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  1. Min wage for over 22 is £5.73 i believe? How do i calculate what the annual salary is working 16 hours a week? Not sure the rate of tax/N.I payable on that? Any help would be greatful! Thanks!
  2. No - if your friend is working then she will get the full maintenence. Her wtc or ctc will not get deducted as a result. I assume she works as she gets wtc? I think that if she was on income support she would be allowed to keep £20 of the maintenence without it affecting her benefits.
  3. I rang and tried to cancel my membership with them last year when i developed a medical condition in my pregnancy that prevented me from using their facilities. They said no i coudlnt do this. I had to canx my ddi with them along with other debts as im currently trying to sort out a debt mngmnt programme with cccs. Out of the blue today ive received a letter saying if i dont pay the £210 i owe them within 7 days then they are taking me to court. Ive rang them as i dont think i should be forced to pay this due to my circumstances. Im going to get a letter from my doc confirming that ive got spd,a pregnancy related painful condition.Hopefully my doctor will provide that and it will be accepted by Bannantynes. The man i spoke to said seeing as my baby is due this week that he would allow my 14 days to sort this out. Im really worried about going to court,Ive done a budget plan with cccs and ive just got £70 a month spare to pay my 7 creditors. What will happen if it goes to court?
  4. yay i finally have a tv! Its a bit better than the old one. Now,the old tv still hasnt been picked up! Ive rang and rang to try and organise a collection of the old tv. The "advisor" said to me"why you worried about,you got your vouchers.The tv will be collected at some point". Im not going to ring them anymore,waste my phonebill etc..... I thought they would of been keen to collect the tv? Its a large tv taking up a bit of space. Can i dispose of it myself after a certain amount of time without getting into trouble?
  5. Do cccs take into account your boyfriend/husbands income towards paying off debts when the debts are in your name only? Also,the chap i spoke to said that lloyds tsb and virgin may not agree to the debt management plan. Does anyone have a plan with these creditors?
  6. I bought a phillips 42 inch lcd telly march this year from currys. 2 weeks ago the picture went. After dozens of phonecalls,nobody returning my calls,poor customer service etc,2 engineers coming out to look at the tv they have said they cannot repair it due to not being able to get the part needed so they will send vouchers out to what the current price its selling for. My question is Do i have to accept the vouchers? What i really want is a refund and have nothing to do with currys ever again!
  7. I bought a phillips 42 inch lcd telly march this year from currys. 2 weeks ago the picture went. After dozens of phonecalls,nobody returning my calls,poor customer service etc,2 engineers coming out to look at the tv they have said they cannot repair it due to not being able to get the part needed so they will send vouchers out to what the current price its selling for. My question is Do i have to accept the vouchers? What i really want is a refund and have nothing to do with currys ever again!
  8. I have changed my bank account to Alliance n leicester ( not realising they were part of mbna! ) I am in the process of setting up a debt managment plan via cccs. I have a virgin credit card which will be going onto this plan. However,cccs have said that virgin/mbna could just go into my new alliance n leicester bank account and take money out? How would virgin/mbna know about my new account?Its only just been opened up,im not going to pay anything to them from this new bank account. Anyone advise please?
  9. Update. I have answered the compliance questions. At the end of the call he said he was happy with my explanations and hopefully will close the case in 2 weeks time. Just hoping he wasnt just saying that and that il get a letter saying the complete opposite! He wouldnt of said he was happy and closing the case if he didnt mean it would he?
  10. Thanks for your reply. I didnt get a call from the compliance officer this week. Not sure if thats a good or bad sign! I rang to see if he wanted copies of my husbands bank,work payslips,credit card bill over the last 18 months to show his home address ( not mine ) but he wasnt there! My baby is due in 9 weeks ,am at that painful uncomfy big stage,and im keen to get this situation resolved. Ive never found anything so stressful!
  11. Erika - twice in 4 months. Im not surprised you were fuming. Well,the cut off date was yesterday for mine and childcare providers documents to be sent in. He has rec mine,not sure about the others. The compliance officer said he will be ringing this week with some questions. I am nervous about it but at the same time i want to get it over and done with. Im assuming he will have lots of questions for me. So,im just waiting by the phone this week.....
  12. Hi, Im in a similar position. My on/off partner has used the joint account to put his wages in,he would leave a certain amount in the account and take out the rest for himself. Its only in the last 5 months that i go his name took off and he pays a standing order into my acount for the kids. Im also pregnant by him too and have 3 other children with him. I think it doesnt look good for me but i dont think its illegal? I too am scared about going to court,bringing shame on my kids,in particular my eldest who starts his gcses next year. Not sure if there is a confidentiality clause if there are children in the family? My claim is currently being investigated - at this stage ive not been invited to an interview under caution. I think you should see someone at cab - be honest with them. ITs not their place to judge you - they are there to help. You have had mental health issues in the past and still do - im sure that has to be taken into consideration? Hopefully someone will answer your post with alot more knowledge than myself. Good luck.
  13. I rang tco. I said that partner is staying over 2x a week and that he does have own place. The man at the tco was very nice and said thats fine but if he moves in completely then i have 4 weeks to notfity them. Also told me not to worry but its hard! Its a really stressful time. He is ringing me next week when he has had then chance to look at documents and he will have questions for me he said. As for my spd,its down to consultant. Its doubtful he will agree to a c-section unless baby stay breech.
  14. Thanks for your replys. The letter looks like a standard letter. Im going to ring them tommorrow as im so stressed out.The man ive spoken to dealing with my case seemed okay? I can prove he has been living at his friends flat as he has his mail,bills,belongings there. If they question last year then he was living with his female "friend". I know they are on speaking terms so would a letter from her stating they were living together be sufficient? I can also produce my last 4 bank statements that shows he has been taken off the account and his wages dont go into there anymore,just a standing order for maintenence. I rang the benefits helpline and the lady i spoke to said he could stay 2 nights a week. Ive got her name,email address and the calls are recorded. Ive been diagnosed with spd and hoping for a c-section at the earliest date possible. My hubby will need to be here for the kids while im in hossy which i will be honest about as he will need to be here for more than 2 nights a week. I dont have anyone else i could ask for help.
  15. I received a letter from inland revenue asking for the last 6 months documents for childcare providers,bank statements,council tax,when i went on maternity leave,when i went back to work,names and addresses of the father of my children. I sent these in,they have receieved and the man i spoke to at the compliance office said he will ring me next week as he will have questions for me and send my docs back.There has been no mention of an interview under caution as yet but im expecting one. Im mum of 3,due a baby in a few weeks time.I work but claim wtc and ctc. My husband and i have lived together on/off for the last 7 years. He shares a flat with a friend,most of his mail goes there eg, bank statemnt,credit card and work correspondance. He has no belongings here but stays here a few nights a week.Ive notified the tax credit office when we have been together and when we split up which was twice throughout our marriage. Complicated relationship we have but working through it. My depression over the years has made things difficult. Im scared i will be convicted of benefit fraud because: 2 of my children are his and the one im expecting is too. We have joint names on the mortgage.( i cant get a mortgage on my own,house didnt sell) We have only recently got seperate bank accounts.(since july) The ones they requested it was still in joint names which i have explained that he isnt on the account now. Ive only recently took his name of the council tax forms. He pays me via standng order £1200. 98% of bills in my name. We actually want to get back together now and give our marriage another go but how is that going to look!? Since earlier this year,Ive been struggling with pnd and with back pain during my pregnancy so he is here as much as possible now to help me out.Some weeks have been more than 3 nights.... Im really upset,cant stop crying. I work in a school,so if i end up in court ( boss is also a magistrate! ) il lose my job. Will i have to pay back any monies from when the last year what they are investigating nowor will the decide to go back to the last 7 years? Im worried that if i end up being in the papers then my eldest will get bullied. Ive not been out the house for days.Feel like im being watched.Emotional wreck really! Can anyone advise me / been through something similar. Thanks for reading.
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