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X-Channel Skipper

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  1. Several months ago as Neighbourhood Watch coordinator, I saw two men sitting in a white van parked outside next door. I knew she wasn't in so I went out with a camera and took numerous photographs of the vehicle, numberplates tax disc and its occupants. The driver wound down the window questioning what I was doing and I explained they have been seen acting suspiciously and I was collecting evidence. I explained that while loitering is not an offence, any crime reported and I will hand their mugshots to Police. They quickly drove off. My neighbour explained they were bailiffs collecting council tax and they were intimidating her. I came to this forum for suggestions and I told her to pay online. I printed off a letter from here giving a schedule of payments she can afford and another letter to the bailiffs saying that entry is denied. Her solicitor took over and asked for my photos. She issued notice to the bailiff they must quit harassing or they will face legal action under Section 3 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. We never heard anything more, the council accepted online payments and the bailiffs moved on.
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