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Everything posted by buckju

  1. here is an email address for anybody trying to contact CFO. collections@cfolending.com I have received replies from this email. I too had money taken form my bank account from a card which I had never given to CFO. However they have recognised the payments they have taken and adjusted my balance accordingly. I have made them a full and final settlement offer and they have agreed to accept it. They have also given me their bank details to make the payment.
  2. Does anybody have the email address for the FSO and OFT please.
  3. Good evening all. I need help please.On 6 March 2012 I was stupid enough to borrow £400 from CFO. My repayment date was 16th each month.I requested a rollover and agreed to pay interest of £156 on 16 March 2012. Mid morning on 16th I received a text to say my payment had been unsucessful. As I was new to these company's I rang them around 6pm same day and made a payment over the phone for £156.00.When I received my bank statement 2 x £156 had been taken from my account on 16 March 2012. I rang the company up asking for a refund. They refused sayiung the additional payment would be used to reduce the balance of my account. On 16 April 2012 I again received a text saying my repayment was unsucessful. This time I ignored it and hey presto a couple of days later the payment of £244 was showing on my bank statement along with a second o=payment to them for £95.16.So on 16 April 2012 in my eyes my account is paid in full.I rang them to check everything was in order and to check there was a nil balance on my account to be told I still owed them money. I immediately told them I was not giving them any more money whatsoever. I immediately cancelled my debit card.I was then recieving texts from the constantly saying my account was in arrears.About 6 weeks later I renewed my debit card.A couple of weeks ago I too started getting the texts offereing their CFO resolve saying my balance of over £900 would be reduced to the original £400 if I took up this offer and I could be given additional loan of up to £120. A week or so later again the offer of Resolve with additional loan of up to £200. I deleted each text without a responce.Last Friday 2 November 2012 I went on line to my bank account to see my balance was £25.00 short. I immediatly rang the bank and was told a payment of £25.00 had been set aside for Capital Finance One. I immediately disputed this with the bank and asked them not to pay. I was told they could not do anything as the dispute was between me and CFO. I asked them to cancel my debit card but thwe fraud department refused to do so saying the company have not carried out fraud if I owe them money. I informed my bank I do not owe them anything and was told by my own bank to ring them up and discuss it with them. Today a further £25.00 has beentaken from my account. My bank have now agreed to cancel my debit card (not the fraud department might I add but I reported it as lost).On saturday after the 1st payment left my bank I emailed CFO. NO reply.Today I have emailed them again saying the account is in dispute and I will be contacting the FSO and OFT.Can somebody please advise me what I need too say to them in legal terms if possible.Thank you for your help.
  4. I have a repayment plan. with QQ over 12 month paying by direct debit. With direct debit you have direct debit guarantee. this means they cannot change the amount they take from your bank without giving you 10 working days notice. If they do take more than the agreed amount then the bank must stop the payment and claim it back from the company and put it back in your bank account. You then write to the company telling them they have not adhered to the DD guarantee.
  5. My daughter is a single mum with 5 children 6 and under. She is on income support, child tax credits, child benefit housing and council tax benefit. The other day she received a letter from the |DHSS to say in April she will see a cut in her housing benefit as the weekly benefit income is to be capped at £500.00 per week to single parents with children. I have just gone on line to read all about the new changes. She is entitled to local housing allowance based on a 4 bed house (rents from a private landlord). The maximum local housing rate in our area for a 4 bed is £160.00 per week. Her rent for a 4 bed is only £122 per week so she is currently getting full housing benefit. I have gone to the on line cap calculator and she stands to lose £53.00 per week. Whilst I agree that people on benefits should not be better off financially than those that go to work (she is actually getting more money than both mine and her dads monthly take home pay so I can understand the reason for the changes. we both work full time for our income) and this is the reason for the change, potentially it is people with 4 or more children who will be hit the most. ( I have worked out what she would get if she only had 4 children and she would under the new rules be getting £485 per week. That technically means that somebody with 5 children is only getting £15.00 per week more than somebody with 4 children. How can the government expect families to manage with a £200 cut in income per month. My daughter worked as a carer until the last person she looked after passed away. She found out just after she was pregnant with her 3rd child and so did not go back to work after this. She will be returning to work when all the children are in school but she still has 2 babies so getting 5 ready single handed of a morning is a nightmare so no chance of her returning to work at the moment. would she be entitled to the discretionary housing allowance if she cant manage losing so much money?
  6. I was going to ignore them at first but think I will send a letter reiterating what was said in 2009. Unless they produce a signed copy of a credit agreement then any outstanding debt is unenforceable. I suspect they are trying to get me to contact them so they do not go over the statute of limitations without contact. What do you guys think. Thanks for your help
  7. Hi Everyone. I am in work writing this so figures and dates are not exact.I have not been on her for a couple of years as I have not heard a single thing from Cabot. Last week I received a telephone call from them. I refused to confirm my details and told them all correspondence should be in writing. I have since received a letter asking me to contact them. In 2009 when they wrote to me saying they had not been able to obtain a copy of the credit agreement the balance on their letter was just over £700 I think. The balance on the letter last week is over £1200. No breakdown whatsoever explaining where the increase has come from.My question is this. As they have made no effort whatsoever to provide me with a copy of a signed credit agreement as requested from them in 2009 and, given the fact they have not attempted to make any contact with me over the last couple of years. what is my next course of action. Any help is appreciated.
  8. do I still have to pay the outstanding fine and if so can I ask the council for time to pay without having to pay the bailiffs. I dont want to be paying additional bailiffs fees
  9. I have just rang the council again and they told me the the bailiffs have been asked to collect outstanding debt where the warrant has expired. No new warrant has been issued. The original was issued on 26/09/07 and expired on 26/09/08. I was told the original debt of £95.00 is still outstanding and the only way the account will be brought back from the bailiffs is if I pay the £95.00. What is my next course of action please? I have told the council I have taken legal advise on this and to be honest and fair to the person I spoke to she was reading from an email that has been sent to all staff which is like a Q & A. Thank you for your help.
  10. I asked and the answer I got was the baliffs tried to collect in 2008 so I assume sometime between 07 & 08. I have got to call back today to speak to the team leader
  11. they also told me they are now passing all PCN from 2006 onwards to baliffs. God know how many they have. So anybody out there who has any with liverpool city council be on your guard
  12. Ok, I rang council yestersay, the say I contacted them in Feb 2007 after I recieved what they called the Charging Order, they also said the have on file a bailiff tried to contact me in 2008. Well obviously do not recall any of this. Where do I stand here. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
  13. Hi Can anybody please help. Over 5 years ago, yes thats right over 5 years ago, I received a parking ticket from liverpool council. I clearly remember receiving it. It was coming up to christmas and the car park charged an hourly rate or a daily rate. As it was only £5 for the daily rate I paid this up front. (pay and display). Right, daily to me means 24hours or up to. well on return to my car which was at around 19.40pm there was a parking ticket. I remember ringing the council about this and they told me their day rate expires at 7pm. Whilst I did not know this at the time, the next time I visited the car park I read all the small print on the signs. Since receiving the parking fine I have heard absolutely nothing what so ever until last week when I got a letter from a bailiff. I have not yet been in contact with them as I wanted some help from here. What can I do about this if anything. Surely before a baliff is engaged a court order needs to be obtained which if it is was I have never received anything.
  14. There must be somebody out there who can help me with this. Any advse will be greatfully received.
  15. yes they say when I first added my latest child to the claim it could not be done on the phone so they sent a referral to St Helens office. At the end of Nov early Dec 11 I received a letter from St Helens asking for birth certificate. I clearl;y rember having to wait for this to be returned to me from the child benefit to be able to send to tax credits. They then say on 14 december they verified everything with the child benefit department and added the baby to my claim, I received a tax credit award notice dated 16 Dec with baby on. They then say at the end of January they found a discrepancy between child benefit and tax credit for baby, I dont know what the discrepancy is but they say it can be as simple as a different spelling on child name, (this was only an example they gave me). Apparently, when there is a discepancy they supposedly write to the claimant asking for information. I dont know what this is as I never received anything form them but now they are saying because I did not respond within the time frame the baby is removed from the claim. When I said I had sent the actual birth certificate to them they said they done have it and as far as they can see they have not made any erros as the onus was on me to reply to the january letter. how can I reply to something I have never had????
  16. Can anybody please assist. I an anxious about this and managed to speak with them again yesterday afternoon. They claim they have not made any mistakes as they say they wrote to me in January ) a letter I have never received) and because I did not reply they have cancelled my claim for the youngest child and taken back everything they originally gave me for her. They say the £185 they have given me this month is a loan only as I have been overpaid as my tax credits are now only for 4 children. When I asked how I supposed to feed 5 children for 4 weeks with only £185 plus my child benefit and pay all my bills they said they cannot comments on my personal finances. basically, they dont care. Canm anyone please advise me how i get this sorted quickly so I get the money back they have taken from me. My motor insurance alone is £123.00 per month and this should have been paid the other day.Help please. Thank you
  17. Can anybody please help me. I registered my last child with the child tax credit office in November 2011.When I had my previous children I did everything over the phone and all they done was link into the child benefit system to see I was in receipt of child benefit for the new baby, then amended my tax credits. This time they said they could not do this so sent me a letter and asked for a copy of new burth certificate. This had to be returned to the St Helens office. This was return promptly and I started to receive the tax credits for my new addition . Now all off a sudden 4 months later they have removed the new addition from my claim & reassessed my tax credits saying I have been overpaid. I have today spoken to the help line who said they do not have the birth certificate. Can anybody help with this. They are sending me a letter which I have to return with the birth certificate again. Surely they should have a scanned copy on file. I have 5 children 6 & under and on income support. They have only paid me £185 this month when I should be getting £1085 per month. When I asked how am I supposed to manage on the amount they have given me they wernt interested, and they said this has to be paid back. does anybody have the telephone number for the St Helens office please. I am worried that when they assess my claim again they will not back date it to when child was born. HELP PLEASE
  18. caan somebody please help me with the wording of a reply to them. thank you
  19. Hello again everyone. I thought I had heard the last from Cabot last year when they said they had been unable to obtain a copy of my CCA. Today I have come home from work to a letter stating they have now obtained a copy and so are chasing the outstanding balance. What they have sent me has NO financial information,nor is there any signature from either myself or the original credit card company Associates. it certainly does not look like a correct agreement to me.It appear to be a copy of the tems & conditions only and a top sheet with my name and address only. Any advise would be grateful please
  20. I am sorry I am not able to scan the CCA as I do not have a scanner
  21. Hi all. A bit of further advise please. As you are aware from the above my daughter requested a copy of the credit agreement from Connaught Colections back in July. As they were not able to produce it they passed the debt back to 1st Credit. My daughter then wrote to 1st Credit when she received an annual statement from them. She included a copy of all the letters to and from Connaught advising them Connaught had failed to produce the documents within the statutory time limit. My daughter has now received a true signed copy of the original credit agreement with the following letter. This was sent to her by 1st Credit on 8 December 2009 some 5 months after her first request. I have typed the letter below word for word. Please advise of the next step she should take bearing in mind this was not received within the statutory time limit. Thank you for your letter of 1 November 2009. Persuant to your request we have sought the necessary information from the original creditor and are now pleased to enclose the same for your perusal. Please forward the specifics of the dispute which have necessitated the request for the documentation under the Consumer Credit Act as we do not yet appear to have received this information. We are aware that the documentation will not have been supplied in the specified time period, however, this in no longer a criminal offence and as I can find no attempts to enforce whilst this request has been outstanding I do not consider there to have been any breach of the act. Please note Section 127 has been repealed. Connaught Collections are indeed part of 1st Credit Ltd and any request that is made to them must be passed through 1st Credit Ltd to the original creditor accordingly. This has now been done and there is no longer any default to Section 77 CCA 1974. All further help with this is much appreciated. Cheers Julia
  22. Hi Ida 1st Credit are the owners of the debt. Therefore please advise how we should address the letter to them. Your help is much appreciated Cheers
  23. HI Crapstone My daughter has now received a letter from 1st Credit stating the outstanding balance along with a statement of the payments she made to Connaught. Please adviise of the next step she should take. Thank you buckju
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