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Posts posted by scottkh79

  1. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help, I had a letter fronm BCW this morning chasing me for £4905.08 from a very old debt. I have checked my credit report which has no mention of this debt on it any longer. If I send the statute barred letter to BCW am I acknowledging the debt and basically shooting myself in the foot.


    The letter read:


    Despite repeated requets for payment for your overdue debt, int he sunm of £4905.08 with our clients Robinson Way & Company Limited remains outstanding. Accordingly documents can now be prepared for the issue of a claim against you in your local county court.




    • Your debt being increased to include legal costs and interest

    • Your name being entered in the public records of your local court

    • Your credit worthiness being adversly affected gor future credit or mortgage applications


    • An application is made to your employer for an attachment of earnings

    • An officer of the court can/may be instructed to seize your assets

    To avoid actions being taken, payment must be made immediately. You can contact our 24 hour payment line on 0871 700 1515 to make payment by credit or debit card. Payment is also accepted online at
    . Alternately, and withour predjudice to our clients position, we would be prepared to dispose of this matter by way of monthly instalments in the sum of £100, provided we receive the attached direct debit mandate by 28/05/09


    I am unsure what to do. for a start the letter was forwarded to me by my old landlord and BCW does not have an up to date address on file for me. The debt does not appear on my Experian credit report obtained only a 7 weeks ago.


    Any helpt would be very much appreciated.

  2. Hi


    I am not sure if anyone can help or has any advice but i have received a letter from Buchanon clarke and wells chasing a debot fo £4900 from an old barclaycard I had. I am almost certain it was over 6 years ago and I have heard of something called a statute of limitations. if I ignore the letters, i am unsure what they will do next.


    I am not in a financial situation to pay the debt, I am currently in a payment plan with payplan and pay them every last penny i have after living to clear current debts ( i know, stupid but i was in hospital after being diagnosed with a life time illness and run up the debts trying to survive).


    i am anxious that they will keep chasing, the letter says the file has been passed to them by some other agency so it looks like it is just being passed from pillar to post over the last few years. im going insane with all this!


    any help much appreciated!

  3. I have an outstanding balance of £156 with Orange that has been passed to NCO and I have been paying £40 per month, I pay this on the 1st of each month without fail and each month I get a call from NCO saying the account is in arrears and needs paying in full. I phone them back, explain the payment agreement and then they say "it's fine, it's on the system don't worry about it" so I dont and just keep paying. I only owe £86 which is 2 more payments. Today I receive a call from westminster solicitors saying I have failed to keep up the agreement, apparently I agreed to make payments by 27th of each month, despite the fact I don't get paid til the 1st!


    I am a little disgruntled the matter has been apssed to solicitors when I had been keeping the agreement. I am now told that no agreement was on file at NCO, despite my monthly payments to the contrary.


    I have spoken to Westminster and they have said, fine call us wednesday to pay £40 and then again ASAP to pay remaining £46. Should NCO have passed on my details? this all seems crazy to me. NCO are absolutely useless!

  4. I received a letter from BC+W last month advising that I had an outstanding balance from EDF Energy of £241.00, when I called and told them I was unable to pay the full balance and that I could make a payment of £120 in one week and a further three payments each month to clear the debt, this was fine with the agent who was quite dismissive and didn't seem to care too much. So I paid the £120 and didnt think about it til this month, when I received a letter saying a debt investigation officer was going to call at my address, as my address is a correspondance address only, the tenant was quite unhappy that her details had been passed on to a debt investigation company. So I called BC+W literally 5 minutes ago to halt the house call and was told I had breached my agreement, the agent was completely unhelpful, refused to check call recordings to see my agreement and said the debt officer would be calling regardless. you can imagine my annoyance, especially considering I had stuck to my agreement and paid when I said I would. So I made a payment of £30 and now she was demanding the full remaining balance. As I am currently on a debt management plan I told the agent that I may be forced to pass this debt on to them and make token payments of £1 for the forseeable future, as I am to believe they cannot refuse this amount, again she said the debt officer would call at my friends house. surely the data protection act prohibits BC+W passing on details to third parties, as in this case it is a correspondance address only.


    This company seem to make up their own rules as they go along, are they not regulated? I am so angry with the service, the rudeness and sheer ordacity od these people, especially when I stuck to my agreed payments.

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