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  1. Hi there, Last week a water main burst in the road outside our house and flooded our ground floor. Severn Trent Water attended and told us it was their fault and they would send people round the next day to sort it out. A manager turned up the following day who said as it was their fault we did not have to go through our insurers but should give them a call just to let them know what happened. STW had also brought round their contractors Rainbow who proceded to remove the carpets and make a list of damage and remedial works required. Yesterday STW sent a Loss Adjuster (Cunningham Lindsey) round who informed us that if we went through STW insurance they would only cover for indemnity which means they will not replace new for old but would only cover the cost adjusted for wear and tear. He said we could go through our insurers and the full cost would then be covered. He said it shouldn't affect our future premiums as we were not liable. I have a number of concerns. 1) Rainbow and CL are both appointed by STW and will therefore be working on their behalf. I am concerned that we will not receive fair treatment 2) CL seem to encourage us to go through our insurers but I am suspicious we have been given the wrong advice 3) I don't see how our future premiums will not increase as we will have a claim registered against us. 4) CL have a very poor reputation for rejecting and disputing claims and I am concerned they may try this with us. Does anyone have any advice on how to manage this and not get ripped off? I'm very wary that we are being pushed in a direction that may not be beneficial to us. I have tried contacting both Severn Trent and CL to have this clarified in writing but I have not yet heard from them. We have contacted our insurers (NU) but as yet haven't heard from them.
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