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  1. How can she be intentionally homeless if he has said he doesn't want her there and in effect has kicked her out. There are no funds due to her due to how much is owing on the house and the loss in equity due to lower house prices and the secured debts. Ok I will speak to my local council re the priority order Thank you for your help
  2. Hi all, Please may I stress before i write and ask what i need to ask that there is NOTHING 'dodgy' about this thread im after soem genuine advice. Ok, so my partner is still living with her husband/ex husband and the divorce will be complete in january. She has 3 children by him and I have one from another relationship. I have a 2 bedroom house that of which the second room is my daughters, and I have my daughter quite regularly. Her ex husband has said that once the divorce is complete he wants her and the three children out. She doesnt want the house as she cant afford it and he has agreed to buy her half (even though she technically doesnt own it as she has just found out her name isnt on the deeds or mortgage, she is only entitled to it through the 'marital home' rights), but due to secured debts etc she will walk away with nothing as her small equity she has will go on them. So she considered applying to the council and stay in a hostel until they offer her a home on the basis that she should be a priority in band 'a' and get somewhere rather quick. However, from my previous experience she is more thank likely going to be given a flat. So, if i was to put her up and the children bearing in mind I dont really have the space nor are we ready to move in together, but also dont want to see her in a hostel, would they still see her as a priority but slightly lower ie band 'b' but thus meaning she could bid a bit more freely for a home and pick and chose what she applies for like houses as opposed to being just given whatever comes available? I just dont want to see her with three children 10 floors up in a flat. Not that theres anything wrong with that but just with young children it wont be easy. Also if she was given a hostel, do they ask tenannts to check in and out of a night time to ensure they are using the accomodation?
  3. I still have the buyers details which I have forwarded on but just panicking now.
  4. Very good point on the failure to notify. I will call the DVLA today and chase my confirmation letter.It was the 21st August that I sold the car. And yes I did mean signed my 'myself and the buyer' sorry. So can i do nothing more than just sit and wait now. I'm panicking as this happened to me years ago with parking 3 parking fines that I got given on a car that sold and I had to battle for years to get rid of them.
  5. Hi all, I have received a letter today from the Metropolitan police saying 'Notice of Intended Prosecution' on a car that I sold prior to the offence date. I have sent the log book off but have not received confirmation from the DVLA. However, I also have a basic receipt of sale showing that I sold the vehicle signed by both parties (myself and the seller). I have enclosed a copy of this for the police along with a covering letter and their form that they requested I completed. Are there any other tips, points or things i need to know to cover my butt with? James
  6. Yeah i think it is quite scary and i'm all for them trying to crack down on fraud and people lying to the tax credits people about savings etc to get more money but i think them being able to have access to your financial information is damn right intrusive and disgusting. Its personal and should be kept that way. All it takes is for someone to hack the IR and all our details could be duplicated...or going by whats happened in the past is someone at the IR etc to leave a laptop laying aound with our details on and then they're at someone else's finger tips. I didnt think Experian had access to your previous employers...once again what the hell does it have to do with them. Thats one problem with the UK is nothing is personal anymore. Oh well no point moaning it is what it is.
  7. Hi all, Just want to know if many people have been asked this by the Inland revenue etc as I thought it was a bit out of the blue. Rang to today to ask questions about my child/working tax credits and they started asking me questions relating to experian credit agency to confirm my identity. Passed all the question and was told it was a one off check and had to be done so they could allow me to set passwords on my account for future access to it. Now this i can sot of except although i think its wrong that experian are involved as its not credit related. However, it is what it is. They asked me about who my previous employer was which I answered but it has come to thought that how would experian know about these details?? Either way its done now but from other posts i've read seems like its causing more hassle than needed!
  8. hi there, I too found these questions a little odd today after phoning the inland reveneue about tax credits. After being asked some security questins this morning and passing security they asked me to set 2 passwords of which i did. This is for future reference so that i wouldnt have to be asked all them questions again. I rang back and spoke to someone else to make sure that this is the norm and they said that it is something they have been rolling out out for several months now and are just starting to pick the last few people that need to be verified. They are now linked to experian to enable you to pass the "new security". However, i do appreciate how Pee'd off you are and i'm sure i would have been too had it been me.
  9. Posting for a good friend someone please help Ok so heres one for you. My wife and I moved to the Greek Islands 3+ years ago and gave up all bank accounts in the UK. I had no intention of working again and we invested all our money into a property here. We have a Greek bank account. I have been employed by Tui as a rep for the company due to the good job I did on a casual basis I did last year. However this job now requires I have a UK bank account to be employed with them. I have telephoned many banks in the UK who will not deal with me as I do not have a proof of address in the UK even though we have my Mothers address for any future correspondance. I have explained I am unable to visit the UK in the near future as my job starts in 1 week and I was only offered the job 1 week ago. I can send them a copy of my passport but that is it. We are no longer on the electoral roll, have no utilities in the UK. I have no driving license either. It seems to smell of the old homeless situation with the old DSS as in so much that you could claim benefits for being homeless,,,,,,,,,,where shall we send your homeless cheque to? I have tried even asking the on line "instant bank accounts" who charge about £12.00 per month to "operate" the account but still require a second ID . Help, please or I loose the job.
  10. Ok so heres one for you. My wife and I moved to the Greek Islands 3+ years ago and gave up all bank accounts in the UK. I had no intention of working again and we invested all our money into a property here. We have a Greek bank account. I have been employed by Tui as a rep for the company due to the good job I did on a casual basis I did last year. However this job now requires I have a UK bank account to be employed with them. I have telephoned many banks in the UK who will not deal with me as I do not have a proof of address in the UK even though we have my Mothers address for any future correspondance. I have explained I am unable to visit the UK in the near future as my job starts in 1 week and I was only offered the job 1 week ago. I can send them a copy of my passport but that is it. We are no longer on the electoral roll, have no utilities in the UK. I have no driving license either. It seems to smell of the old homeless situation with the old DSS as in so much that you could claim benefits for being homeless,,,,,,,,,,where shall we send your homeless cheque to? I have tried even asking the on line "instant bank accounts" who charge about £12.00 per month to "operate" the account but still require a second ID . Help, please or I loose the job.
  11. Posting for a very good friend please help Ok so heres one for you. My wife and I moved to the Greek Islands 3+ years ago and gave up all bank accounts in the UK. I had no intention of working again and we invested all our money into a property here. We have a Greek bank account. I have been employed by Tui as a rep for the company due to the good job I did on a casual basis I did last year. However this job now requires I have a UK bank account to be employed with them. I have telephoned many banks in the UK who will not deal with me as I do not have a proof of address in the UK even though we have my Mothers address for any future correspondance. I have explained I am unable to visit the UK in the near future as my job starts in 1 week and I was only offered the job 1 week ago. I can send them a copy of my passport but that is it. We are no longer on the electoral roll, have no utilities in the UK. I have no driving license either. It seems to smell of the old homeless situation with the old DSS as in so much that you could claim benefits for being homeless,,,,,,,,,,where shall we send your homeless cheque to? I have tried even asking the on line "instant bank accounts" who charge about £12.00 per month to "operate" the account but still require a second ID . Help, please or I loose the job.
  12. Posting up for a good friend someone please help!! Ok so heres one for you. My wife and I moved to the Greek Islands 3+ years ago and gave up all bank accounts in the UK. I had no intention of working again and we invested all our money into a property here. We have a Greek bank account. I have been employed by Tui as a rep for the company due to the good job I did on a casual basis I did last year. However this job now requires I have a UK bank account to be employed with them. I have telephoned many banks in the UK who will not deal with me as I do not have a proof of address in the UK even though we have my Mothers address for any future correspondance. I have explained I am unable to visit the UK in the near future as my job starts in 1 week and I was only offered the job 1 week ago. I can send them a copy of my passport but that is it. We are no longer on the electoral roll, have no utilities in the UK. I have no driving license either. It seems to smell of the old homeless situation with the old DSS as in so much that you could claim benefits for being homeless,,,,,,,,,,where shall we send your homeless cheque to? I have tried even asking the on line "instant bank accounts" who charge about £12.00 per month to "operate" the account but still require a second ID . Help, please or I loose the job.
  13. Thanks for that. The only reason i wasnt sure whether to do another stat dec is because the solicitors had no record of it ever being drawn up etc so wasnt sure where i stood. I think i'll get another stat dec done to revert back to my old surname, although to me it doesnt seem like its worth the paper its written as effectively you could change it every day!! Cheers for everyones help.
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