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Posts posted by Feebee_71

  1. Hi,


    Have recently had a letter from BC&W in which they are threatening to send a doorstep collector (or words to that effect) to my home

    about an account that as been passed to them by the original creditor (Provident).


    So far letters received have included offers of substantial discounts and even opportunities to pay said reduced sums over a number of months rather than in one payment.


    I have never engaged with BC&W about this account,

    I was paying Provident's in house solicitors a reduced amount but stopped when there just wasn't enough money to pay as well

    as meet necessary debts such as rent, council tax, utility bills and then things such as business insurance and fuel for my vehicle

    which is important as my job requires me to be mobile but is poorly paid.


    the collection agents mentioned in the letter received are UMS but, apart from them being owned by BC&W

    (and so therefore only another cog in their internal wheel of threats), it appears they are used to chase utility debts - which this isn't!!


    They will be lucky to ever find me at home as I usually work 12 out of every 14 days and leave the house at silly o'clock returning in the evening then,

    on my weekend off, I'm usually catching up with friends, family and life in general.


    Oh, and I live in a property with secure entry system so they can't actually access my front door that easily!!


    What is likely to be their next step?



  2. She ought to put in a claim for tax credits - she has to ring and request a form and then fill it in and return. They can backdate by a month but no more. The form isn't too difficult to fill in either. If her income is only £171 or thereabouts a week she'd possibly get help with rent too if she's renting somewhere.



  3. I'm in this line of work and it's usual for domicillary care workers not to be paid for travelling time. The company I work for also, at times, don't actually allow travelling time between clients homes meaning you either have to arrive early at one place or late at the next one.


    One thing the company I work for does do that is better than what's happening to your sister is that we have rates of pay for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minute calls and anything over an hour is billed at the hourly rate. I often find that I half days where I'm out for the best part of 9-10 hours but only work 7 hours and earn about £45 before tax!!



  4. I doubt there is a hard and fast rule I was just going by experience of someone go past me on the near side (undertaking) and knocking my wing mirror it was pushed forwards towards the bonnet of the car whereas, when I've been moving forwards and knocked the wing mirror it's folded in towards the door of the car. If you had photos taken at the time of the accident that show the wing mirror folded one way or the other you could put that to the insurers and ask how the mirror could end up pushed towards the bonnet if you had been the person with the forward momentum.


    On the matter of the 50/50 claim and only paying half the excess afraid not - if you accept the 50/50 liability you both lose the full excess and won't be able to claim it back; you'll also lose a proportion of your no claims bonus and you'll have it recorded as being a fault accident on your record which would affect future premiums whereas, if its decided that liability lies with the other party you'd be able to claim your excess back, would have it recorded as a no fault accident on your records and should find that your premiums are not affected by the same amount and could have your NCB reduced by less (if you have protected NCB it shouldn't change).


    Regarding getting it repaired yourself - no, you wouldn't pay the excess if you pay for repairs yourself but you might well find your NCB is affected as that is governed by the recording of an accident against your driving record and it would also affect your future premiums as mentioned above. You can check this by ringing round and asking for a quote with a fault accident recorded against you, with an unsettled accident against you and with a settled no fault accident on your record. I had an unsettled claim when I changed insurance a few years ago and informed the new company, when the claim was settled as no fault in my favour I got a letter confirming this and sent I to the new insurers and reduced my premium in line with it.


    Hope that helps. If you are sure you had no part in the causation of the accident then you should insist that the insurers do not treat it as a 50/50 case irrespective of whether they also insure the other party.



  5. Thanks people I was sort of hoping I would be able to find out Online.


    You could always try putting her full name into google and see what comes up. Many years ago someone a group of us thought of knew was alleged to have passed away while seriously ill, someone in the group googled this person's name and got a complete shock to find not only had this person not died they had never been ill as they'd told everyone but had recently been sent to prison for defrauding their employer (job centre) by claiming loans and the like in client's names and diverting the money to their own account, in total about £25,000!!


    If your wife's niece has been convicted it will eventually show up in the press online!!



  6. And, once again I've had contact from Muck Hell!! Obviously think that I'm going to suddenly be scared by the words they use as seen below........


    "Unless payment is made on your loan by xx August 2013 it may be sold to a third party collection agency.


    To help you prevent this transfer your defaulted loan balance has been referred to the QuickQuid Final Resolution Department.


    QuickQuid will accept a re-payment plan over n/a months. Based on your outstanding balance of n/a this would be a monthly payment of n/a. Please contact our Final Resolution Department between 08:00 and 21:00 Mon - Fri at 0800 016 3114 to accept this offer or to learn about other options available. It is important to provide dates of payment when replying to this e-mail as the arrangement is incomplete without dates of payment.


    Once a payment plan is in place, collections activities will stop as long as payments are made on time. The only forms of payment accepted for this offer are Debit Card or Direct Debit Mandate. If your account information has changed please inform our agents so they can update your information.


    QuickQuid Final Resolution


    0800 016 3114



    Anyone notice the subtle errors? I'll give you a hand - the only thing not as written in the email is the date by which they expect resolution!!



  7. If you want details of changed or cancelled appointments you'll have to ask for computerised records as well as medical notes as it rare for comments about changes to appointments to make it into medical notes because it all happens electronically.



  8. I have an account with Provident that, for one reason or another (mainly unemployment) ended up with their own in house 'solicitors' and has been farmed out to BCW.


    Today I've received a letter from BCW offering me a discount that amounts to 50% me the outstanding balance on the account. They have also offered me the chance to pay over 3 installments.


    This offer is only valid if I contact BCW by tomorr (states 7 days from date on letter but arrived 6 days after the date on the letter).


    I've never been in contact with BCW regarding this account and wonder if its really only a ruse to get me to contact them about the debt.


    What is their MO regarding accounts and discount offers?



  9. Hi all,


    I am employed in the care sector with a private company going into people's homes. My contract says full time care workers in the company are entitled to 22 days leave and 8 bank holiday days a year.


    When I queried something last week with my employer about the amount of leave accrued in a period of time over the year - they've changed the leave year from being Jan-Dec to now being June-May - to date they told me I'd only accrued 9 days though, by my calculations it should be 12.5 days or there about. When I queried it I was told that, as we get paid double time if we work on a bank holiday, we're not also entitled to the 8 days off for bank holidays per year.


    As my hours/days of work always include Mondays and Fridays it means that I have no choice as to whether I work or take the day off - no way can I get through the year with only 14 days leave if I were to take the bank holidays off!!


    Are my employers right in that I don't get the 8 bank holidays as they pay us double time for working those days or should I be entitled to them in addition to the 22 days leave??


    Thanks for help in advance,



  10. Whether applying for 29 jobs is sufficient can only be quantified when compared to your job seekers agreement - if it says 'look on 4 jobs websites, 3 local papers and apply for 5 positions per week' then yes it does fulfil your agreement so long as you've complied with the other parts of the agreement.



  11. Hi, thanks for the reply,


    No the reduction doesn't take it into account as the letter says I'm going to be paid xx amount from now until April and the figure will include zz amount which will represent an overpayment that will be due for repayment from any future award of tax credits!!



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