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Everything posted by gordieboyglasgow

  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Hi All Not sure if this is in the right section, my apologies if not. I am looking for some advice with regard to 2 credit cards held with HBOS and also 1 with barclaycard. What I want to try and arrange is an agreement to stop charging interest, late fees etc, and i will pay a set amount per month to try and repay outstanding balances? (for ref cards are sitting at 4k each, which was fine but due to problemsI am finding it difficult to meet monthly repayment, and the intrest and late fees are just compunding the problem) Any advice on letter formats etc appreciated. not even sure if they do agree to things like this? Thanks in advance for any help or advice. Gordon p.s. not sure if its relevant but I am in scotland.
  3. thanks buzby. my apologies for the spelling mistook (lol) but it does feel like a pain in the side!!lol Just to note, It wasnt actually the bank that advised me on the likely outcome of the sist application (wouldnt trust them as far as i could spit), it was a solicitor, who also advised me I didnt need to appear. I will contact the Clerk tomorrow and find out what the situation is and will let you know. Fingers crossed it hasnt gone pear shaped, It would just be my luck at the moment!! thanks again for your help. G
  4. Hi all some time since i posted. Just a quick question regarding my current claim. Basically had a small claims against HBOS hearing date was to be 8th may. I received notification that HBOS was applying for a cist. I was advised that it was pointless trying to defend against the cist as many had tried and failed at Glasgow Sheriff. I assume that the cist was granted on the 8th may 2008, however I have had no notification from the court etc as to the outcome and what the next step would be. Can anybody help? is there a 'standard' procedure for these things or do I basically have to wait until the test case is complete? how do I find out information about my claim - do i contact the court? Sorry if this seems basic questions, but any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance G
  5. Hi All Not sure if this is in th e correct forum, my apologies if not. I am looking for some advice / help with regard to my partners criminal injuries claim (through the CICA). Basically he was assaulted last year by an unknown person, who was never caught, and suffered broken cheekbone, damage to teeth requiring major dental work along with the trauma and stress caused by the incident. My question is this. We have just received the initial award letter from the CICA with an amouny t that they beleive is correct . Whilst the award is in the strict guidelines ( i.e. 1005 % for first 'injury' 30% for second most severe and 15% for the tird most severe) the amount awarded for in relation to the damage to the teeth (2nd and 3rd most severe injuries) doesnt even cover the bill for the dental work required (crowns, root treatment, etc) Is it possible to appeal the percentage of the amounts awarded (for the 2nd & 3rd injuries) or is this amount fixed and set in stone? I hope this all makes sense to (its confusing me trying to get my head round it!! lol) Any advice help greatly appreciated. G p.s. we are in Scotland in case that makes a difference
  6. thanks for the advice busby. I will get on again (and this time wont sit so smugly thinking how well and easy it is all going!!! ! lol) Completly my fault, but my head was elsewhere at the time...... just hope i havent messed it all up completly, but time will tell. Thanks again for your rapid reply.
  7. Hi All well its been a while since i posted. but have again started to move onwith the claims (had to stop for a while due to personalreasons). I am back looking for some advice/clarification. Basically I submitted my second summary cause claim, had the return date and hearing date etc. sent summons to Hbos via sheriff officers. Day after return date HBOS had not responded, so I returned the form 17 - nothing unusual so far! This is where it goes a bit wrong... lol.. I forgot to return the principle summons with the form 17 (I genuinly thought I had), the sheriff then wrote to say the case had been continued for a date 3 weeks later. I misread the letter to be honest, it says return the summons and appear, however i read it as return the summons OR appear. I duly returned the summons and didnt attend! A couple of weeks after the continuation date I receive a letter saying that as I had not appeared (which is when i realised my mistake) the case had been dismissed with nothing due to either side. Now eventually i get round to the question!! lol Can I resubmit this summary cause and start again or do I have to forget that period and start a fresh SC for the dates and amounts after it? I hope this makes sense, any advice appreciated and feel free to ask if you need any further info. Thanks again and regards as always G
  8. Yip i got a decree. It was Ms Hinchcliffe that mentioned contacting the court - " I will write to Glasgow Sherriff Court to notify them that the extract for payment has been satisfied, and I would be grateful if you would do the same and kindly provide me with a copy of your letter. " But no matter, if I don't need to then I'll not bother, she's obviously confused. which really wouldnt be that surprising considering at the footer of the letter there is a list of 'solicitors authorised to practice in England and Wales' which includes her name. but apparently she isnt authorised to practice in Scotland (at least she isn't included in the 'authorised to practice in Scotland' list!!) completely irrelevant I know, but just thought it was interesting. Thanks again (and sorry to go on!! LOL). G
  9. In my opinion you would propably be better going down the summary cause route (AFTER you have followed all the other steps and letters!!) it is not really any more difficult than small claims and hopefully you will get it all done in one go rather than having to split your claims up. Hope this helps, and GOOD LUCK. G
  10. Thanks again Buzby. Just thought I would check as Ms Hinchcliffe had asked me to send her a copy of the letter I sent to the court informing them the claim had been settled. So here we go again.... summary cause claim 2 of 4 submitted tomorrow. Hopefully this one will be settled without as much hassle!!! I will keep you updated. Thanks again for all your invaluable help, i think i would have ended up running round in circles without it. G
  11. Hi All well BOS has finally settled the first claim!! yipee!! I beleive I should send a note to the court to inform them that they have settled the extract of decree.... Is there a specific form I should be using or do i just alter 'form 17' and minute it via that? give it a couple of days and then submit the second claim? Thanks again guys. G
  12. Hi I know it may only seem minor but Bank of Scotland ISNT a PLC. the only reason I say is because I added mistakingly added PLC onto my claim and I think it has caused me loads of problems, because apparently legally as Bank of Scotland PLC doesnt exist anything served on them becomes useless (you can't sue somebody / something that doesn't exist obviously). Only a minor point I know but could potentially have massive implications. Cheers G
  13. Hi Buzby Thanks for your reply. Yip everything was served to the HO address from the initial summons right through to the 'charge for payment' and 'execution of charge' served by the sheriff officers directly to the mound and served to a Ewart Baxter, senior solicitor of HBOS. It was actually the sheriff officer who noticed the 'plc' when I went back to see what to do after the 14 days to pay had passed and no response received from BOS. He couldnt quite beleive they had let it get this far down the process. He suggested I write to Ewart Baxter @ the mound asking what their intentions where on settling which I have done. I have now just received a reply from a Rachel Hinchcliffe, litigation solicitor @ HBOS plc legal services in Halifax telling me they have no record of receipt of the Extract for Payment, and asking me to send her a copy along with the original summons. What should I do now do you think? Should I fax and post her a copy or should I just return to the Sherrif officers and let them deal with it? (what is the next stage after the 14 days have passed from the execution of charge, does anybody know? Have to say I get the feeling the BOS are extracting the urine for some reason and just trying to delay and stall as much as possible. Cheers again G
  14. HELP PLEASE!!!! Need some serious advice from somebody 'in the know'. I have made a stupid little mistake on my initial summary cause form that seems to have impacted on the whole claim. I have stupidly listed the defender as 'Bank of Scotland PLC' instead of just 'Bank of Scotland'. I have only just noticed. (was wondering why they hadn't responded to the extract for Payment that was served on them). Apparently those 3 letters at the end essentially mean that I have been raising action against something that doesn't legally exist. I have tried a couple of things to resolve it, but not really getting anywhere. Am I better (or even able) to cancel the whole claim and start again? Any help or advice that anybody can give massively appreciated. Thanks guys G
  15. OK. just received my 'extract for payment' for £1485.00 plus £52.15 costs. Can anybody tell me what I do with it now? Have the bank been sent a copy of it already? or do I have to serve it myself? (if i have to sefve it myself can I do this at a branch or does it have to be done at the BOS head office in Edinburgh? Thanks for the advice guys. G
  16. Hi Ricardo Not sure of where you are upto exactly on your claim. The letter you have received seems to be the basic stalling letter (also the one they hope you are going to beleive them and give up.) Ignore the letter, and just keep going following the stages as per the advice on this site. Hope this helps Gordon
  17. Hi All Hope you all had a good xmas and have a safe new year. Anyway time for a quick update. The BOS made no response to the claim by the return date (13/12) so submitted completed 'Form 17' to the court for the hearing date (20/12) and apparently the decree will be signed and issued to me on the 4th January 2007. Have to say this seems like a long time between hearing date and issuing of decree. Not sure if this is normal or if the delay is due to festive period. Can anybody advise what the process is with the decree once it has been issued to me? Do I take it into a branch and demand my money there and then? or is there another period of time the bank has to make payment? Also when can can I / is it best to submit my second claim? Do I need to wait until the funds have been cleared into my account? or can I submit it as soon as I am 'holding' the decree? Thanks again G
  18. I don't think it matters when or if you have closed the account, as long as the charges fall within the time limit. I don't think ANY bank has gone to court to defend against a 'standard' case, it apparently costs them too much to defend (however I think they are more scared of losing and thereby setting a legal precedent and then the floodgates would REALLY open! Stick with it, have faith and remeber there is always someone on here who will give you support as well as a 'boost' when it all seems too much! G
  19. Just wanted to say it's good to hear that people are starting to get some success going down the summary cause route. I find it really encouraging and am now even more determined to get my cash back!! congrats!!! G
  20. Hi As far as I am aware (I may be wrong so hopefully someone will correct me if I am) the courts (if it goes that far) automatically add the expense of raising the action to the claim if you win. When HBOS settled my first small claim they included the costs into the 'settlement' figure. Again that has been my (limited) experience so far. Hope I havent confused the situation even more!! G
  21. Hi peigibeag To be honest all I did was copied the template for the Small Claims Form (that is in the library) and changed the amounts etc.. (seems to have worked so far!! lol) and yes you will need to attach a copy of your spreadsheet when you take it to the sheriff court (you actually need two - 1 for each set of forms). I have found the clerks at Glasgow Sheriff Court to be extremely helpful in looking over the forms and advising you if anything obvious has been missed. I hope this has helped and good luck!!! G
  22. received paperwork back from sherriff officers to confirm summons had been served (done on 10/11/06) still waiting for them to cave in!!!
  23. I have to agree with busby. Don't give them an inch (they will never give you one!!) I think any future letters I have to send will be in the same 'tone' they send them to me - i.e. borderline aggresive and threatening - why should we be gentle with them and give them extra time when they don't respond after we have made clear what we are expecting and in what time limit? they would / have never given any of their customers that sort of leeway. G
  24. Hi Buzby I have been reading your post with intrest. it is a scarily similar situation to mine (especially the HORRENDOUS amounts charged for a minor 'breach') I also have had the 'current accounts are not covered' story, but this was after they settled my first claim. So it is just a stalling tactic that propably works on those people who have not had the good fortune to have discovered this site as yet. Keep at it. Follow the great advice on this site and don't let their standard 'fob offs' put you off getting what is rightfully yours. Good luck. G
  25. Hi Just received paperwork back from court. Return Date of 13/12/06 with a hearing date of 20/12/06 (which is also my birthday strangely!!). Took to sheriffs officer for serving (cost £30.25) so hopefully they will cave in and settle early then I can begin the second lot (for another £1400). with a bit of luck they will just settle the lot after this as they can see im serious! (yeah right like they'd make life easy!!! lol) G
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