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Everything posted by Junkie2222

  1. Case was today. Took approx 1 hour and 20 mins. I lost unfortunately. Full amount including the £50 legal. The whole case was heard on the original defence. Which gave a bit of ammo but nothing specific. The judge said she believed my tanker bit but couldn't really include it as no evidence. I explained its not the sort of photo you take. She said the contract part was not included in the defence ( which I didn't have to hand! ) As it was already established for the same car park ( Beavis case ) also the signage. Witness statements weren't really used as it centred around the defence I entered and which I didn't ammend before this hearing. ( which didn't go in my favour ) The overstay was not deemed di minimis as the period is the / was calculated on the grace period and not the entirety of the stay. Judge acknowledged the AT LEAST part of CoP. It took way longer than anyone expected, I was commended on a good fight by all but still had to pay. Judge said it was well defended and refused LPC costs, stating that it'd be a very high bar to get it. Sort of feel I wasted my time and stress but it engaged my brain. Thanks for all help and advice everyone.
  2. Case transferred to a video Conference call instead. Is this good, bad or same? Had no further post, as yet.
  3. The first witness statement went into details about the out of date contract, the sale of the property etc. They've come up with a novation since but yes, no actual contract. I have flagged this and pointed out, I still haven't had a contract. Also, how they have breached it with no planning permission. The new firm M and G real estate look to be here ..... ( formerly Prudential I think ) 10 Fenchurch Ave, London EC3M 5AG. be handy if you do get a copy before the 28th. That has kind of slipped through the cracks for me. shouldve done so myself really, however, its their contract and I did ask for it.
  4. All sorted last night. Posted today to the court and PE legal dept. Included your edits Dave. Corrected a few bits. Typos and for clarity. Numbered the paragraphs, added the sections at the top and bottom for identity and statement of truth etc. Signed and dated the bottom. Short list of exhibits. I'll try to upload over the weekend, for anyone followings benefit. Although, it's very close to what's above anyway. See where we go from here, 28th September. AM hearing. I'll update if anything else shows up or after the case. Thanks for the help all, couldn't have done it without you all.
  5. Court date is the 28th of Sept. Which I'm just going to double check now. Yes. 28th. I'll get everything brushed up by tomorrow and tuesday night and get it sent out by Wednesday. Then have an hour or 2 next weekend to organise the actual physical paperwork in prep. I did want to give a couple of digs at them but thought I'd try to sound level headed. All the moaning about how ' the Internet helped him ' yet they send a bog standard, wad of utter turd to people. Maybe they should try the Internet, it might make them seem more professional! Recorded Mail is my friend again! thanks again mate and we can probably look forward to a third WS from them!
  6. I parked in a car park last weekend. Paid up and then got this delivered on the Monday. A 2020 ticket for a overstay. Does this need a an urgent reply to them? ZZPS Letter 2020 PCN.pdf
  7. Witness statement 2 dws.pdf Second witness statement. I havent added the details of the offical stuff or the numbering yet. Just a rough draft but took longer than expected! Would you mind having a read and I'll get it formatted and numbered properly for sending out on weds. Thanks all
  8. Yes Dave, I have this weekend penned in to write a second WS. Brief but a couple of points I'd like to raise. Especially the fact that can't read a post mark! Also, why I wasn't sent a valid contract if they had it. The cases mentioned don't have any great impact on my situation. One relates to a solicitor claiming legal fees. The second is a patent case which incurred expenses from a third party. Which this mob hasn't incurred. I've got another debt collection letter yesterday from a ticket in 2020. I parked in a car park they look after. Different firm but I'll upload later in a new thread. Just rather send a letter and hopefully avoid all this grief. Sorry for the late reply, was on a course all weekend. Hope this finds you well.
  9. I think I will reply. It'll put the postage proof in an official document. Also, there are various points I'd like to argue. Just for fun now!
  10. Just a quick update. Case rescheduled for Sept. The lemons have posted me the new WS2. I've done a bit of reading on the cases listed. I can't find anything, anywhere about PE Vs Kandola. I emailed the court used for the case ( Preston I think ) they have no data. They hold audio transcripts for 6 years and that time period has lapsed. I have kept the email chain. Also, no verdict on file. Is there a polite way of asking for the case transcipts from PE? More for the fact, I doubt they have them and they aren't obtainable from the court. With some frantic, off the wall googling, I found the page they're quoting. Which appears to be a witness statement sent to another person. I changed the numbers to track back through the pages of that witness statement and didn't really find anything helpful. I did see some signs, that didn't look like car park signs, more residential some of look to them. ( guessing to be honest ) Just no real way of seeing if it's relevant to be used against me. Got some handy pointers on the contract side from here, so thanks. Will draft a WS2, post it up closer to the date, then post to them, annoying close to deadline. I'll do it with plenty of time this go around! Apologies for that. Just an update for anyone following.
  11. Case adjourned due to lack of judicial availability. The court will contact me to advise a future date.
  12. email sent. I'll print a copy of the tracking details to take with me on Weds. Was the plan anyway. Thanks again, Have a good weekend
  13. I'm quite good usually. It's the first time they've ever emailed. Quite shocked and racking my brains thinking about it. Should I block them? Also, checking my tracking details, it arrived a full week before they said it did. Have a signed for too. A picture of a big box of mail too. All addressed to PE. There can be no dispute it's their box. This was from earlier Seems nonsense. J ustified their legal skills, want money for them, yet seem quite happy to lie to a judge and haven't sent docs that I requested ( with help from this forum ) months ago. Do I have to acknowledge this? Reply with a second witness statement? Can I add an exhibit to my existing WS? Just the proof of receipt from postage. That's all I feel I want to add. Also the fact they have sent a more up to date contract. which I don't think is dated or has the name of signees on. Regardless, it wasn't sent to me when originally asked and that's not cricket is it?
  14. I have never given them an email address. I'm not sure how they have it. I sent the docs to the court by email. Also by post as I included too many pages to be printed by the court. ( my mistake there, I wanted to supply the whole document ) I posted on weds last week for a next day delivery. It was recorded but I can't get in touch with home to confirm date of receipt. Yes, the WS date cut off has passed. The case is on Wednesday next week. They say they got it yesterday!
  15. I have received an email with a second witness statement for PE today. They have provided a contract with the current landowner. Which is dated in Biro. Will uploaad later.
  16. I have provided the whole document in PDF format, with page numbers and appendix value. Also a version /revision and a link. I will print all of them ( provide postIt notes with exhibit stickers for myself and the judge on the day ) Rather over do it, than under do it at this stage. Thanks for the clarity on the solicitor fees too.
  17. Thanks very much for reading through it. Couldn't have drafted it without your help. You've been awesome! I noticed today, I'd made an incorrect reference to an exhibit paragraph of the BPA CoP. I'll change that tonight. A question if possible? When sending exhibits, am I to include the whole document as the exhibit or the specific paragraph related to the point im trying to make? Just wondering if i can send a single page with the sections i need as an exhibit. Or is the exhibit the whole document IE page 21 of IPC CoP or all pages within the CoP? As a point of note, ill be posting the documents in entirety to PE. Just incase they drop them while reading my WS and have to pick up half the Amazon off the floor! So question is.... 1.A specific passage that is referenced as a PDF document or the whole 2 x CoP as a PDF for instance? With the legal rep point, we ( my wife mainly, i thought she'd have letters after her name if she was qualified in anything legal related ) were concerned she could possibly be qualified and then we have made an assumption that proves to be wrong. I will amend anyway, if she has incorrectly titled herself, then it isn't presumtious I guess. We didn't want us(well me really) to come across as disrespectful people, which is why we also removed the gentle digs at PE. I never been to court and the process worries me a bit, Ive got to be honest. Also just wanted to say to everyone, thanks for your patience. You all should've given up on me for leaving it this late. I've always been a fly by seat of my pants sort of fella, this isnt the sort of process that suits my nature. I should've started way earlier and for that I apologise. Get this email off, well drafted up and just check your answers if they come back. thanks
  18. Not your fault and you're busy. By the time we'd finished, it took hours! Redrafted and added. Rechecked some details and then had a lengthy discussion about 3.1.4 of the Parking Act. We were thinking this but the scanning involved might make things longer. Haven't got a scanner anymore and taking photos of the document doesn't look too professional. Might be worth picking up a cheap scanner on the way home tonight. I'll see how the traffic is.
  19. OK. I'll wait. I'll speak to my wife. We can get the bulk of the printing done and then send tomorrow. Thanks and I'll wait to hear from you all.
  20. It's all going off today. I think that's best to comply with the 2 weeks. I think we've made a compelling argument on a number of points. So don't want to get it rejected on a technicality. So thanks for all of your help again. I'm already at work after a 1.5hr drive so adding stuff now will pile more pressure on my wife, who will have to do the final printing and sending. If the case isn't a winner, we went down swinging. Don't panic about reading it unless for moral support.
  21. that's as close as I can be to done. Going to print 3 copies and post 2 tomo. Please let me know if you see anything that needs to be changed. I know it's late so will understand if you cant get to have a look. Thanks again and I'll update after the court date. Witness Statement Final Draft.pdf
  22. Hi, many thanks for your message. We have just completed this from your previous suggestions. Just uploaded it and saw your new message, so will spend some time tomorrow making the new adjustments. Thank you for your time and help. I have removed the PDF as redaction was done incorrectly. Will redo now.
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