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Everything posted by minnimes

  1. just read through it, what if he didnt put it in writting? not sure if he did
  2. oh forgot to say, im ignoring, see what they come back with :S
  3. ok little sketchy on details but ive been asked to post, a loan was taken for £1000, after some money trouble payments were stopped, the person involved join a debt managment programe (one that charges for help ) the debt to welcome is now £7000!!!! how can they do this? can charges be claimed back? its totaly excessive. the person is not in the position to offer a f&f settlement. if you need more details please ask and i will try to find out, thank you
  4. not sure if this is the right place to post ,feel free to move it. need some advise, ive been asked to post about car finance probs, long story short, my mums partner had a car on finance, he returned the car after he had paid over half the balance, he was late on afew payments at some point. the car was accepted by the company (not sure who) and sold at a loss of the loan balance. it stated that the car could be returned after paying half the balance and no debt would be out standing. anyway there was a short fall of £600, the company have now come back for this money, can they do this? the car was returned 2 yrs ago. feel free to ask for more info and i will try to get what you need.
  5. just had another look at the application, the date i signed it is the 7th, the stamp is the 9, i think, so looks like they filled all my details in afterwards, can they do that and just sign me up for ppi with out even telling me? ive paid the balance off in full once and then used it again so god knows how much thats cost me. if i do try to claim back ppi is that not admitting liability?
  6. no i didnt tick it, i took it out in a shop so it should all be hand written, my name and address are all typed. ive never knowingly took ppi as ive been a stay at home mum for the last 9 yrs and i couldnt have claimed on it.
  7. thats all it says, just that one line, the rest of it is asking for payment etc. do you need me to scan it?
  8. good news i think? had a letter from the dca, it says stuuf about the nil balance on bc statments being there because bc removed it from their system to sell to them, they say it does not been tht a payment has been recived or that liability has been removed. they say they are now entitled to recieve payment of the balance and enclose a copy of my statement as requested? erm i didnt i dont think. neither bc or them selves are aware of any reason for non-payment. now the good bit, it says, please note we are unable to provide you a copy of the credit agreement. it then goes on to say please make payment in 7 days ect. it then has 6 pages all typed, saying my name etc, then cash limit zero, balance and then a load of stuff about min payments. i have 7 days to contact them, letter dated 13th jan, funny though seeing as theyve put the date of my request as the 09/12/09, so they allow them selves 3 mnths and me a week lol. any way i take it this is good? what do i do now?
  9. ive not been paying them anyway, not since it became in dispute. i dont have the means to do a f&f offer at the mo, so i guess my only option is to wait it out and see if they take me to court. i think i should send the letter slick did on my other thread ? strange though how ive been asking for an agreement for about 12 mnths, fos write to them once and get it.
  10. oh ok, so what now? the fos are done, they say its a valid agreement and wont/cant comment on enforceability, do i send them the letter you did for me that i sent for the other account? thank you and have a good christmas,
  11. erm, there is no back, thats all i got, and a set of t&c. so its unenforceable? i thought it was but just to make sure, and whats a microfiche copy? i know i sound think but im still getting used to all this. whats next? thanks minni
  12. also just noticed that the date by the sig has been altered, the first part, day/ mnth is hand written, the yr has been typed in ?
  13. had a letter from the fos, theyve got me an agreement from barclays. it looks like its been alterd in parts, there a logo which is half missing. anyway, it doesnt even say agreement on it. all it has is my name, dob, some phone numbers, sort code bank account no, mothers maiden name, . they have type in that i wanted ppi!!!!! ive never asked for it, i didnt even know it was on there, also a yearly charge of £16 barclay card protection? it does have a sig and a date. alot of it i cant read as its all smudged so not sure what it says, it deff doesnt have everything it should, it even says application ref at the top. so what now? can i claim back ppi on a card? i dont know how much its as the balance would change, ive also paid it off in full twice. i will scan the doc later when i have 5 mins.
  14. thanks slick, will post that out tomoro. i spoke to the fos about dca's still acting on accounts while in dispute and the man i spoke to said that they can. i always thought if it was in dispute they shouldnt pass the account on?
  15. hi slick, i cant do a f&f settlement as i have no way to pay it. still waiting for my huubys case to get to court, which is what landed us in this mess as it is. do you think it will stand up in court? what are the odds? i will send your letter and see what they say. thank you
  16. great, had a letter from FOS today, they will not help, it says that they have "completed its obligation to me under section 78 of the cca 1074" what? i didnt get the agreement this way i sent a cpr, the lady who wrote to me called me the other day saying she didnt know what a cpr was. so they will not ask barclays to give me an agreement with the correct things in. they wont help, what now?
  17. still nothing to report, the dca are still hounding me, they now claim to have not got anyletters from me, fos rang the other day, the same lady is working on both accounts. she has no idea what the cpr is about, she kept telling me stuff to do with a cca, she says she will try and look into the cpr thing. so that looks promising . they also say the dca can carry on with its actions even though the account is in dispute! i didnt think they could? she also said they cant comment on enforacability just suppyling the documents, now i have an agreement for the other account which is unenforcable, so what will they do? say thats all im getting or ask them to send one that has all the information which is missing that makes it unenforcable? does that make sense?
  18. hi, ive had a letter from the dca saying they are going to start court action. they know the account is being looked at by the fos, can they still act on the account? is there anything i can do to stop them or will i just have to rely on you guys to help me with the court papers if/when they send them?
  19. sorry slick i messed up, i replied to the wrong thread. the last thing i posted was the responce to the letter due by the 4th. saying they have sent it out on such a date. theyve not all ive had are t&c about 6 times.
  20. even though they dont agree its in dispute?
  21. had the letter from b/c, they say they sent me the agreement, they have not, they state a list of dates tht they say they sent it on, tht is the t&c not the agreement. do i write back or leave it to the fos? like an idiot ive wrote this on the wrong thread, this was the replie i was ment to get by the 4th on the other account,
  22. thanks, i also got about half a tree of letters to send to the fos to show how many chances theyve had, what can the fos actually do?
  23. had a letter form the dca today, saying they are now going to continue action, so i made the big sin of ringing them, only because last time i spoke to them they said they were returning the account back to barclays. i thought it was crossed wires as like i said barclays have wrote to me saying they will contact me by the 4th. but no, the guy then said he was sending doorstep collectors to my home, i said fine but they will be told to leave as i have not invited them. if they refuse to leave i will call the police. he then said maybe i should read up abit on stuff before i talk about things i know nothing about and that they can do what they like. so i let rip. ive told them to take me to court as if they have bought the account they must have the documents,which he told me is not true. anyway i ended by having a massive rant about all the things ive lernt from you fab people, said good bye and hung up. at least i know where i stand now. im going to fill out my fos form ready to send. i dont think im going to get any contact by the 4th. i think they are just ignoring the fos and doing what ever they like. i thought the fos had some power? he didnt seem bothered, they have nothing to do with what they are doing apparently.
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