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  1. Too late with the signature thing then - every letter I have sent them has been signed - but generally I use an ink pen so I reckon the should all be in fountain pen ink so easy to say whether I signed or not! I definitely would use a fountain pen for a credit agreement - only use a biro when I grab one in the absence of all other implements. Have had a quick look at the next threads - OMIGOD! What a bunch of cowboys!!!
  2. I don't know if they have added anything to my credit file. How would I check? I hate being in debt, so rarely use credit/store cards - now I know why!! I didn't pay for the goods instantly - I waited until the statement came. I really could kick myself - I was trying to place the order in a hurry, so it arrived in time for my son's birthday, without him seeing, so obviously ticked a box for a credit account without noticing (surely that isn't right - surely it should be blindingly obvious if you are entering into a credit agreement) - I had my debit card out ready to pay for the goods, but never got to a screen asking for details! At the moment I am too angry to write a coherent letter to them. Probably just as well they cut me off on the 'phone or I'd be in trouble for shouting down the 'phone at them! How could a letter I sign become a signed credit agreement? I don't understand!
  3. FUMOP - How can I ensure that any adverse information is removed from my credit file? Can I demand that Next do this and issue me with proof that it has been done?
  4. Way back in April 2008 I saw some stuff on the Next website that I thought would be ideal for my son's birthday present, so went ahead and ordered it. I was quite surprised that somehow a credit account was set up without me really being aware that this would happen, I had wanted to pay using my debit card, but I didn't think too much of it, just made a mental note to pay the bill off in full when it arrived in May. I paid the bill, in full, via internet banking on May 16 and thought no more about it. In June another bill arrived for the full amount, plus late payment charges. I 'phoned them up and was told to send a copy of my bank statement to the address on my next directory bill - so I did this, and requested that they write to me letting me know that everything had been sorted out. I heard nothing! By 16th July I had written to them three times, (with a copy of the statement enclosed) and had no reply. On 30th July I eventually get a letter from them (addressed to someone else - but at least it is a letter) asking for a 'trace report' from my bank. I query whether they need this from me as a) the letter isn't addressed to me and b) they had told me that a bank statement would suffice. I sent off the trace report in August (sadly can't remember the date as computer died around then and I don't have a hard copy!) and again heard NOTHING! At the end of September I asked my bank for another copy of the trace report and sent this off to Next on 3rd October, again - no reply from Next. I wrote chasing this on 29th October. (NB All communication sent to the address on their letterhead). Today I get a letter from them! Hurrah I think - at last they have sorted this out, but no, it is a letter informing me that my debt is being transferred to a debt collection agency and that this may result in a debt collector calling at my home, extra charges being applied to my account, a default notice being registered with the credit reference agencies, a CCJ and (big threat here) me no longer being able to trade with Next Directory. So, I resorted to the 'phone again (I prefer letters as they leave a trail) as I was so angry! Asked to speak to the woman named on the one letter I do have from them. I 'phone twice, was kept on hold for about 6 - 7 minutes each time, then told I was being transfered only to be cut off! Please could someone tell me what to do now? The initial outstanding amount was only £95 - I have spent so much time and effort, not to mention costs of 'phone calls, photocopying etc. that it would have been cheaper to just pay the bill again - but that is wrong, because there is no way I am giving them the same money twice!
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