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  1. Mas 5 are not offering any deals to new or existing customers. just confirmed although if i write a letter i can move mortgage for free with 1 months notice. generious
  2. thanks all. i have now put my question up.
  3. I am after some advice as i have a few worries the way the industry is at the moneth. Firstly when we first took our mortgage out it was with GMAC RFC who then we got a letter saying they had sold our account to MAS5 (Mortgage Agency Services Number 5). Why i do not know as i had never missed any payments or any thing. Time is due to arrive to come away from fixed rate of 6.24% to varible 7.30%. this increasing my payment by £97 a month. My house was worth at the time £125.950 and we have the mortgage of £112.000 I just need a little advice as my wife is now only part time due to little one arriving, so we earn less than we did, what are MAS5 like for dealing with and remortgaging. Any information will help as i don't want to go in head first and get stung. Cheers
  4. Just saying Hi to all. I do have a few questions relating to Mortgages etc, but i am going to have a scout about first just in case my question has already been answered. ANy way i hope peeps and can help me and ya never know i may know some thing also.. speak soon
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