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  1. Is it because I'm in the USA or the type of loan agreement? Just curious. Thanks for your help and advise. Will try the bother discussion board you suggested. Nellie
  2. I'm in the USA. The balance on the boat is approx. $24,000.00. It's a nice boat. It's a Monterey Cuddy Cabin so you can sleep on it. I just need this chance to sell the raffle tickets & if I sell 240 tickets at $100.00 each that will do it. But I don't want to start the process until I know if the courts & the bank are willing to work with me and give me the time to get this done. Nellie
  3. It is a boat loan. What is HP? Terms say that the co-signer is equally responsible for repayment of the loan. The only reason my name is listed 1st. of the loan was because my credit was better & my ex-husband would get a better interest rate if I signed on the loan. The hole thing is you would think if in the divorce the court said he was responsible then it should fall on him and not me. I hope that answers your question. Do I have leg to stand or not? I'm just trying to get the courts to see they need to make him pay for the boat. I have tried to sell the boat but there is too much money owed on it. What I'm wanting to do is sell raffle tickets for $100 each and will need to sell 240 in order to pay the boat off. I'm just trying to keep from having the boat repossessed and totally ruin my credit. I've talk in prior months to the bank that it's not my responsibility but they don't care what the court papers say. Nellie
  4. I believe the bank financed the boat for 15 yrs. At the time we were married & my credit was better so I was primary on the loan & my ex-husband was secondary. In the divorce settlement it states who gets what & who is responsible for what. And he was awarded the boat because I didn't want it or the payment and was stated that he would be responsible for the payments, etc. and need to get the boat out of my name and I would not be held responsible. And I made copies for the bank & they said they didn't care what the court papers said. That my name is on the loan & I am just as responsible for the boat as he is. It's just been a horrible mess. He has already caused damage to my credit and I don't want it to be worse. The courts haven't made him do anything. I on the other hand had to get the house refinanced and pay him off. I could have just drug that out too because of my interest rate & monthly payments being less but I didn't because didn't want the bank to take over my house which is what was told to me would happen if I didn't get the refinance handled and pay him off. Also I'm not sure what you mean by, was this a consent order? It was just listed in the final divorce degree. Let me know if you have any other questions or have any advise. Thanks! Nellie
  5. No there was nothing attached to the summons. I just have 20 days from the date I was served to write a written response to the complaint from the court, which is up next week. Thanks for you assistance. Nellie
  6. I need help & advise ASAP. This is a long story but will try to give you a short version. I have a story for you but it's not about a house it's about a boat that is about to be repossessed. Our divorce was final 3 yrs. ago. My ex-husband was responsible for the boat, meaning payments, insurance, upkeep, etc. and was either suppose to get it out of my name (both of our names are on the loan) by having it refinanced or sell the boat to get it out of my name. Now 3 years later that hasn't happened, & he quit making payments on the boat & dropped the insurance on the boat. In an effort to keep the boat from getting repossessed, I took the boat to try & sell, in the meantime took him to court for contempt of court but the courts didn't make him do anything. So therefore I quit making payments on the boat and now they are taking me to court, even though I'm not who the court ordered responsible for the boat in the court papers. Have been served papers from the Banks attorney with the court and need to file a response to this order to try and get some more time allowed to sell the boat. Need help writing a letter to the courts. Can you help me? Thanks! Nellie
  7. I have a story for you but it's not about a house it's about a boat that is about to be repossessed. Our divorce was final 3 yrs. ago. My ex-husband was responsible for the boat, meaning payments, insurance, upkeep, etc. and was either suppose to get it out of my name (both of our names are on the loan) by having it refinanced or sell the boat to get it out of my name. Now 3 years later that hasn't happened, & he quit making payments on the boat & dropped the insurance on the boat. In an effort to keep the boat from getting repossessed, I took the boat to try & sell, in the meantime took him to court for contempt of court but the courts didn't make him do anything. So therefore I quit making payments on the boat and now they are taking me to court, even though I'm not who the court ordered responsible for the boat in the court papers. Have been served papers from the Banks attorney with the court and need to file a response to this order to try and get some more time allowed to sell the boat. Need help writing a letter to the courts. Can you help me? Thanks! Nellie
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