number after that Including BOS personal account and a couple of credit cards with them. So I expect to be busy over the next wee while. Actually there is no dispute with my MINT card other than the charges and Wescots £ 350 legal fees and what I wanted to know was should I go ahead and pay Wescot £ 100.00 per month. At the present time I can't think of anything else that was on my previous reply which had gone missing Thanks again JMB.
  13. Looklinforinfo Thanks for you reply.The £10 was for a, SAR. I already had all my statements from Mint up to Feb2006. Now I have them all up to date and they show all my payments and their charges. Incidentally it is only credit cards I have with Mint and RBS. I have deleted the items you mention.Now the only dispute I have is claiming the "penalty" charges back. Do you think that is enough for me not to pay any more to Wescot? Thanks jmb.
  14. Woops on reading my reply I noticed Jun Jul Aug Sept statements I said the bal was £xxxxx should be £ xxxxx. sorry.
  15. Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately as I am no good with computers. I am not sure what Subject Access Request is. I only wnted to get the missing statements to see what was charged so that I could add them to the charges prior to Feb. 06 statement. Jan statement shows a balance xxxx Feb shows xxxxx. which includes intrest No late payment or over limit charges!! Mar. xxxxx Includes intrest April 4th. Bal. unchanged ( no intrest charged) April 18th paid £ 1341.00 Bal now xxxxx June July Aug Sept, statements xxxxx no charges even though no further payments were made. I had told RBS I was not making any more payments until I received statements! 19th. July Wescot claimed xxxxx plus legal expenses £ 350 making a total xxxxxx 19th sept sent Wescot £100 1st Oct sent another £ 100.00. Sept.13th. sent a letter to RBS telling them I was fed up with the way I have been treated and If I did not receive up to date statements I would consider taking them to court. of course nothing happened until I sent £10 p.o. and another letter on 24th. Oct. I hope I have answered your questions.j.m.b
  16. Sent RBS letter asking for statements enclosing a £ 10.00 P.O. on 24th. Oct. Received statements from Feb 2006 to current month today 27th. Oct not bad for time. The only thing which annoys me is having to pay for statements which should have been sent for free. The other thing is there was no late charges etc for these months were cherged. Now as I still owe a large ammount on this card and it has been sent to Triton do I continue paying £100 per month even though I am going after RBs for charges before Feb/. 2006.
  17. cillitbanger maybe I did this on the wrong place as you are the only one to reply where else should I put it:?:
  18. Re I need help. Thanks for your message. I have not paid the Mint card off just broughht it up to date as of april 2006. Still owe a sizeable ammount
  19. Being rather aged and computers well over my head. I will try and make sense of my problem. A year ago I started getting ill By Xmas time it was so bad I ended up in Hospital for major surgery for the big C. During the time of my illness the last thing on my mind was paying credit cards etc!! So you know what happened the ammounts due rose and rose. When I got out of hospital. I was forced to sell my cottage to pay off a lot of my bills abd bring everything up to date. One of the cards was a mint card handled by RBOS. I paid this card over £1300.00 but never got a statement showing it was received. In fact the last statement I received on that card was Jan.2006. I wrote to the bank and asked for an up to date statement nothing happened and eventually the account was given to Triton Credit then to Triton Credit servivces They phoned me and I told them I had not received a statement they said it had to come from the Bank they could not do anything about it. I made a deal with them to send them £ 100.00 per month I have sent them a couple of payments and have not received a receipt form them. I npotice they are charging me £ 350.00. Now I do have some charges by RBOS prior to Jan statement which I will go after but wanted to find out the total first. Do I have to send them £ 10.00 in order to get RBOS to send me the missing statements. I might add I have another Mint card where there has been no problems!! sure hope someone can help Thanks in advance. Sorry this has been so drawn out.
  20. I am rather aged and computers are way over my head!!! Ever since I joined I have been trying to comunicate and say hello to every one. I sure like reading all the threads you call them anyway all the stories etc. Now I need help and if anyone knows the answer please let me know. Being aged things happen to older people and it happened to me. Last Oct. I started becoming ill and it gradually got worse until at Xmas time I spent in hospital having major surgery for the big C during the ill period I let things slide with regards to credit card payments so you know what happened bills got larger and larger. When I came out of hospital I decided to sell my home and try and get out from under the mess. I sold my cottage and with the proceeds paid off a number of credit cards. Some of the payments were quite large like one to Mint over £ 1300.00 RBS who handle Mint never sent me a statement showing they received th e cheque it did go through my bank so I know they received it. In the meantime they gave the account to Triton Credit then to Wescot Credit I phoned Wescot and they said I had to get the statements from RBS I have sent several letters to RBS but no reply Now I started to send £ 100 per month to Wescot But after a couple of payments I never receive a receipt from them. Now I intend to go after RBS for all the extra charges but how can I find out how many there are without the statements the last I have was dated Jan. 2006. Sorry this has got so long and drawn out Thanx for taking the time to read this. Hello again to everyone JMB.
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