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  1. Here is a thread where I received invaluable help from TT. She gave me good advice on the thread, then she asked another member to PM me with her email address. Her reply to my email was to ask for my telephone number, she called me and explained exactly what I needed to do. She gave me a telephone number for the person who could sort my problem out, his reaction, to hearing TT's name, was very impressive. He realised I had received good advice and knew that I was in the right. One week later my problem had been solved, I was even kept up to date on the progress of his investigations. As I've said before, TT you are a star!
  2. Yes, but I do believe mentioning your name in the letters, phone calls and emails helped. When I mentioned you, on the phone, I heard an audible groan, that sounded like, "Oh No!, this bloke is getting good advice and won't be fobbed off!". Thanks again, you are a star!.
  3. Sarah, I don't know who the Contract Manager for South Yorkshire is, but this is the email address for the gentleman I contacted, Paul.Skelton@hmcourts-service.gsi.gov.uk, I think he is just for the North East. I suggest you contact him and ask for the email address you need. Good luck and don't give in.
  4. I'm eagerly awaiting the next edition of Private Eye, I bet some of the quotes from this thread will be used in their 'From The Message Boards' feature. I've already read posts that could be from Family_Man or Emily.
  5. I've just had a telephone call from the Contract Manager to tell me that he has instructed Philips to return the account to the court marked as paid. He also assured me that the only further correspondence I should receive from Philips would be confirmation that this account is closed. Thanks again tomtubby.
  6. tomtubby has just helped me draft a superb letter of complaint that I have sent to the appropriate Contract Manager. Thanks Sheila you are a star. I'll keep you all posted on what happens next.
  7. I've just received this by email from the court: Obviously Philips have not sent the transcript of the call where I did offer to pay the £100 that I accept I owe. When I last called the Community Legal Advice Team they merely suggested I contact the court. I've written a letter of complaint to Philips, I've spoken to the Community Legal Advice Team and I've asked the court itself for help, what do I do now? I have letters from Philips that prove they added fees to the account before the time limit they had set, surely they can't get away with this.
  8. I phoned Newcastle Magistrates court yesterday and explained what had happened. I then emailed them copies of the letters I have, that demonstrate why I dispute the extra fees Philips have added. They phoned me back, in about twenty minutes, and told me they had contacted Philips and put a two week hold on the case, until Philips can explain the extra charges. Guess I've just got to wait and see what happens next.
  9. I've just received a letter from Philips, here in an excerpt: If I disagree that the fees mentioned should ever have been added to my account, and have written to them detailing my objections, what do I do now?
  10. Why are we advised not to sign a S.A.R.?
  11. I've no need to look elsewhere, I have received superb advice and guidance from the contributors on here. However, my problem was not one where I was trying to avoid paying monies that I owed. You have admitted that you borrowed this money and are now trying to wriggle out of your obligation to repay it.
  12. I read this reply as a notification email this morning, but couldn't access this site, guess it was all locked up to keep the bailiffs out. So, I telephoned the Ministry of Justice and asked them for the telephone number of the person I needed to speak to. The person I spoke to didn't know what I was on about, but made sure he found out. He contacted HMCS[sic?] and got me the number. I called this number and explained my problem, the lady I spoke to gave me an address to write a complaint to at Philips, and said this was the best first course of action. So, I wrote the following: Cheers for the last bit BURP I've just got wait and see what happens now.
  13. This thread has totally amazed me! I thought the idea of these forums was to help people who had been overcharged, underpaid, harassed or generally abused by companies or organisations. In my opinion the only advice to give to anyone who makes a statement such as: Would be, "Glad they've caught you, now pay your debts!".
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