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Everything posted by hobson999

  1. Thanks for the quick replies. Also I have just done a few checks on the property and the landlord does not have a HMO Licence, which he should have. Any advise on this would be appreciated
  2. Hi all, I am posting on behalf of a friend who has been privately renting a flat for the last ten weeks. The flat is one room part furnished with communial kitchen and bathroom facilities. The room has no bed, just a matress on the floor, a sofa, a sideboard for storage and a chair, there is no radiators and no heating. There is no working shower and when you run the tap on the sink the toilet leaks ???. In the kitchen there is no working appliances (e.g cooker fridge etc.). There is no fire escape, so if a fire broke out downstairs, he would have to exit via a window with a twenty five foot drop. There is no lock on the door to his room so this can be accessed at any time by anybody with access to the building including other residents. He has no written tenancy agreement and the landlord just sends him a text when he is about to arrive, without prior notice. There are other issues but I think this initial post is long enough any advise would be much appreciated thanks in advance
  3. Thanks for the replies everyone, I have managed to gather a little more info on the subject It was on private land not council, but he could not remember the company name The Pcn was issued on April 6th The full amount of the fine was £100.00 He paid £60.00 on April 7th Now thet are asking for £150.00. As for the documentation and the company name he could not remember. I will be talking to him again in the near future, so any advice would be much appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the quick response, sadly I do not know anymore details at the momment, but I will be seeing him tomorrow. I will find out then thanks
  5. Hi all, I'm posting on behalf of a friend of mine , he received a parking fine which he paid online on April 6th, he has deleted the confirmation of payment email sometime ago. Recently he has received a letter saying he has not paid and they are now demanding a larger payment or they will take him to court. How should he go about proving he has paid, bank statement etc . Or should he just ignore them. Sorry the post is a little vague, but that was all the info he gave me. Thanks in advance hob :!:
  6. Hi all I made a thread a few days ago explaining that my wife has had some sort of break down over the last few years and has run up a fair amount of debt. I only found out about this on the 8/1/09. One of the problems in this scenario is a loan company called Welcome Finance, my wife took out a loan for £10,000 which they say is secured on the property. The property is owned in joint names and I haven't signed anything as far as I know to commit to this loan. I have asked them for a breakdown of this account and the details of the loan also asking for a copy of the agreement which I must have signied. If my signature is on it (my wife will of had me fraudulently got me to sign under the pretence it was something else) can I contest this. I am waiting for the post to arrive to see if I have signed, if I haven't signed anything I'm not paying anything and they will have to take me to court, if I have I cannot afford to pay anything for sometime as at the momment I am trying to save the house. Any advice would be much appreciated. :mad:
  7. Thanks for the replies guy, I will phone the debtline on Monday when I get back from the hospital, this has been a real heartbreaker for all the family, the wife has always been good with the bills etc. she even looked after her mothers finances after her her husband passed away, but the bigger this debt got the harder it got for her to tell me. The only way to look at this is she has done the hard part by telling me now. Thankfully we have very understanding friends and family who are all ralllying round to help. All we really want to do now is try and save the house as it would break the kids hearts if we have to move as we have lived here there entire lives, the wife is depressed enough and I just hope we can save the house and maybe eventually manage to rebuild our lives. I will try and keep you all up to date, but I am getting rid of my internet service at the end of this week as I have to cut back to the very basics. I will be able to use one of my friends computers but will not be able to check back as often as I would like, but any help will be very much appreciated and I will try to keep you all upto date and thanks again.
  8. Hi all. I recently posted a couple of other posts about repossession and balliffs as I have been suffering from ID theft, or so I thought. I don't deal with any of the finances in my house as I have suffered from depression for a good few years and my wife has dealt with all the bills and bank accounts etc. But alas on Friday night she came clean that there was no ID theft or any fraudulent business in our financial affairs. I have trusted her for many years and now it has become such a mess, she has had a pretty major emotional break down over this and she may possibly be hospitalized. We saw a doctor on Friday and she has an appointment at the hospital on Monday. She has also told me she lost her job in October last year and has not claimed or done anything about this the only income we have been receiving has been my disability allowance and the child benefit allowance. What started off as a 25,000 pound mortage is now 45,000 and has arrears with interest being charged daily. She has also taken out other loans and one maybe two secured on the property (which I never new anthing about yet I am the joint owner on the property). The end result is about 15000 in loans and apperrantly no bills, gas, electric, telephone, internet, sky, nearly everything has not been paid for 3 months maybe more. The good news is I now know about all this and so does her family who are most helpful and supportive. The bad news is I have no idea how I am going to sort this out and if I will possiblly be able to keep a roof over my kids heads. We have come up with a total sum of about 70,000 including our mortgage and everthing. I am taking her to the hospital on Monday and her sister and myself are going to CAB on Tuesday. I am completely lost in this scenario as I have never done any finacial stuff in my life, I do not even know how to set up a direct debit or standing order, I don't even carry a bank card, credit card etc. I know that this has happened through a failed business venture my wife had four years ago, where she got left in debt and took a loan out to cover it which as time went on this situation has snowballed and the bigger it got the harder she found it to tell me, now she has had to tell me as we owe money just about everywhere. I really need some good advice here so please help.
  9. Hi everyone thanks for your help and quick replies. Just a final update to say the building society accepted there mistake and have given us a few months free mortgage. As the solicitors company never carried out the building societies request to stop the repossession we have now acquired our own solicitors and are suing them for numerous reasons. Which our solicitor has guarranteed us we will get compensation. So hopefullly this will be the end of it. I hope anybody who has had the same problems as we have should at least contact a solicitor. As it was not our fault we are entittled to compensation for other peoples mistakes, and to be honest would your building society be sympathetic if it was your mistake.
  10. Well that is most interesting, so regardless of what the building society and there soliciters tell me I will still have a repossession order against me until I personnally get the judge to remove it. Well I am annoyed now, so I am going down to the courts on monday and I am going to sort this out. Not one of them even mentioned this, they are way out of order. Thanks alot for the advice I'll post back as soon as I know more.
  11. I have never been in arrears with my mortgage. I am not in arrears with my mortgage. Only the account which is not mine and I have no mortgage for that amount etc. The account with the wrong number on has my details on it but it is not my account, I don't know where this mystery account came from I have no access to it I just get sent the repossession orders for it against my property which I have lived in for 18 years. If I phone my bank and ask qestions about the account I have my mortgage on everything is in order. I have been back in contact with the complaints liason officer who originally sorted this mess out, and he is looking into it. My wife has also been to see the solicitors company who have also been told by the debt liason officer that this is just one big mistake (she phoned him at the solicitors). Now tomorrow she has to travel back to the solicitors to pick up a letter, which should generally work as a get out of jail card should the balliffs turn up. But I will beleive that when I see it. As for the courts I will have to take a trip down there on Monday but thanks for listening.
  12. The first payment had to be made by 01/11/08 if no payment is made by the 17/11/08 . We will be issued with a warrant for possession of property. A balliff appointment will then be listed to repossess the property. That is what is said on the letter from the building societies solicitor dated the 10/11/08. Today I received a letter from the courts stating that we did not appear in court on the 08/10/08 and that The court orders that 1.The defendant give the claiment possession of my property on or before 08/10/08 2. the defendant pay the caiment £xxxxxx being the amount outstanding under the mortgage 3. This order is not to be enforced so long as the defendant pays the claiment the unpaid installments under the mortgage by the payments set out below in addition to the current installments under thwe mortgage payment required £xxxxx per month the first installment being paid on or before 01/11/08 and it is judged that The claiment recover against the defendant the sum of £xxxxxxxx for debt and interest to date of judgement. No actual date for the repossession on the letter. hope this clears up any misunderstandings and thanks again.
  13. Hi all, I have been receiving letters from the halifax from a different account number than my own but with my name and address on it the account owes £45.000 on it for a mortgage and they are going to now repossess my home next week due to none payment. I have lived in this property for 18 years and my mortgage is less than that. We have been down to the Halifax and discussed this matter with a complaints liason officer who has stated this matter has now been resolved. If the matter has been resolved how come I received a lettter this morning stating my house will be repossessed on the 18/11/08 (this letter came from the courts ) and another letter from the halifax stating there was a shortfall in my mortgage payments (This letter still has the wrong account number on it as my mortgage is paid and upto date). The simple question is where can I put in a formal complaint that will get this matter resolved before I get my house taken away from me and obviously stop this from happeng again. Thanks in advance:-x
  14. Hi eveyone again, I just received my morning post with a letter from the courts. It states that there was a court hearing on 08/10/2008 which my wife and I did not attend and therefore the court orders that the defendant give the claimant possession of my house. So does this mean they can now come and legally cease my property even though the oustanding debt has nothing to do with my mortgage, building society, or in fact any of my financies as the debt is not mine.
  15. Thanks alot for that Burp as they will probably fobb me off with any excuse if they think I will pay a solicitor but if I threaten them with the LGO I doubt they will like that. To be honest I have never heard of them but I am quite sure the local council would like to keep it that way as well
  16. Thanks for the replies, I have contacted my local councillor and expressed my dismay at the way we have been treated but I have not actually filed a written complaint to anyone beyond that. I have told the councillor if the balliffs come round again I will be contacting my solicitor and taking legal action against them. I'm not sure if this is the correct route to take but for now its just a waiting game. P.s. That comment about how I write was quite amusing, I must admit lol:)
  17. Thanks for the replies peeps, Well I hav'nt been to court, been summoned or stood infront of a judge and had the opppertunity to do so but I would certainly like the chance. I am sick of being hounded for money I have already paid. If this farce continues I will post back and keep you all up to date and good luck to all of you
  18. Hi all, This is a fun story I hope you can help. I was a little late setting up my standing order or direct debit ( can't remember which as my wife actually does all that)for my council tax this year but everything seemed fine until about August this year when I got that balliffs knock. A very nice gentleman type (surprise) explained to us that we had apparntly missed the first payment on our council tax and owed £xxx to bring us upto date. No problem we pay the balliff and he explains that we just need to carry on with our payments as usual, well the direct debit has been going out of our account regularly so all is well we think. September arrives along with some snotty kid in pinstripe suit demanding £1200.00 ( I laughed and looked for jeremy beadle) I explain we have paid and everything is upto date. He retorts that they have not seen a penny since we paid the first balliff ( I send him, on his way). We phone up the council tax office and they assure us our payments have been made and we ownly owe a small amount £xxx as I am on diability they gave us a rebate. So the wife pops down to the council office the next day and pays off the remainder (hurray I'm a free man ) and while she is there gets the young lady behind the desk to phone this balliff and tell him personally that we have paid. All I need now is for everyone to do the paperwork and I will get my reicept through the post in a few days. Nope nothing nada arrives until halloween night. Yep you guessed it, the balliff "you still owe us £900 ". He left with his tail between his legs I can tell you that much, the very next day I sent my local councillor an email explaining the situation (shes very good as they screwed up our council tax payments last year and she had to sort it out) and she said she would look into it. I wait a few days and she contacts me saying everything is being sorted out. Its now the 12th of november and I still have no receipt. I know there is a lot of waffle in this post but I thought it best to give you all there full story as that balliff will probably be back in a few days. Any advice will be much appreciated
  19. Ok this could get complicated, I have a mortgage with a certain building society everything is paid and up to date. At the start of October I received a letter from HLinteractive (solicitors) stating I had not paid my mortgage and owed £xxxxxx which I must pay a certain amount off each month otherwise they will go to court and get a repossession order. I checked the letter over and realised that they had spelt my wifes name wrong and the mortage account number was one digit different than our own. So we immediatly contacted the bank and explained the error and booked an appointment with the complaints officer. My wife trudged down there and the issue was eventually resolved. It is now the 11th of november and I get the morning post with another letter from HLinteractive stating that if we do not pay £xxxxx by the 18th they will be repossessing our property. This morning my wife went to see the these people and resolve the situation. If any one could give me any good advice on what to do when they come to reposses my property as I know that the wheels have already been set in motion and they will never get there paper work sorted out before the 18th. Thanks alot in advance, and please read my next post on my council tax issues.
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