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  1. they have a record of me saying I knew I didnt have the railcard, but I thought I had the receipt of the railcard...that's the crux. If that's still ok, then I think i'll be ok.
  2. It's a replacement and I have proof & all the dates of it. However, does that mean I will win? I mean I didn't have a railcard on me at the time. Alledged offence: ...did travel, or attempt to travel on the Railway without having previously paid the correct rail fare, and with intent to avoid payment thereof.
  3. Importantly though, is the receipt sufficient. I mean I thought it was, at it had been accepted before, but I knew I didn't have the actual physical railcard on me. Thanks for your help, do you know anything more about the 'intent' nature of this law? I would have paid the fare if offered without them insisting I sign a criminally prosecuting paper.
  4. Problem is, they have it under caution that I knew I didnt have the actual railcard on me, but that I thought I had the receipt. Is that going to ruin my case? I'm still unsure of what stage everything is at. It's the first correspondence from them, but there is a court date set for 2 weeks. If I write to FGW will they still drop it? They are already asking for prosecution fees?...
  5. Thanks for that. It is First Great Western. I will get someone to represent me to say I am away. However, I need to know if I have a case to contest the claim? Do you or anyone know where I stand?
  6. Hi there, Sorry, im sure this must have been answered before, but I couldnt find it anywhere... I bought my train tickets online. I bought them with a young persons railcard discount. I have/had a railcard for the journey, but couldn't find it. I got on the train thinking, at least I have the exact recipet of the railcard, that should be enough... On the train, I searched hard for the receipt, but couldnt find it. Ticket guy said pay 160 off quid - he was rude bla bla, but that's all been said before... I said I havent got that money on me - he asked me to sign something that said I intended to board this train without a valid ticket (which wasnt true). When I refused, he got the railway civil police person to interview/caution me etc. He interviewed me and his notes along with a summons have been issued to me asking for 60quid plus costs (120quid). I got my brother to pick up the receipt from my house that day and produced it to the train company at my final destination & got the card replaced. He said the company should send a fine, pay it and you should be fine etc... Well it had been 4 months. Now I have this summons... In fact I am currently abroad and will be for the next 6-8 months probably. Can anyone help please???
  7. Hi there, Sorry, im sure this must have been answered before, but I couldnt find it anywhere... I bought my train tickets online. I bought them with a young persons railcard discount. I have/had a railcard for the journey, but couldn't find it. I got on the train thinking, at least I have the exact recipet of the railcard, that should be enough... On the train, I searched hard for the receipt, but couldnt find it. Ticket guy said pay 160 off quid - he was rude bla bla, but that's all been said before... I said I havent got that money on me - he asked me to sign something that said I intended to board this train without a valid ticket (which wasnt true). When I refused, he got the railway civil police person to interview/caution me etc. He interviewed me and his notes along with a summons have been issued to me asking for 60quid plus costs (120quid). I got my brother to pick up the receipt from my house that day and produced it to the train company at my final destination & got the card replaced. He said the company should send a fine, pay it and you should be fine etc... Well it had been 4 months. Now I have this summons... In fact I am currently abroad and will be for the next 6-8 months probably. Can anyone help please???
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